Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 668: Mass destruction

"Eternal Nirvana!"

The last shot was naturally Ferris, and he played the first ancestor holy fist, which is also called the last one of the three moves to shake the world.

Once this move was made, it was like the moon and the sky were shining, covering the light of the stars, all the scenes completely disappeared, leaving only the fist of the night sky.

With one punch, heaven and earth are everything.

A venerable **** who is too vague to see the form manifests behind it. The misty cloud cover, but the supreme and noble, is the only true god, the supreme master, the **** above all life forms.

If the creation of the gods is creation, then the eternal nirvana is a complete destruction, and has the same effect as the gods who ended the holy king at dusk.

Throughout the ages, there have been eight shortages.

This fist, however, runs through ancient and modern times.

Eternal life, eternal immortality, all time and space are free, nirvana, also perish, rebirth, phoenix bath fire.

This move is not under the previous creation of the gods.

Before the fist fell, a huge black hole with a size of 100,000 miles was completely formed.

Three people, three moves.

Half-step Tianjun, the Protoss has never gone to school.

Go all out!

This kind of scene, except in ancient times, I do n’t want to talk about the three thousand worlds, even if it is the fairy world, I am afraid it is rare to see it.

This is due to both the Lion and the Rabbit's efforts, and at the same time, it is caused by the huge crisis brought by Fang Qingshan's sacrifice.

Unfortunately, it's useless!

The three Gods are indeed powerful, but unfortunately the time is not as good.

They should never and should not choose to start in Xuanhuang World and Fang Qingshan.

If there is no transformation of the sun and the moon, or it is not the Xuanhuang world, but in other worlds, Fang Qingshan faces the three of them. No, one person wants to win and win beautiful. Only use the eternal sky boat.

It ’s a pity that the time is also fateful!

The reconstruction of the Sun and the Moon was successful, and two maps were used.

You should know that when the gods were sealed and the battle was broken, it was the twelve golden immortals, and the weakest were Taiyi, which was equivalent to the existence of Tianjun. That was the break.

And how could the flames of ice at that time be compared with the array that is now integrated into the sun and moon void.

In particular, at the moment of the calamity, there is still the will of heaven and earth to bless.

From the beginning, the tragedy of the Protoss was doomed.

A Jinwu, a jade rabbit, when the sun and the moon are empty, intertwined with ice and fire, yin and yang cross Thailand.


Shenguang collided with the three great moves of the God of the Protoss.

A loud noise broke out.

If countless trillions of dragons roared, the aftermath dissipated, the entire world of Xuanhuang looked like a star-studded star, and the dragon and snake rose to land, a mess, like the end.

The Protoss side was not ready to go there. All the Protoss warriors who were attacking were all bombarded, their bodies broke, and the rules began to confuse.

The sky and the earth were dark, all people screamed in their ears, all the light was swallowed up, they could see nothing, they could not hear anything.

what! !! !!

When the crowd had not responded, three screams sounded like a ghost crying and howling!

Everyone used their means and looked at the sound, but they saw that whether it was hijacking the **** fist, the gods creating the world, or the ancestor holy fist, all the attacks were wiped out, and the power of the formation was still falling. The three of them.

The three of them suddenly suffered an unprecedented hit. The half-step realm of the monarch was almost directly hit.

Numerous mysterious laws in the body are broken to pieces, and the body is as fragile as the body of a fairy. At this moment, it is as fragile as a piece of porcelain, and shocking cracks appear, as if it would collapse and disintegrate at any time.

This is because all three of them sacrificed a defensive fairy, resisting a wave, otherwise, I am afraid that it is not serious injuries, but directly dead.

Even so, they were no better than where to go. The celestial body broke into pieces directly, and all three of them were dying.


The night ferris three screamed on the spot, their faces were full of incredible looks, all this was simply unacceptable to them.

It's not just that they can't accept it, everyone except Fang Qingshan and other limited people can't accept it. Even the men and his side watched it all like a dream.

What is this? It is the God of the Protoss. It is a half-step heaven. It is not a fairy, not a god, nor a black fairy, a golden fairy, but a half-step king. Jinxian can become a giant in the fairy world. Tianjun is now The real master, half step Tianjun's status can be imagined.

But now?

Seeing the misery of the three night ferris, everyone thought that they had encountered three crooks.

How is this possible!

Everyone was roaring.

How could Fang Qingshan have such strength.

They thought that even if he was undefeated, they would at least use the power of the mysterious sky boat.

But I did not expect that the sun and moon void is not just amazing defense, even the attack power is so sharp and shocking.

Shocked for a long time, finally someone began to return to God.

The people in Xuanhuang World, who are standing on the side of Fang Qingshan, naturally sing and sing loudly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is crazy and extremely happy.

The people of the Protoss, and the people of the other big worlds, at this moment, felt a deep maliciousness and a deep despair.

They are hesitating, wondering, wondering ...

Fang Qingshan was not affected in the slightest. Was this result expected?

However, he can't shoot underneath.

Not that you don't want to, but you can't.

Don't look at his majestic just now, he beat all three and a half step Tianjun like dead dogs.

But it is operating at overload and needs to be slowed down.

Why does the Sun and Moon void formation focus on defense instead of offense?

That is, he can't start at all.

The reason why Fang Qingshan can be turned on can also cause such great power.

The first is that he is the owner of the two maps and personally arranges the reformed formations.

Secondly, during the calamity, the will of heaven and earth was blessed and promoted.

Plus his own realm is not under God.

To sum up all of this, Fang Qingshan can turn the tide over the past and help the building fall.

Later, I am afraid that Fang Qingshan's prestige today can no longer be reproduced.

However, Fang Qingshan can't take a shot for the time being. This is not the mosquitoes and the World Tree avatars. They have no hesitation, especially if they are competitors.

But they saw one faster than the other, covering the ears with a thunderbolt, one dragging with their beards, and the other directly slamming up.

Then a more thrilling scene appeared.

Between the three Gods, there was no time to scream before breathing, and it disappeared instantly.

Yes, no, flesh, soul, law, at this moment, they are all swallowed up by the world tree avatar and the mosquitoes.

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