Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 674: Providence is on me?

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"The eternal sky boat? The treasure is called the eternal sky boat? Good name."

The disaster Tianjun naturally sensed their eyes. Although it was very strange, they didn't care. First they took the name of the eternal sky boat, and then took it for granted.

"That's right! You must know that your husband is guilty and guilty of the guilt. Such a treasure is not something you should have. Give it to me and pardon you."


Fang Qingshan raised a wild laugh in Yangtian,

"Mads have it every year, and there are so many today."

"What do you mean?"

The disaster Tianjun heard Fang Qingshan's unscrupulous laughter, and he even arrogantly called himself a lunatic, his face suddenly gloomy.

As one of the oldest Heavenly Kings,

He became one of the actual directors of the fortune of Xianting. Except for a few people, Yi instructed and said no one had dared to be so arrogant before him.

He was still thinking that if Fang Qingshan dedicated the eternal sky boat to himself, he could ignore the past and never look into the past, but he did not expect that he would shame his face, and he really wanted to die.

Thinking of it, the cold light flashed in Tianjun ’s eyes, and the whole world seemed to turn into ice and snow in a short time.

Although others felt that they were all sweating and snoring, they did not feel much scared, let alone Fang Qingshan, and they were not affected at all, said slowly.

"Don't you hear anything? Don't you wonder, where did the Protoss army go?"

"Received a message? What message?"

Tianjun frowned,

"Right, haven't the Protoss started offensive yet?"

Regarding this point, Tianjun of Disaster does have some doubts.

It stands to reason that the Protoss should have begun the Holy World of Xuanhuang for a long time. At this moment, there must be a sorrow and a river of blood, but looking at the current situation, it seems that this is not the case at all.

Especially as the Heavenly King in charge of disasters, he is particularly sensitive to the scourge of disasters.

He had sensed that the breath of Xuanhuang's world disaster was dissipating.

"Did the calamity have passed and the Protoss has retreated?"

The disaster Tianjun secretly thought.

"No, it's impossible. Is the strength of the Protoss the black world can compete with?"

As a protoss that can challenge the existence of the immortal realm, the strength of the protoss is so few that when you look at the whole sky, you can count it.

If the Xuanhuang Great World still has the ancient strength and can resist the protoss, then even the top three worlds in the 3,000 Central Worlds can only be ants in front of the protoss, let alone the Xuanhuang Great World. .

Therefore, in response to this disaster, Tianjun said that Zhang Er, the monk, was unconscious.

"Don't ..."

Suddenly, in the mind of disaster Tianjun, there was a flash of light, thinking of a possibility.

If the calamity is over, the only one who can repel the Protoss is the only treasure.

Thinking of this, Tianjun is not surprised.

What do you say?

Arcana can indeed play a role in turning the tide and setting the sky.

However, the more powerful the treasure, the higher the requirements for launch conditions.

Fang Qingshan's repair was used to motivate that piece of treasure. It was reluctant to come, and it was a lucky invitation to be able to urge once.

It is because considering that Fang Qingshan can urge that treasure, so Tianjun of Disaster has made sufficient preparations this time.

Not only did he send a lower-level avatar of God, he also brought a piece of Wang Pinxian.

Double insurance is foolproof in his opinion.

It now appears that Fang Qingshan has used Arcana to repel the Protoss.

Providence is on me!

Thinking of this, the disaster Tianjun could not help laughing.

Looking at Tianjun ’s nervous laugh, Fang Qingshan and others couldn't help looking at each other.

Finally, too lazy to talk to him, just started to get started.

This time, Fang Qingshan no longer urged the ice flame map.

In the meantime, I said before that it is very difficult to urge this formation.

The calamity is over now, the will of heaven and earth may not help you anymore.

Moreover, the foundation of the Five Elements Gate is in the void of the sun and the moon, and the matrix formation will be shaken.

Besides, if you have a better way, why not?

The eternal sky boat is obviously much better than the encouraging formation.

Because there is an eternal true spirit and an eternal thunder pool, so long as you issue a call yourself, the others do not need to worry.

"Since Tianjun wants the eternal sky boat, take it!"

Fang Qingshan moved in his heart, communicated with the other side, and issued an instruction to Lei Di.


The next moment, the boat from the other side descended from the void to the Xuanhuang world.

However, a quaint sky boat of massive size fell from the sky and flashed out of nowhere. On the sky boat, masts stood up and covered with sails, and there seemed to be endless chaos in each sail. Exuding an ancient and vast atmosphere.

On the deck, a venerable arrow tower, crossbow car, turret, and magic tower, like a terrible beast, entangled on the deck, flashing breathtaking vitality, and the air of killing was filled with air.

A unique and eternal breath is naturally transmitted.

"This is the treasure, the eternal sky boat!"

The disaster Tianjun's breath of the eternal sky boat is still fresh. When he appeared, he immediately recognized it.

And it is even more certain that this treasure is not under the treasure of thirty-three days.

"How is that possible? How is it possible? Isn't it already used against the Protoss? How could it be urged?"

He was still laughing in the sky, and felt that the disaster in heaven was like a duck pinched by his neck, and he couldn't make any more sound, his face was incredible.

You know, in order to urge the thirty-three days to create the treasure, you need their six masters of the Xianting shot together.

How could Fang Qingshan repeatedly urge such a treasure?

He knew there that Fang Qingshan had never used the eternal sky when he dealt with the protoss.

And it is not the same as the treasure they used to create for thirty-three days ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat is not only a one-shot force, as long as the energy in the eternal thunder pool is constant, it can always be urged.

With Julei Tower and the eternal thunder pool's energy storage situation, let's not say that one hit is ten hits, and one hundred hits are no longer spoken. Otherwise, could the eternal sky boat be the king even if it first entered the Lingyun level?

This is the limitation of asymmetry and insight.

The asymmetry of the news was actually what Tianjun sought.

He had previously blocked the news, and the people in the Nether could not pass it on at all.

After his lower bound, the major worlds peeped at the Xuanhuang Grand World, and the people who ate the Five Elements were cleaned again by Fang Qingshan.

When ordinary people saw that Fang Qingshan even killed the three Gods of the Protoss, the disaster monarch didn't come down in person, and he didn't dare to offer his diligence either.

Therefore, so far, no one knows the combat effectiveness of Aoyama. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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