Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 636: Login

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The majesty of the heaven is not acceptable to ordinary people.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist are not just as if they are on their backs, the whole person is shaky.

Zhang Ren and others would not be able to come forward to help, because they can't move now.

Fang Qingshan and Mosquito could not help but stare at each other and smiled bitterly.

Really man-made fortune and death for food.

The two of them had been used to cautiously, but did not expect that in the end they were still blinded by the desire in front of them.

But this is no wonder Fang Qingshan.

They knew there was such a master hidden in the sea of ​​blood.

I don't know if it was the birth of the Sea of ​​Blood, or the master left in the last era, the battlefield of the gods and demons.

Fortunately, he is still asleep, otherwise, I am afraid that they will not be able to wait until the heavens come, even if Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoists can rely on the sky boat, they can retreat, Zhang Ren and others must die No life.

Fortunately, Tiandao is ruthless, and Tiandao is equally public.

Although the two of them nearly made a big disaster, they did not behave at all against the sky, and all their behaviors were within the scope of the rules.

Therefore, Tiandao did not try to punish them.

I just stared at them, gave them a warning, and then disappeared.

Although it was only a moment of effort, the two of them, Qingshan, lived as if they were years, giving the mosquitoes a sense of horror that was even more horrifying than the face of the year.

"Master, are you okay!"

Zhang Ren took a step forward, holding the shaky Fang Qingshan full of worries.

"It's all right!"

Fang Qingshan waved his hand.

As soon as my heart moved, Tianzhou disappeared out of thin air, and the power of this blood sea could no longer be swallowed up. Naturally, Tianzhou also successfully received merit.

"Let's go and leave here first."

Fang Qingshan kicked the mosquito.

Knowing that there is a power like the Styx River, mosquitoes do not want to stay any longer.

Buzz! !! !!

But when the mosquitoes shivered, countless blood mosquitoes flew out.

The sound of a mosquito is not loud, but thousands of them together are thunder.

What's more, this blood mosquito is different from ordinary mosquitoes, but similar to a golden cicada, a rare and strange beast. It's a bit wrong to describe it only, it should be called head. But it can be used as a mount.

If you use these blood mosquitoes as a mount to build an air force, I'm afraid you can win the world immediately.

It's a pity that these blood mosquitoes are the clones of mosquitoes, not to mention ordinary people, even sage mosquitoes do not want to hold a person on their own.

This time is just an exception.

"let's go!"

The mosquito said hello.

Although I know that this is the magical power of mosquitoes, although I know that mosquitoes are a group with themselves and will not harm themselves.

However, most of the sergeants were still trembling at the moment. They had seen the scene of the blood-washing of the mosquitoes in the past. It makes people shudder when you think about it. But now they have to ride on him, how can this not make them frightened.

But no matter how scared, you have to rely on mosquitoes to leave the sea of ​​blood. So they can only overcome the uneasiness in their hearts.

After a short while, a blood mosquito lifted a soldier up into the air. Like a cloud of blood, the people watching were startling.

However, don't look at this blood mosquito fierce, but the speed is not slow at all, shaking the wings, the speed is very fast, like a streamer.

All I could see was a flash of blood, which had already skyrocketed.

In a blink of an eye, I had already flown at an unknown height.

Because mosquitoes are originally compatible with the sea of ​​blood.

Therefore, the airspace of the previous blood sea, can not afford to float, corrosion, undead, etc., various taboos, completely harm the blood mosquito.

It's like soaring in the ordinary sea.

After flying out of a hundred feet, everyone looked back to see that the island on which they had been based had completely disappeared.

Looking away, the blood was so vast that I could see nothing, as if walking into a maze.

The sky is not visible, and the bottom is full of blood.

Not to mention other dangers, this method alone cannot be used to calculate the correct path, and there is only one dead end.

In fact, Fang Qingshan was not in the depth of the sea of ​​blood. After the mosquitoes flew for half a day, they saw an increasingly wide horizon.

Then the first thing that came into my eyes and ears was the big one, and the sea of ​​blood was almost invisible. Various aliens and monsters abound.

Unlike the death of Bloodsea, there are battlefields everywhere, killings everywhere, and wars everywhere. The sound of killing and screaming is endless and endless.

"We have finally arrived at the battlefield of gods and demons."

"So big, so much, so terrible."

"We broke out even in such a dangerous place as Blood Sea. Are we still afraid of fighting with other aliens?"


Seeing the battlefield of Gods and Demons, one by one, His Majesty's Army was shaking their spirits.

"Master, what shall we do next?"

Zhang Ren looked at the fierce battlefield of gods and demons and couldn't help asking.

"Let's find a city to occupy first, and think of a stronghold. This way we can attack and retreat."

Fang Qingshan replied without hesitation.

Fang Qingshan knew, however, that on the battlefield of gods and demons, don't look horrible now, but the worst is at night.

When the star gate is wide open, the attack of the Yongye tribe is the most dangerous time.

Without a city as a base, even if it can survive, it will be terrible in the end.

Fang Qingshan brought His Majesty to the battlefield of gods and demons, although for resources, for fame, for luck.

But it is also the responsibility to take them back well, at least not too much.


Zhang Ren has already seen the ancient city towering up on the battlefield of gods and demons.

There are big and small, small can hold hundreds of thousands of living beings, and large can hold millions of living beings. Each one exudes a vast atmosphere, which has passed through the years.

It was stained with blood to a dark red color, like the stone stele previously seen on the road of gods and demons.

"Master, which one do we choose?"

Zhang Ren continued to ask.

"Of course it is the largest city nearby."

Fang Qingshan said decisively ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although he has not experienced the siege of the Yongye family, it is not so easy to think about it, otherwise, how could it be so tragic, the black master and the handsome brother It's just admonishing everyone to live.

After landing, the mosquitoes retracted their clones.

"Next is General Lao Zhang."

Fang Qingshan gave Zhang Ren the command of the army.

"No shame!"

Zhang Ren answered firmly, then said,

"The whole army is ready, arrayed, ready to enter the battlefield."

As soon as the words fell, all the troops quickly gathered at the landing. The four major legions lined up neatly, with a firm expression on each soldier's face, holding the knife and gun tightly in his hands. On the battlefield, what you can believe is the comrades around you, the sword in your hand. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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