Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 658: Promoted to King City

If you want to start a country, there are certain hard conditions that are first and foremost. What must be the Wangcheng city to carry the Yun Dynasty, what the people like, what strength and power ...

If you fail to meet the requirements, you will die very badly if you start the country rashly. This is also such a long time. Why is Yi Tianxing alone willing to try?

In addition, what needs to be prepared is the treasure of the dynasty of dynasty: Jitiantai, Fengshenban, Wanxiandian, Zhenxi of the town, imperial edict.

Among them, the sacrifice Tiantai Fang Qingshan was already prepared as soon as he first came to the Eternal World. He used the blood-colored altar that he had obtained from the blood demon ancestor outside Xuanhuang City.

Jade Seal, Fang Qingshan obtained an exquisite jewel from the pawnshop before the eternal sky boat and opened the market. Now it has been cast and placed in the Qiyun Tianchi of the city's main house.

Sealing the **** list and imperial decree, Fang Qingshan is going to use the natural silk of the chaotic spirit silkworm that was exchanged in the treasure house of gods and demons this time.

It is a bit troublesome for Wanxian Temple. Fortunately, this time there are enough treasures of heaven and earth to be exchanged from the treasure house of gods and monsters.

With these five treasures, coupled with Wangcheng, universal printer, Tibetan scripture pavilion, eternal military camp, etc., it is possible to make Lingxiao City last forever.

As for the secret method of forging the open dynasty, Fang Qingshan was of course redeemed from the treasure house of gods and demons.

Don't say, there are too many good things in the treasure house of gods and demons. Only you can't think of them.

After making these preparations, Fang Qingshan decorated the city.

The first is naturally to incorporate the other nine zodiac signs in the zodiac in accordance with the orientation of the zodiac map.

For a moment, the defense of Lingxiao City was not mentioned, but the degree of this aura was not worse than that of the five elements of the eternal world.

If you wait, after Lingxiao City is promoted to the King City, after the Lingmai has transformed into the innate Lingmai, the entire Lingxiao City is not as good as the Kunlun Mountains, or the treasure covered by the Great Red Sky. Good land is bad.

After all, there are twelve innate spirits!

In addition to the zodiac signs and eternal military camp, Fang Qingshan was also integrated into various buildings in the city of Ling Xiao, of course the most important one is the royal palace.

This royal palace was the thirty-three days of Fang Qingshan's direct refining using a different treasure combined with the method of refining.

Of course, there is only one day now, but it can evolve into 33 days with the promotion of Lingxiao City.

In addition, Fang Qingshan has a very important thing to do.

That was the problem of sitting in the city of Lingxiao after he and the mosquitoes left.

A home cannot be without a day, and a nation cannot be without a king.

Despite the talents of Fang Xuanling and Zhuge Liang, if Fang Qingshan is absent for a long time, I am afraid there will be a big mess in the entire city of Ling Xiao.

Therefore, he also needs an avatar to defend Ling Xiaocheng, just like the avatar in the Three Kingdoms world.

But here is the eternal world, the situation is extremely complicated, ordinary incarnations, avatars, but the second elementary **** is not working.

Later, Fang Qingshan thought that what he built was the Yun Dynasty, so he used the incense incense method and practiced a clone.

The others are no different from Fang Qingshan. The only problem is that they cannot leave the kingdom of God, that is, they cannot leave the sphere of influence of Lingxiao City.

Correspondingly, Ling Xiaocheng is his home field. Fighting here, his strength is still above Fang Qingshan's deity.

Of course, incense becomes a god's way, even if it is incense, it is also incense.

If the city of Lingxiao is booming and flourishing, Fang Qingshan's strength as an avatar naturally cannot be said.

However, if the development of the city is not good, or the people's mind is unstable, the avatar will be affected accordingly.

This is the difference between Shinto and Sindo. Sindo lies in detachment and freedom.

This is also the Battle of the Gods. Although I know that the heaven is good, but basically no one wants to be bound, and they are basically forced to appear on the list.

After Fang Qingshan prepared everything, Zhuge Liang's expedition had come to an end.

The basic goals have been achieved, revenge, integration, and Lingxiao City has reached the edge of promotion. It can be regarded as a complete success, and it also comes with some benefits, such as more than doubling the site, such as more than doubling the population.

In addition, the schedule for Fang Qingshan's return is getting closer and closer, so when Fang Qingshan and others returned to the dynasty, they decided to promote Ling Xiaocheng to King City, and then establish the state.

The promotion of the city of Ling Xiao has gone through the village promotion town and the town promotion town.

Although this time it was promoted to the King City, the crowd did not worry at all. The people have already had a mysterious confidence in Ling Xiaocheng and the other side, Qingshan, thinking that there is nothing that he cannot solve. With him, the sky will not fall.

"The heaven is on the road. Today, there is Qingshan, the master of the city of Xiaoxiao, the forest of blue sky and blue sky, the wind and rain, the selection of virtues and abilities, and good faith. Now, finally, the people of the city of Lingxiao will make the old and use it ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ I am young, I ’m lonely, and I ’m all lonely. Everyone has a man, but a woman. Everyone in the heavens, no one dares to despise my city, and luck has reached its limit. The ancient city can no longer tolerate it. I hereby plead for permission from the heavens and the earth, and the city of Xiaoxiao will be promoted to the king city.

Fang Qingshan led the people and prayed to heaven.

The manifestation of the heavens, without any hesitation and difficulty, directly spit out a ‘可’!

It is the next calamity of heaven. The soul of Qiyun Yueyongmen does not know whether Fang Qingshan is an illusion. It seems much easier than the last time. I don't know if it is because of the strong fortune of Lingxiao City, or the strong spirit of fortune, or the heavenly water.

Actually both.

The first two will not be said. The reason why Tiandao releases water is actually to praise Fang Qingshan's contribution in the battlefield of gods and demons.

Of course, the calamity of the heavens is weakened, but the corresponding calamity from the Yongye family can be strengthened.

After all, it was precisely because of the appearance of Fang Qingshan that they were defeated more fiercely and the losses were even greater.

Fang Qingshan has been on the hunting list of the Yongye clan.

How can the Yongye clan make good use of his promotion to such a big city?

At the time, when Yi Tianxing was promoted to the King City, the Yongye clan just threw a dark star down. This time, it was the power of the Yongye clan that shot directly.

But you can see, all gray, black, filled with ominous and disasterous breath converges like a cloud of smoke over the sky.

After a while, a black hole vortex that is difficult for ordinary people to reach is formed without warning.

"Hey, it really is you, we met again, I hope you will have the last good luck this time."

After the black hole, a familiar voice came, with a bit of ruthlessness, a little refreshment, and a little killing.

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