Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 705: uncanny workmanship

"Want to leave? Let's go!"

Just when Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist wanted to escape by the power of Honghuang Tianjun, suddenly a horrible emotion arose in their hearts, as if a source of terror came.

Then, a man with a distorted complexion walked out of the void and looked at the look of the two men, anxious to eat flesh.

Without saying a word, waving your hands, there were suddenly three thousand magic palms behind you. It was like a thousand-handed Guanyin. Above each palm, there was a horrible magic eye. These palms burst out and swept towards Fang Qingshan. For a time, the whole world seemed to become the ancient demon domain.

Scary King!

Lairen is one of the two most powerful monarchs of the dynasty of origin. The cultivation of seven epochs is the supreme strong among the heavenly monarchs. One step away can break through the fairy king and become a real giant!

Honghuang, Hetu, and others were able to whim and sense the great change in the dynasty of origin, and how could terror not be sensed.

Like Honghuang Tianjun, seeing the core of the origin dynasty, the place of origin is actually taken for granted, especially the town of Fengzen Altar, which was transported to the treasure, has been stolen. The horrible Tianjun is almost black and almost fainted.

I heard that the heavenly court has become a 33-day sage saint, the origin of the dynasty, and it was already under great pressure, but at this time, such a change occurred, and it encountered an unprecedented calamity, even the essential things, and the Zen altar. It ’s all lost, is this okay?

What he didn't know was that it wasn't just the dynasty that they originated from, but also the heaven of fortune, and the treasure of thirty-three days was lost.

If he knew, I'm afraid he would feel better.

Do not suffer from widows, but suffer from unevenness.

If it ’s just being robbed by oneself and others being unharmed, it is naturally difficult to accept it, but if everyone is robbed, it is barely acceptable.

However, it is clear that terror does not know this now. Even if it is known, it is too late to rejoice. How to stop Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes is urgent.

On the one hand, revenge and resentment, on the other hand, to recover the face, and on the other hand, to recover the treasure, especially the Fengzen Altar.

There are stumbling blocks in front and chasing after.

And with the flood, the two were intercepted by the terror, and others also reacted. The masters of the dynasty of origin all came out at one time. It is almost ten times more than the heaven.

These people also know that Fang Qingshan and Mosquitoes are not the targets of provocation, and they do not lean forward.

After all, the fire at the gate of the city and the fish in the pond, if you have to come forward, it will also help you. I am afraid that not only will not help Honghuang Tianjun, but they will also make them tied.

Therefore, these people are all around, forming a formation, and encircling Fang Qingshan, not to be able to take him down, just to be able to stop it.

With six eyes and ears listening to Fang Qingshan, although Fang Qingshan was fighting with terror and Honghuang, he was always paying attention to the situation around him. He was not thinking about how to escape.

Seeing this scene, my heart could not help but sink.

In particular, mosquitoes at this moment regret it. If they were not proud of themselves, at the last moment, they forgot to block the sky. I am afraid that they will not be in a state of retreat at this moment.

In fact, what he didn't know was that even if he didn't leak his breath, it would not help.

Because at that time Honghuang Tianjun had come to the origin hall, such a heavy place was not guarded. Such a strange thing, as soon as he explored it, it was revealed.

Speaking late, then fast.

Seeing that the encirclement was about to take shape, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist did not dare to hesitate at all.

"uncanny workmanship!"

But he saw the mosquito dagger change, his body up and down, countless acupoints, and suddenly rushed out of the airflow rune, in conjunction with his own killing law, and finally integrated into the large cut, his entire body immediately became a huge axe, This axe is similar to the rumored axe that cut down the tree of the world. The big axe is cut at will, and the lines are like natural creation, pouring down, shaping the universe, opening up new space and time, and creating a new era.

The mosquitoes are the ancient Hongmeng blood mosquitoes, and the beasts of the heavens and the earth are completely absent from the four spirits of the heavens and the earth. The strength of the flesh can be imagined. Otherwise, how can they be swallowed and completely digested?

If it is said that the physical strength of mosquitoes is slightly stronger than the world, the sharpness of the mouthpiece is the world's absolute.

Axe body with flesh, axe with mouthpiece.

Coupled with Qingshan show above, urge.

I am afraid that even if it is not as natural as the axe of the **** of the Protoss, the **** of the gods, in terms of sharpness, it is completely better than it.

This great axe, magical work, and immortal art is created by imitating the natural axe of the immortal artifact. As far as the foundation is concerned, it is no worse than the gods who created the world, the gods at dusk, and the ancestor holy fist.

The reason why Fang Qingshan knew this supernatural power was because before the ascension, he suppressed three protoss of Gods, immeasurable masters, and the **** channel method was stripped out by the world tree to observe and comprehend.

Of course, Fang Qingshan's ghost axe magical work great fairy art is also different from the protoss.

He also incorporated a touch of charm from Pangu's axe into it.

And these naturally benefit from some descriptions of Pangu Kaitian in the Taiqing Immortal Law, and he has seen Panguchi, the killing treasure, even the Taiji Palm.

It's stabbing!

It sounded like a crackling sound.

As soon as this magical power came out, heaven and earth seemed to be split directly by an axe. Suddenly, it seems to have witnessed the fierce power of the ancient protoss holy king holding the axe of nature.

Even the horrible Tianjun was frightened to retreat, and dare not straighten the sharp edge of the mosquito channel.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Qingshan quickly slipped out of the gap beside the horrible Tianjun.

"Damn ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ what's going on?"

Honghuang Tianjun rushed over and looked at the horror Tianjun actually showed a trace of palpitations, a trace of horror, and asked quickly.

Looking at Fang Qingshan who fled, the prince of terror settled down, so he said with resentment,

"At that moment, you didn't face it directly. I didn't know it, I didn't know it. I thought it was the natural axe of the forged fairy."

Hearing the words of horror Tianjun, it is natural that Honghuang Tianjun is not easy to ask for full blame. Although he did not meet directly, he can still feel the horror of the breath from a distance. He knows that horror did not lie. If he changed himself, I am afraid Will make the same choice.

"Maybe guess who those two are? Protoss?"

After exposing this stubbornness, the horror Tianjun asked.

"I don't know, it may or may not be that he also performed the Origin God Boxing previously, so he cannot be judged by this."

Hong Huangtianjun shook his head, and was a little uncertain.

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