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As time passed, the mosquitoes went without any news, and the haze in everyone's mind could not help deepening.

Fortunately, there was Fang Qingshan, who stood there like Dinghai Shenzhen, giving everyone a little comfort.

What they don't know is that the mosquitoes and Fang Qingshan are one person at all, just to give the illusion to others, they are separated into two.

Mosquitoes are Fang Qingshan's second god, but he also has an independent personality on weekdays. Fang Qingshan will not let him share memories unless he has to.

Therefore, at this time, Fang Qingshan did not know how the mosquitoes did the investigation.

One thing is certain, however, that mosquitoes are not at risk.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan can not move like a mountain.

Of course, on the other hand, he is the head of everyone. If he panics, what else will happen? Therefore, he needs to set an example. Taishan collapses and the color remains unchanged. The elk rises to the left without blinking and stabilizes the army.

"Damn, what the **** is a mosquito guy doing? Is it clear? Anyway, you should send a message back!"

Fang Qingshan began to frown just as everyone was restless.

It wasn't because of the danger of mosquitoes, but because the tide began to rise above the sea of ​​blood.

It was said earlier that once the tide rises, this sole foothold under the foot may not be maintained.

And once this happens, the general, except for a few people, I am afraid that the war has not really started, and these people will be wiped out.

Of course, some people will ask why they don't use the magic weapon of space and put them away.

Indeed, this is one way.

However, this is only to stop the boiling of Yang Tang, drink thirst and quench thirst.

Because, what is the battlefield of Gods and Demons doing? It's not that you hide from cats.

Of course, if you can hide everyone's eyes in the battlefield of gods and demons, it is fine, but the space magic weapon and the like are not enough.

You can breathe for a short time, and for a long time, even if you do not come out yourself, the power of heaven will force you to show up.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan didn't think about taking all of His Majesty's officers and men into Xumi space.

Just when Fang Qingshan could not wait, he was ready to contact the mosquitoes.

In the sea of ​​blood, there was a sudden sound. At first, the mosquitoes were weak. Gradually, the sound was raised, as if the sword came out of the sheath. Finally, the sound was thunderous and deafening.

I looked up, but saw thousands of blood mosquitoes flying, covering the sky and closing the moon.

At the beginning, everyone was still vigilant. After seeing the blood mosquito, they relaxed, followed the eyes staring at the mosquito Taoist, expecting to hear the good news from his mouth.

"how is it?"

Even if Fang Qingshan did not wait for the mosquitoes to stand still, he could not wait to ask a question.

"It's a pity, it's a pity!"

The mosquito shook his head and sighed, his face full of regret.

As soon as this remark was made, it was that Zhang Ren and others felt that the sky was dark and life was completely hopeless.

In particular, the next moment, another tide came to beat the reef, and blood and water splashed.

Some spilled on the soldiers. Suddenly, these people seemed to be badly hit, and the screams were not repeated. The key is that ordinary methods can't cure them. If they are not rushed to cure them, I am afraid that these people will become a pool of pus and blood in less than a moment.

You need to know that these soldiers have the final stage of Shenhai when they are repaired to the minimum. A few drops of blood will make them unable to survive or die. If the tide comes, is it okay?

For a moment, panic and despair spread.

Although they are soldiers, monks, and determined, they are also human.

But as long as people are afraid, it is not how difficult or bumpy they are, because no matter how difficult they are, they can be indomitable until death, and the most feared is the unknown and there is no hope.

Today, there is no hope for them.

It seemed to be awakened by the despair, sorrow, and commotion of the army. The Mosquito man blinked his eyes and asked afterwards.

"What's wrong?"

"what happened?"

Fang Qingshan frowned and said lowly.

"Aren't you talking about it? It's a pity? You haven't found a way out, plus the wave is about to come. What do you say?"

"Who said no way out?"

Hearing Fang Qingshan's words, the mosquitoes suddenly opened their eyes.

"found it?"

Zhang Ren shouted in surprise.

"Of course!"

Mosquito nodded for granted,

"Is there any problem that cannot be solved by this horse?"

"So what did you pity before?"

Fang Qingshan stared at the mosquito man with a hazy face.

"Of course it's a pity!"

The mosquito licked his lips and sighed loudly,

"Can you understand the feeling of a hungry man facing a table of delicious food but not mouthful?"


Fang Qingshan's anger didn't come straight to his forehead, his hands clenched, his teeth clenched, his eyes were fierce, and he could not wait to beat the mosquitoes.

Seeing Fang Qingshan's appearance, the mosquitoes were so scared that they jumped and jumped away, and instantly went dozens of miles away.

"Dare you run?"

Fang Qingshan hated his teeth itchingly. He was thinking here for a long time, and he was scared and scared. Even the army's heart began to fall apart. It turned out to be useless work, all mosquitoes made ghosts

"Don't say what's going on?"

"Oh, okay!"

Then the mosquitoes knew that they seemed to be in trouble, and smiled charmingly at Fang Qingshan, and explained diligently,

"I have found the way to leave here, good guy, if I were not a million, I would have lost my way on this blood."

In other words, thanks to the fact that the mosquitoes came from a sea of ​​blood, although it is not the same blood, but they all have the same goal in the end, at least they are not affected by others, not to mention the impact, but they are somewhat like a fish.

This is why mosquitoes can quickly find their way out.

For other people, even Da Luo Jinxian may not have his handy.

As for why he is a pity, it is because there is a big mouth in the air, but he is afraid to swallow the blood sea ~ ~ Because once the power of the blood sea is refined, a small amount does not matter. If there are more, they will be assimilated by the sea of ​​blood.

Of course, this is not bad.

If it can be assimilated with the sea of ​​blood like the Minghe River, the sea of ​​blood will not dry up.

However, it takes too much time to refining such a **** sea, and the battlefield of gods and monsters will be closed for a maximum of one and a half years.

Once you are trapped on the battlefield because of greed for blood, it is difficult to say what happened afterwards.

After all, this place, but in the last era, where the eternal and the eternal nights fought, no one knows what the danger is and how dangerous it is.

Don't look at the original trajectory, it seems that there is no horde, but who knows what happened after the battlefield closed?

Therefore, although it is known to be a great opportunity, mosquitoes have to bear it. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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