Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 745: Zimu he

In addition, the scorpion ‘fine’ is different from the red baby, Huang Fengguai. She ’s not just a supernatural person. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом is updated fast.

They used a three-strand steel fork, and they were very strong in martial arts. During the battle, they spit fire in their noses and spit smoke in their mouths.

However, under the arrest of King Kong, she could flee from Lingshan to the 'girl' country, even if she was suspected of releasing water, but she had to be **** her own. Without three or two, even if she wanted to release water, it would not work.

Moreover, after she took the Tang Monk, Sun Monkey and others came to the rescue, but she could besieged by Sun Wukong and the pig eight sieges with one enemy and two.

Unfortunately, every peck and drink has a fixed number.

Being able to defeat Goku ’s brothers and injuring Buddhas like Buddha, Guanyin could n’t get close to her. However, she was unable to fight back when she was facing the next star official.

A cry, the current prototype, is even better than the mirror. With two wailing sounds, he became so tender that he became the meat of the fish on the board, and he could be slaughtered.

It's really sad and pathetic!


Clear water, Zhan Zhanhan ‘wave’. The breeze came slowly, and the water ‘wave’ was unhappy.

There willow "yin" weeping green, slightly "showing" a few huts in the hut.

This is the son and mother river of the 'daughter' country.

Shuiqing can see the bottom, ‘wave’ has no swimming fish.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan is not surprised.

After all, the mother-in-law river water, but drinking can make people pregnant, and can give birth in three days. No matter the shemale, there is no exception.

So, if there are fish and shrimp in this river, is it okay?

Aquatic creatures cannot be separated from water. They will become pregnant after drinking. In three days, they will have a baby. The baby is pregnant, born and pregnant, pregnant and born.

I'm afraid that for a month, the entire Zimu River will be overcrowded, and even in the end, the whole Zimu River will be cut off.

Fang Qingshan took a look at the river and looked at it carefully, but he didn't notice anything at all.

He didn't take any notice of this.

After all, if the secret in the water of the ‘girl’ son ’s son ’s mother and mother is so well discovered, how could he let him flow here, and how could he wait to see him.

"Interesting, interesting!"

Fang Qingshan uses all kinds of means, or consciousness, or supernatural power, or pupil technique, or spiritual treasure, to actually get the same conclusions, except that he can get pregnant without the division of male and female, this is a place of immortality everywhere It can be seen that the river is too ordinary.

However, it is precisely because of this that Fang Qingshan is more certain that this thing is not trivial.

The artifacts are self-defeating. The more ordinary the appearance, the more likely it is not simple, such as the time and space in the quicksand river.

The deeper it is hidden, the more precious its secret becomes.

If you can learn this secret, there will be unexpected gains.

"It seems that this time, without paying a little price, it will not work.

Fang Qingshan's eyes flashed a ‘fine’ light.

But when Fang Qingshan waved his hand, he took out an oil lamp, flashing the fire of stars.

"The dying light shines, time goes back."

With Fang Qingshan's flick.

The evanescent lamp in his hand began to flash with a gleam of light, and a wave of invisible shores swept the entire Zimu River, and Haohao dangled.

Countless runes are flashing. The power of time is flowing.

brush! !!

In the midst of it, a vast expanse of time, without seeing the head or the end of a long river. A master was standing on the bank of the river, feeling sadness and compassion, saying, "If the deceased is a husband, he will not leave day or night."

Yeah, it ’s hard to come back in the heyday. It is hard to get morning in a day.

However, at this moment, things seem to have changed.

The river water was supposed to go to the east of the river.

But at this moment, the entire river actually started to flow back and rolled up. Looks extremely weird.

This is Fang Qingshan's supernatural power with the help of the fading lamp.

Yes, back in time and space!

Now that he has performed all kinds of magical powers, and thousands of means can't find the clue, let him manifest himself.

When everything returns to the original starting point, it is time to lift the mysterious veil of Zimuhe.

The passing water lantern was originally a wonderful treasure of heaven and earth, but Fang Qingshan exchanged it out from the eternal world and the battlefield of gods and demons.

Incorporating into the sky boat, the power is much better than the death scythe.

A thousand birds in the forest is worse than a bird in hand.

The magic weapon is not much.

Later, in the immortal world, the origin of the dynasty, Fang Qingshan will also get the warrior of time and space, the master of time and space into it.

Therefore, at this moment, the power of the passing water lamp has changed qualitatively.

Time is going backwards and time is turning around.

Of course, this reversal does not occur in the entire world, but only in Zimu River. The time of reversal has no influence on other people and places. As if the power of time only appears in the swallowing Zimu River .

However, this is normal. Even if it only acts on the Zimu River, it is Fang Qingshan's use of the power of Tianzhou.

If the whole world is reversing time and space.

Then let alone Fang Qingshan, even his teacher Lao Tzu's moral esteem, and even his ancestor Hongjun Taoist may not be able to do it.

As time goes by, time goes back.

Fang Qingshan can clearly see that every year, when she is a young girl who is over 20 years old, she comes to the river in Zimu River, day after day, year after year.

He also saw that many monsters in Niigata Prefecture and even the masters who came to see him, like him, used every means to explore the mystery of Zimu River, and finally returned without success.

I also saw that many superficial monsters wanted to fight the idea of ​​the 'girl' country, and finally broke into the sand, but instead took themselves in.


Back in time quietly, everything seems to be so calm, until the Battle of the Gods, when the four major continents have not taken shape, there is still no change.

However, the further back, the more difficult it seemed, there was a force that hindered Fang Qingshan's exploration in the midst of meditation.

At a certain moment, the picture came to an abrupt halt and was directly frozen, while an invisible force began to backfire.

If Fang Qingshan had not borrowed the sky boat, I am afraid that this force would have directly hit him.

Of course ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If he didn't borrow the power of Tianzhou, he wouldn't have reached this point.


Seeing this, Fang Qingshan was not surprised.

Why hasn't this happened before? Why can't I see it now?

Everything can only explain one point, and that is the real mystery that has begun to touch the Zimu River.

Thinking of this, Fang Qingshan quickly asked Lei Di to increase output and fully urge the passing lamp.

Sure enough, after Leidi's full shot, the picture started to move again, but it was still very slow.

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan knew that he needed to work harder.

"Great destiny, you are everywhere, omnipotent, and nothing can hide from you."

Fang Qingshan cooperated with the destiny balance to perform the great destiny technique, burning a large 'wave' of life luck.

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