Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 653: King's Fight Chess

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Counting people, people always calculate it.

When Shi Huang and others counted the race, the Yongye clan counted the entire eternity.

"It was a human race first, and even the Yong Ye family has appeared now. It really is a good feast. It seems that it is not easy to eat a banquet."

"It's a family of the night, knowing that many of my people ’s arrogance are here to gather, but they dare to attack with a fairness and honesty, this is not our eyes at all!"

"Hey, Zhengchou has fewer contribution points and can't be redeemed for treasure. This Yongye clan comes at the right time."


Looking at the arrival of the Yongye tribe, not only on the Lingshan, the entire battlefield of gods and demons is full of sentient beings.

Some people were angry, because of the human race, they had already suffocated the fire. When they saw that the Yongye family actually planned to have a praying mantis to catch the cicada, they suddenly stopped.

Among them, the stone emperor is the most angry one.

The banquet was set up by him, and he wanted to step on the human race to complete his reputation.

It was known there that this matter was not under his control from the beginning. The first human race, then the Yongye race, was a provocation to him.

Some people are terrified that the strength of the Yongye clan has passed through the battlefield of the gods and demons this time, and it is obvious that this can exist against the entire eternal continent. This time, the appearance of the light and righteousness is obviously very energetic.

Some people are happy, and they don't take the Yongye tribe to heart at all, and treat them as good teammates who give away people, just like Fang Qingshan and mosquitoes.


This time, in addition to the rushing soldiers of the mountains and the sea, there are also many Tianjiao.

This is right.

After all, if you want to rely on human tactics to deal with the many Tianjiao on the Lingshan, the Yongye family is too naive.

Fortunately, although there are no fewer than thousands of Tianjiao from the Yongye clan, compared to the Lingshan eternal clan, the number still falls behind. However, in terms of momentum, it is entirely possible to stand in court.

"It ’s a family of Yong Ye, and they are trying to smash the eternal family of Tianjiao on the precious fruit banquet of this seat. It ’s like they do n’t know the heights and heights of the sky. But do n’t steal the chicken without losing the rice.”

Shi Huang was so dull that he could drip water, and said coldly.

"The end result, after the war, we have our own knowledge."

The arrogance of the Yongye tribe is not angry at all, but is very grateful to appreciate,

"This time, if it wasn't for Shi Huang, we haven't found this opportunity to wipe you all out. Otherwise, you can just join my Yong Ye clan."

I do n’t know if it ’s provoking alienation or what, the Yongye clan directly recruited the Stone Emperor in public.


"Well, I don't have a thousand glasses for myself, and I'm not speculative. I don't think you guys want to come here today."

Waiting for Shi Huang to answer, Fang Qingshan took the conversation directly.

"Draw it down, I'll wait for it!"

"Okay, fight if you want, we thought we were afraid you wouldn't do it?"

"That is, the Yongye family is just an appetizer for a cherished fruit feast."

"I want to redeem a piece of treasure, and I have almost contributed. It seems that I can make it today."


As soon as Fang Qingshan's words fell, the other Tianjiao echoed. Although Shi Huang was displeased, he did not dismantle at this time.

"Some interesting, since that's the case, let's get started, while the battlefield of Gods and Demons is about to close, the battle is over!"

The wisdom of the Yongye tribe, the brain demon wisely heard the words, took a step forward, and spoke loudly,

"For the sake of fairness, use the King's Fighting Chess in my hand. I will face your eternal clan for three thousand Yongye Tianjiao. You can choose three thousand people or you can go together!"

Although they knew that this was the scene of the Yongye clan, everyone could not help but look cold.

As for King's Fight Chess, although many people don't know what it is, some people immediately spread it.

Among the things, there is a heavenly blessing on one side, which is completely real. There are crystals on both sides, and towers. The three roads, which are upper, middle, and lower, can lead to the other side of the crystal highland.

Death in it cannot be resurrected. Although it is not true death, it is like a tower of things. Once it is defeated, it will be cut off a lot of luck and a mind.

This kind of treasure is also found in the treasure house of gods and demons, so there is no fear of any plot of the Yongye clan.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan and others naturally agreed.

Although I know people have made this request, they must be prepared, but as long as there is no conspiracy, they must agree even if they do not agree. After all, in front of the entire battlefield of gods and demons, it is about the face of the eternal family, and the arrows have to be sent on the string.

"Please everyone!"

Seeing the eternal family agreed, the brain demon wise man showed a smile of Zhizhu holding it, and waved his hand to sacrifice the king's battle chess.

This thing is said to be a chessboard, but it is different from Fang Qingshan's heavenly chessboard.

Among them are not the horizontal and vertical lines, but the paintings of landscapes.

Then, the chessboard rose in the wind, and the void was filled in between the beards.

Following this, everyone in the Yongye clan moved into a stream of light and merged into the chessboard.

Of course, only one mind is involved, the flesh is still outside, and the chessboard also shoots a light after they enter, wrapping them up to avoid accidents.

"Let's go!"

After seeing the Yongye family entering, Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes greeted each other, and they couldn't wait to go in.

"Yong Ye is really good!"

Fang Qingshan could not help secretly muttering.

Because, if you defeat the opponent, you can get all the luck of 3,000 Tianjiao.

And because this represents the two races, it is certainly not just the luck of the Tianjiao, but also the luck of the Yongye family.

Of course, if you want to get lucky, you must first defeat the opponent.

But is this a problem for Aoyama and Mosquitoes?

the answer is negative.

With the entry of Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoists, in addition to the various Tianjiao above the Lingshan, many Tianjiao who had previously been hidden in the void also couldn't hold back and came out one after another.

For humans alone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ there are male tyrants, Li Yuanba, Lu Bu, Zhu Geliang, etc. who are not under Guan Yu at all.

Entering the chessboard, the crowd first came to a platform, and then their minds were filled with some rules of King's Fighting Chess.

The two sides are divided into red and blue, each with a crystal, and their own luck is stored in it.

If you want to get luck, you can only kill the opponent's Tianjiao as much as possible, or destroy the luck crystal.

It's just that neither Tianjiao nor Crystal is so good at killing and destroying.

Especially the crystal fortune, not only the defense force is strong, the attack power is not weak at all, the ordinary life picture situation may accidentally overturn the ship in the gutter.

In addition, there are various terrain and creature dangers in the chessboard.

Such as Tongtianhe, the four beasts.

Of course, if they kill them, it is also an opportunity. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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