Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 646: Add another 3 billion

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Star Gate!

Although on the surface it is only a way for the Yongye people to communicate with the battlefield of the demon and the demon.

But obviously things are not so simple.

Otherwise, destroying a star gate, Tiandao will not reward one billion contribution points.

This is no longer a big deal, it is simply encouraging everyone to let go of their hands and attack the Star Gate.

There will be brave men under the reward!

Although in the original trajectory, it seemed that only Yi Tianxing had broken the star gate.

But this is not to say that only he can do it.

Although Yi Tianxing is the protagonist, this does not mean that other races have no hole cards, such as dragons and phoenixes, such as fairy spirits and other races.

To say that they didn't break the star gate, Fang Qingshan didn't believe it.

The reason why this was not possible was because after Yi Tianxing collapsed the star gate, they gave the Yongye people a wake-up call and let them hide the star gate.

If you ca n’t find the Star Gate, you ca n’t break it naturally. It ’s as if you are so tall, you ca n’t hit others, and it ’s futile.

This is also the case now. After Fang Qingshan collapsed the first portal, the Yongye clan began to consciously transfer and hide these star gates.

Unfortunately, Fang Qingshan's response speed is not comparable to Yi Tianxing.

He knew for a long time that as long as he broke the star gate, the Yongye clan would be alert.

Therefore, after breaking up the first portal, he parted ways with the mosquitoes, and rushed towards the next portal with a thunderbolt.

As early as the meteor shower landed and the star gate was established, Fang Qingshan wrote down the location of the nearby star gate.

Coupled with the speed of transforming the rainbow, the Yongye clan had not yet had time to transfer the hidden star gate, and Fang Qingshan arrived.

"Want to go? Is it too late?"

Fang Qingshan couldn't help sneering at the star gate that was about to disappear almost instantly.

If Xingmen disappeared before he arrived, Fang Qingshan would be helpless like everyone else.

But unfortunately, they took a step back.

"Great destiny, you are everywhere, no living thing can escape your restraint!"

A loud voice came from Fang Qingshan's mouth, with a fateful calling, a balance appeared above Fang Qingshan's head.

The nature of Fang Qingshan's chanting is the small fatalism, but this balance is the destiny balance of the inferior spirit treasure.

Through this object, Fang Qingshan can upgrade the small fatalism to the big destiny.

Unfortunately, Fang Qingshan felt that although the way of destiny was good, his foundation was fixed and he did not want to be distracted. At least until he broke through Jinxian himself, he didn't want to comprehend other rules, especially the rule of destiny, which is not weaker than the cause and effect of time and space.

Moreover, the small fatalism and the fate balance are no less than the big fate.

In this case, how could Fang Qingshan be distracted by him, and then understand what kind of destiny?

Although it is said that we must learn from others, the first thing we need to do is to be specific and precise.

If you can't do this, the more you learn, it's like monkeys gnawing corn, and there is no benefit at all.

With the emergence of the power of destiny, the Xingmen was originally invisible and completely hidden from its original position, but in the eyes of Fang Qingshan, it has not disappeared at all. Like a light in the night.

"Please also ask Daoyou!"

Fang Qingshan sighed.

In the end, his destiny was broken and he was also implicated. For a while, I'm afraid I can't really do my best.

Just a little bit of fate was performed, the balance of destiny was sacrificed, the blood in my heart, the mana fluctuated, and there were repeated signs of injury.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan was also incapable of directly letting the world tree in the inner world shoot.


The World Tree clone should be a sentence.

Followed, and saw a pearl flying out.

I have a pearl, locked for a long time by the dust.

Now the earth is full of light, shining through the mountains and rivers.

As soon as this bead came out, the sky and the earth changed color, and the sun and the moon became empty.

There are Jin Wuchu crying, Yutu attached to Yin, the sun and the moon shine, the day and night change, Yin and Yang Jiaotai.

Sun Moon Beads!

The strength of the World Tree clone is still above the mosquitoes. Although it has not yet broken through Jinxian, it has barely reached the point of Xuanxian. You can sacrifice Sun Moon Bead, the top innate spiritual treasure.


With a crisp sound, the Star Gate had no room for resistance at all, and was directly smashed into fragments, scattered and shot, but was arrested by the world tree's infinite roots one by one, all dragged back and handed over to the mosquitoes in the future, Increase repair.

Like Fang Qingshan, the mosquitoes are almost on the other side.

First, use the little fatalism to find the star gate, and then directly pierce the mouth, one hundred.

In an instant, the contribution of Terran and Fang Qingshan to the Hongmeng Spirit list soared by two billion.

In the sky, there is no time for the vision to dissipate, and it is even more exciting at this moment.

Smallpox nasturtium, purple gas comes east.

Dragons and phoenixes are harmonious, and the sound of the sky is slim.

Kunlun has victory, heaven and earth ancestors, and Yuxu has stood since ancient times. Peach Tao Hongqiao, Yaochi Lingxiao, a lot of haze. Bodhi round the treasure pond. Buddha shines in all directions, bliss is boundless.

Everyone who was in shock was awakened by this vision, looked up, and everyone was aggressive.

On the Hongmeng Spirit list, the contribution points behind the human race increased by another three billion.

"Three billion?"

After Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes broke down the two star gates again, they did not go to the next place.

Because, even if it is this portal, they still hurry up and not miss it.

Go to other places, not to mention Xingmen, I'm afraid that Mao doesn't have one.

Besides, it ’s enough to stop it, and it ’s too much. I ’m afraid that the Yongye family will fight against the rules of heaven, and they will give themselves a hard time. I ’m afraid they will lose more than they get.

You know, the destiny was broken before. Even if Fang Qingshan had a healing treasure like Sanguang Shenshui, and wanted to repair it, I am afraid that it would be difficult to restore the peak state without a period of cultivation.

Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes collapsed the two star gates. It stands to reason that only two billion yuan should be added.

But Fang Qingshan thought for a while and knew what was going on.

If he didn't guess wrong, this one billion contribution point should be contributed by Yi Tianxing.

"Fortunately, fortunately!"

Seeing this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan could not help but feel secretly grateful.

Hand is fast, hand is slow!

Fortunately, he moves fast, otherwise, if Yi Tianxing first opens the Hongmeng Magic List.

Not only will the Hongmeng Ziqi fall into his hands, but it will also expose the rewards at the top of the Hongmeng Spirit list in the future.

"How is it possible, how is it possible!"

"Cheating, it's such a decent cheating!"

"Damn people, who dare to surpass the heavens and thousands, are simply trying to die!"


Other aliens could not accept the Terran arrival on the list. At this moment, they added another 3 billion points of contribution, which was almost riot.

It's a pity that it is useless except for arguing, and Tiandao will ignore them at all. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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