Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 672: 3 treasures

"Okay, well, it is indeed one of the three libraries, and sure enough, we continue to look for it, certainly not only these top-quality immortals."

After the mosquitoes swallowed, he said endlessly.

Fang Qingshan nodded, and immediately they separated to find other treasures.

For a time, the entire misty library reappeared the old thing of the ancient Tiangong that dominated the world that year, three feet high!

Compared to other Xianfu, treasure house, the misty Xianzun's handwriting is indeed very large.

Because the entire misty library is actually a small world.

One world is vast.

Even after many thousands of years of self-evolution, there are many more magical things, which are somewhat similar to the thousands of worlds.

Along the way, Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes saw it again, and did not miss it, but they took away everything that was of little value.

All kinds of fairyware, Taoism, all kinds of elixir, elixir.

There are also various exotic flowers, weeds, and treasure trees.

All kinds of gems, ore, strange iron, Shenmu.

Even various buildings, Fang Qingshan also demolished them.

This is how he and the mosquitoes were used to doing this kind of thing, and it was enough to repair, otherwise they would call someone else. I'm afraid that just evacuating the treasure house, I don't know how much time it will take.

What about Fang Qingshan and Mosquito? However, it took a long time for them to make the prosperous Xiao Qian world almost completely beyond recognition, like the end of the world.

The mosquitoes came out as separates, the locusts crossed the border, and as long as they could swallow them, they would not let go.

Fang Qingshan was a five-element bracelet that swallowed the Quartet. As long as his eyes were on the eye, he had to shave the ground three feet.

If you mention this behavior, I'm afraid I will sigh to myself, saying that you can't use it to discuss each other's experience, even accepting the apprentice is unknown.

Not to mention these, after Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist had collected most of the treasure house, they finally came to the core of the misty treasure house.

The other treasures are just fine. When I saw three of them, Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes couldn't help breathing.

Although these things are not comparable to Hongmeng Ziqi, they are rare treasures.

One of the treasures is a word.

Although it is only one word, it is as big as a mountain, simple and vast, and contains profound Tao Yun.

This is an ancient word spewed out of the gate of eternal life, with terrible divine power, even for the powerful king of immortals, it is very useful.

Although Xiaomiao Xianzun received this ancient word, he did not refine it himself, but put it in the library of Xiaomiao. The reason for this is that once he has already realized this treasure, This ancient word does not fit his Tao.

Although this ancient character does not fit the misty fairy statue, it fits Fang Qingshan very well.

Because this ancient name is called 'Mountain'!

There are many ancient words spit out in the gate of eternal life, among which the Tao is the respect and the characters. You can restrain 4D characters and control them.

Next, there are six-character mantras, thirty-three days of ancient characters, nine-character Tao characters, five-element ancient characters, and so on.

If you can gather the five-character ancient characters, it will be more powerful than the six-character mantra and the nine-character Taoism.

Although this mountain character is not from the ancient five elements, it is inextricably linked with the earth characters in the five elements.

This object is even more precious to Fang Qingshan, who practiced the Five Elements. It was not under the original Chinese treasure, the spiritual treasure.

Seeing this object, Fang Qingshan couldn't wait to stretch out his hand, put five fingers on one, and performed the grabbing of the Five Elements, grabbing directly at the soil.

This ancient word contains the endless principle of the road. Although it is not an earth word, after refining, he can still improve his understanding of the laws of earth properties, and because of mutual sympathy, he can also indirectly enhance the other four attributes.

However, this ancient character is very powerful, and refining is not something that will happen overnight.

After all, the killing words circulated by the gate of eternal life can successfully reach Tianjun.

Even charging is problematic.

Because this ancient word is born with the charm of the avenue, it can't be received in Xu Mi space at all.

Fortunately, this is for others, the other side Aoyama will not work.

Because in his body, there is not only the earth spirit beads that are still on the mountain, but also the carrier of the avenue.

Fang Qingshan just let go of his breath a little bit. This mountain word didn't use Fang Qingshan's refining at all, so he got into Fang Qingshan's mud pill palace by himself.

He originally wanted to run to the side of Hongmeng Ziqi, but here the monks were too fleshy and had been occupied by Fang Qingshan's other precious treasures. There was his place there. In the end, the Yamagata had to succumb to Tu Lingzhu .

In addition to this ancient word, the other two treasures should not be underestimated.

One of them is a big seal of one side, named Fenghai, which is a unique Taoist device, and it is not an ordinary unique Taoist device, but a unique Taoist device that has reached the half-step kingpin.

You must know that the lost sword Fang Qingshan once encountered, and the spear of vengeance is nothing more than a king pin immortal. When it is a saint immortal, it can be comparable to Tianjun, so we can know that this object is precious.

As for the last one, Fang Qingshan's heart moved even more than the first one.

This is a crystal clear, jade-like thing.

But his true identity is the heart of the world tree.

Plants and trees become monsters, breeding the heart of plants and trees. Once cultivated to a certain degree, you can rely on the heart of the woods, and finally emerge from the body, get rid of the body, and get rid of the innate concubine as a plant. From then on, you can come and go , No longer have to worry about the problem of being unable to move, this is the most important item after the plant is refined, it is the treasure of life.

Seeing this, the world tree clone shook with excitement.

Although this section of the wooden heart is small, it is the real essence. In the eyes of the World Tree avatar, even the half of the World Tree that Fang Qingshan redeems from the treasure house of the gods is more precious.

At that time, Xiaoxian Xianzun was in charge of the World Tree. I do n’t know if he had already expected the end of the World Tree, or why. He intercepted a section of Mu Xin in advance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to be destined to make the World Tree come back in the future.

Sure enough, the Ethereal Fairy disappeared inexplicably before the ancient Protoss calamity, and the World Tree was also cut off by the Protoss Holy King.

The so-called true story, false book of ten thousand books, but this is the real core, which contains the core origin of the world tree, and naturally the world tree is more excited than those fragments.

Not waiting for Fang Qingshan to order, as with the ancient words collected earlier, the World Tree just revealed the breath, and the wooden heart flew into the World Tree's body automatically.

After all the treasures were taken away, Fang Qingshan and the Mosquito Taoist went out of the misty treasure house and turned to take away this small thousand world.

When Fang Qingshan was about to continue to collect other treasures, the mutation suddenly occurred.

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