Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 734: Quicksand river

What made Fang Qingshan stop is not the water of the Liusha River, but the sand of the Liusha River!

Yes, the water of the Liusha River is three thousand weak waters, and the sand is not ordinary. -

In fact, it is normal to think about it.

Although the three thousand weak waters are not as good as the Sanguang Shenshuis, they are also a top-level water ‘sexual’ natural treasure.

And the attack power is still very powerful, especially the corrosive power, I am afraid that even the water of the blood sea is not bad enough.

Eight hundred quicksand circles, three thousand weak water depths. The goose ‘hair’ ca n’t float, and the reed ‘flower’ is settled to the bottom.

The idle things fell into the sand of the quicksand river and were completely corroded.

This yellow sand actually can coexist with it, which shows that.

This sand is not idle.

It is a strange treasure in the world, named Hengsha of Time and Space.

In addition to the dragons and phoenixes, and the Lich, there are many other races. The number is not an imaginary number, even more than 10,000.

Some were once illustrious. For example, before the ancient times, the ‘mixed’ chaotic fierce beast that ran across the world was unknown, and from birth to destruction, it was never remembered by the world. Of course, there are more than more than less than enough, such as the Jinling 'Jade' bee family, such as the earth bear family. Another example is the Sha people.

The Sha people have a treasure, which is the highest treasure of their town people.

Although it is top quality, even the most ingenious Lingbao cannot match it.

After all, this is the treasure of time.

Unfortunately, the wind is always blown away by rain and wind.

At the time of the ancient times, it was regarded as a small and well-known Sha clan. After all, it did not escape or even extinct.

This hourglass, the hourglass, was robbed and directly broken.

In fact, this can be regarded as their bad luck.

Encountered the Dao-Magic battle that year.

The demon ancestor Luo swayed the fairy sword array in the west, and even the masters of the "yin" yang ancestors and the five elements ancestors were beheaded and killed. In the end, the fish dead net was broken, and even the twelve products of the black lotus were damaged. The continents are broken.

For this matter, Daozu had to fit the Tao, and he had to be guided to mention the two holy places as compensation.

That war was no less harmful than the Lich War. And it's even better.

The reason for this is because during the Lich War, everyone knew that Zhoushan was dangerous, so they avoided it. Even if Tianzhu collapsed and the Milky Way poured back, as long as it was not too bad luck, at least it would not be destroyed by the clan.

It's a pity that Western creatures of that year were miserable.

A man sits at home, and evil comes from heaven.

The western continent was broken, the ancestral veins were destroyed, and the Sha people were also destroyed by the destruction. Even the Shangpin Congenial Lingbao time hourglass was broken.

This is an old thing in the Archean years, and it is also the origin of quicksand in the quicksand river.

After the time hourglass was broken, the quicksand was ‘mixed’ with nine days of soil and the time constant sand.

As for the nine days of dying soil, and even how these three thousand weak waters came, it is another story.

This matter must also be traced back, although not too ancient, but also before the Battle of Gods, the three emperors and five emperors ruled the world.

Before Dayu ruled the water, the flood plains flooded the continent, and the father and son of Xun and Yu were ordered by Emperor Yao and Shun, Ren Chongbo and Xia Bo, responsible for water control.

鲧 Water blocking is used to block the water. When there is a lot of flood, block it. In order to stop the flood, even the nine treasure days left by the 'woman' pretenders were used.

As everyone knows, blocking is worse than sparse.

So I failed.

Yu Zicheng inherited his father's business.

However, the flood was not only caused by water, but also by monsters.

After the Lich War, some demons were unwilling to withdraw from the flood continent, so they made waves.

Among these many monsters, one monster is very strange. Although he is also making waves, his main purpose is not to find death, but to avoid robberies.

This person is the same name as Sun Monkey, and is also known as Wu Zhiqi, a red horse monkey that is a ‘mixed’ world of four monkeys.

Speaking of the ‘mixed’ world of four monkeys, it ’s really unique. Sun monkeys, lingming stone monkeys, change, and when they know the sky, they know the geography, and they change the stars. Yuan Hong, Tongpi ape, taking the sun and the moon, shrinking Qianshan, recognizing the blame, Qiankunmo 'nong'. Six-eared macaques, good at listening to sound, can understand, everything is clear before and after knowing.

And without support Qi, the red-headed horse monkey knows ‘yin’ and yang, knows people, is good at getting in and out, and avoids death and prolongs life.

But heaven is fair. If you open a 'door', you must close a window. Since it is unique, it is also jealous of heaven and earth.

Therefore, even with the background and merit luck of Sun Monkey, it is inevitable to suppress 500 years under the Five Elements Mountain.

Both Yuan Hong and Yang Ye could fight a half-dozen, and they did not escape the Fengshen calamity. They were trapped by the map of the Shanhe Society, died under the sword of the celestial sword, and were eventually named four waste stars.

The worst thing is the six-eared macaque, which is so different from the grandson monkey, but in the end he didn't even save his life.

It is natural that there are calamities in the red monkeys. If you are not careful, you may end up like the six-eared macaque.

However, he was born to know 'yin' and yang, he knows people, is good at getting in and out, and avoids death and extends life.

Naturally will not wait for calamity to come, grab it.

However, such a catastrophe cannot be resolved by ordinary means.

Think about the reason why Monkey Monkey can resolve, in fact, it is because of meritorious deeds.

Wuzhi Qi is naturally not as lucky as Sun Monkey. Since there is no merit and luck, he has thought of another method, that is, to use great merit, the hands of the great luck to suppress himself in order to avoid the calamity.

That's why he had "chaos" in Huai Shui, and was finally suppressed by Dayu at the foot of Huai's "Yin" Guishan.

The ‘mixed’ four-spirit monkeys correspond to the geomantic feng shui fire in the open sky, the grand monkey is the earth, the Yuan Hong is the fire, the six ears are the wind, and the unsupported Qi is the water.

He was born to control water, and his methods were only as high as those of the Dragon and Gonggong.

This weak water was left by him when he was doing "chaotic" Huai Shui.

After years of bumps, the sand of the time left by the Shangxia Congenial Lingbao Hourglass during the Archean years, the nine-day soil that 'mixed' and blocked the Huai water, and the weak water left by the unsupported Qi have made this Liusha River ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Of course Fang Qingshan would not know so clearly.

What he was sure of was nothing but weak water.

Although he was affected by the mosquitoes, he wanted to be his own when he saw good things, but he also knew that it was not the right time.

He wouldn't have stopped if Tianzhou hadn't been 'excited'.

However, although it was delayed for a while, Fang Qingshan felt that this kind of thing could be better and better.

We will not talk about the weak water. The time and space Hengsha achieved by 'mixing' the nine-day soil with the sand of time is not as good as the original top-grade congenital Lingbao time hourglass, but it is more than ordinary top-grade congenital Lingbao. of.

After all, this is the treasure of time.

Time is supreme, space is king, this is not a joke.

And this is just the combination of time gravel and the nine-day dying soil. More importantly, the two have not yet fully integrated.

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