Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 666: Half step


The last shot was naturally a mosquito.

But seeing his mouth open and sucking, whale swallowing the sea, a mouth is like the world returning to the market, the starry sky and black hole, the swallowing devour swept through the wasteland.

With him as the center, at this moment, it seems that the entire world of Xuanhuang has become a black hole, and the whining noise of the whine at the hole directly inhales all the gods, including those of Jinxian level, Then swallowed by the mosquito.

Moreover, once swallowed into the abdomen, anyone who is lower than the mosquitoes, or even a few golden immortals, has no room to struggle at all, and it will turn into a pool of pus and blood in less than a moment. Completely swallowed by mosquitoes.

Although the golden immortal of the immortal world is not the real immortal golden immortal, but it also has such a bit of meaning, so it can persist for a while, but it is only a grasshopper after the fall, and it will not take long for it to die.

"No way, how could they be so powerful?"

The rabbit rises and falls, everything is born between the electric light flint.

Others saw that the Protoss actually sent hundreds of thousands of gods to fight. Although they knew that Fang Qingshan had fought against Tianjun, they couldn't help it.

After all, Tianjun is only a part of the lower realm, and it is also suppressed by the origin of heaven and earth. More importantly, Fang Qingshan also summoned a mysterious treasure that did not know where it came from.

The knowledgeable person knows that the treasure is not the specific grade, but at least it is far beyond the king.

Without summoning Tianzhou, even if the three of Fang Qingshan did not fail, the previous ferocious situation would be curbed to some extent.

However, the results came out unexpectedly.

They did not expect Fang Qingshan and others to win. And won so neatly, not even the Tianzhou Arcana, which was originally against Tianjun, did not call out, hundreds of thousands of emperors wailed and mourned. This is the emperor, not Chinese cabbage, and there is no shortage of golden immortals. Even if it is placed in the immortal immortal world, it can become a giant of a party, so it is gone, how can this not surprise everyone.

"There is no such thing as a fame, it really is better to see it!"

The protoss in the secret, seeing the brutal means of the three Fang Qingshan, could not help but take a breath.

Although these gods were sent to test Fang Qingshan, when the strength of Fang Qingshan was revealed, the crowd couldn't help but be shocked.

"How could it be, how could their strength be so great."

"It is incredible that Xuanhuang World can still cultivate such giants now."

"Especially how can they actually shoot at will."

In fact, it is also well understood that these masters of the protoss can shoot at will, but it is because of the means left by the first ancestor Holy King.

Fang Qingshan can also use the power of the eternal sky boat to cover the sky.

Moreover, under the calamity here, as long as it is not the kind of master who can turn the tide over the downfall and help the building fall, the masters under it can basically shoot.

This time, the Protoss, after listening to Tianfei's suggestion, directly recruited three masters at the level of God.

At the beginning, some people thought it was a trivial matter, but at this moment, they began to feel lucky.

You know, the previous gods shot, not to mention Jinxian, they are Zuxian, Yuanxian and Shengxian.

The three of Fang Qingshan were just one person and one move, and they collapsed with the tendency of destroying and dying.

Without these three God-level masters, the Protoss might have fled at the moment, and the soldiers fell down.

God has another name, called Banbu Tianjun.

"Have you been so good at dealing with my Protoss Erlang with bullying?"

"I didn't expect that after the ancient times, there was a master like you in Xuanhuang World. It really surprised us!"

"His practice is very difficult today, so don't dying anymore, why not join my Protoss?"

After the mosquitoes engulfed the Emperor Thousand Gods, Xiu was breaking through a great realm and was about to make persistent efforts. The three of them suddenly calmed down. His face looked a little solemnly into the void.

When they came to Fang Qingshan, their cultivation was clear-cut, the candles were illuminated, and they radiated billions of time and space.

Just as we were about to start working, the warning in the dark came.

If they dare to take the shot, it will definitely lead to a thunder blow.

"Who is coming? Since you are here, why not show up!"

Fang Qingshan said loudly.

"This is nature!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Sancai, one at each station.

The three of them appeared, like the sun, the moon, and the stars. Full of ancient, vast, mysterious breath and power.

"Li Yitian, Huayutian, and Night Ferris!"

Looking at these three people, the entire Protoss is boiling.

In ancient times, the Protoss had seven great emperors. They were: Emperor Shitian, Liyitian, Huayutian, Ye Ferris, Zuntian, Fuyao, Youyou Tian. Among them, the think tank of the Protoss, the only Tianfei Umo that is not restrained by the world tree, is the concubine of the Seven Protoss of the Protoss, Sha Tian.

These gods are not comparable to those previously slaughtered by Fang Qingshan and others. The cultivation of these gods has the deeds and strength of the Heavenly King.

Of course, these three people are naturally not the ancient gods.

But their siblings.

Even so, Xiu was so rare that he reached the point where he was half step.

At least in a time when even Jinxian was tiny, these three people were like nuclear weapons.

And unlike the previous disaster Tianju, these three people actually came.

At this moment, the protoss are cheering, but the vast majority of the Xuanhuang world is desperate.

This is a half step Tianjun, the real body comes, and there are still three.

Even if their partner Aoyama no matter how confident they are, this moment can't help but hope.

At this moment, previously hiding in the dark, preparing to find fish in the muddy waters ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In other big worlds looted by fire, the masters of all forces, with the thunder and thunder, directly took away.

Just kidding. At this time, who dares to get mad at the fire, then it's not to ask for wealth and danger, but to die.

The only person who can still keep calm, besides Fang Qingshan and his avatar, I am afraid that only Fang Han and poor are strange.

Needless to say poor Qi, his cultivation is about to return to the point of Jinxian, but still can not get rid of the fetters of Fang Qingshan, so we can see that he is powerful.

The reason why Fang Han was willing to believe in Fang Qingshan was just a hint of meditation.

And Yan told Fang Han that the last Tianzhou call summoned by Fang Qingshan was more powerful than the thirty-three days of the Emperor Huangquan who killed the Emperor Huangquan.

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