Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 773: Summon Sky Boat

Avalokitesvara stepped forward step by step, and every step of the way, the momentum of the body is strong. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом is updated fast.

Although most of them went to Fang Qingshan, the granddaughter monkeys and black bear monsters who were caught by the pond fish were still very uncomfortable.

After all, Guanyin is a quasi-sage, and they have not even reached Da Luo.

Like the mountains and the sea, like the mighty prison!

I don't know how long, Fang Qingshan didn't feel that way.

On the military plan, the attack is on top.

Guanyin wants to break Fang Qingshan's heart first.

Once he succumbs to the momentum of Guanyin today, I am afraid that his path of spiritual practice is almost over.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary Jinxian, otherwise, in the face of the increasingly strong momentum of Guanyin, I am afraid that he will directly fall to the ground.

Fang Qingshan didn't insist on ‘it’. After all, the gap between him and Guanyin is really big.

Therefore, he immediately used the power of heaven.

With the power of the eternal sky boat blessing on the body, Fang Qingshan immediately resembled a rock in the middle of the river.

"It's a Fang Qingshan, it's worthy of being taught by others.

Seeing this scene, even Guanyin, an opponent of the enemy, could not help but admire secretly.

Unfortunately, ever since Fang Qingshan ‘plugged’ to the west, they have been doomed to a battle.

Since momentum can't win first, Guanyin is not doing useless work.

Standing in front of Fang Qingshan, put away his momentum.

The already condensed space relaxed in an instant. The monkey monkey and the black bear monster looked at each other, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, neither Guanyin nor Fang Qingshan ignored them.

"Fang Daoyou, we are considered to be fighting together side by side. Are you suitable for this?"

Guanyin asked expressionlessly.

These words were meaningless, but Fang Qingshan understood.

"Taoyou was the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Confucianism in the past, but now he has become the Guanyin Bodhisattva of the Buddha's gate. Is Taoyou right?

Fang Qingshan asked without answering.

"Sure enough, we are all the same."

Guanyin heard that a ray of smile bloomed on his face. For a time, the whole world seemed to have lost its glory. However, this ray of smile was deeply murderous.

"Unfortunately, although you have such an idea, you do not have the strength to realize it."

Guanyin said coldly,

"Now give you a choice, you can give up the journey to the west, otherwise, even if it offends the moral deity, I will kill you!"

"If you want me to give up the plan, I don't need to say more. There is no turning back to open the bow. Any means are used to show it. I will take it all."

Fang Qingshan moved his hands and feet and said indifferently.

"I don't know the sky is thick."

Guanyin sneered.

In his opinion, although Fang Qingshan has a golden fairy, although there are some means, even if he holds a Tai Chi map, the heaven and earth and the exquisite yellow pagoda, even if it will be Sanqi in one gas?

I am a quasi-san, and the gap in strength is not a magic weapon that can make up for.

The big gap between the two is tantamount to Firefly.

In addition to magic weapon, magical power, Fang Qingshan's biggest support is nothing more than his identity.

But the chances of breaking people, this hatred is not common.

He is not without background.

It was Fang Qingshan who broke the rules first, did he think he really did not dare to kill him?

There is a hint of murderous ‘Lu’ on Guanyin ’s face.

"Guanyin, do you think you'll fix me?"

Looking at Guanyin's undisguised contempt, Fang Qingshan couldn't help sneering.

"Is not it?"

Guanyin said bluntly,

"Except for your background, you have almost nothing in my eyes. When I am not jealous of the moral deity, you are a grasshopper after the autumn. If I were you, I would concede, and leave the green hills without worry.

In the end, Guanyin still jealous of the inscrutable master, so he really didn't want to kill Fang Qingshan until he had to do so.

"I still need to be hard to make iron. Without diamonds, how can I take porcelain work?"

Fang Qingshan shook his head,

"And since I dare provoke you, then naturally I have the means to deal with you."

"Oh? So, I need to get some insight."

Guanyin looked at Fang Qingshan with a smile.

"as you wish."

Fang Qingshan whispered,

"Boat on the other side, come out!"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw Fang Qingshan's head, the sky above Heifeng Mountain, and the void was distorted.


Stone shook the sky, and it was so powerful that it wasn't more lethargic than the birth of Sun Monkey.

Suddenly, I only saw that a golden, full-scale sky boat suddenly turned from nothingness to reality.

The entire sky boat is covered with road patterns, one is wrapped around the other, thousands of runes are sketched together, and a chain of laws is attached to the sky boat.

The whole body is filled with an ancient, eternal, vicissitudes, mystery and vast breath.

There are three parts on the sky boat.

One is the floor boat.

There are full nine-storied towers standing there. Except for the bottom three floors, everything was illusory. That's the result of Sanpin Jinlian.

But now, there are three more layers condensed into entities.

This is after Fang Qingshan got to know the corpse of the broken ‘mix’ chaos.

Take the hardest horn into the eternal furnace and turn it into an eternal unit.

The corpse was then incorporated into the hull and the ship building.

Not only the hull was reinforced, but also an additional three-story ship building.

The second part is the mast, the sail.

But I saw the icy bronze masts dotted with stars, like towering pillars. There are nine in total, with twenty-five sails on it. The sails hung high, and there seemed to be endless mysteries flowing.

A sail is not just for blowing and accelerating. A sail is a small world.

I can only see that several of these sails have strange patterns.

Among them, there were two pairs of sails. At a glance, it seemed to be back to the time of the ancient floods. The Lich battled for hegemony.

On one side of the ship, the scene of the **** sea of ​​Difu was reproduced. The blood ‘wave’ was so dazzling, and ‘stirred’ with red smoke like an arrow. Numerous Shura rose and fell, killing and shaking the sky, not inferior to the Lich sail in front.

Among the sails of a ship, a Taiji picture is horizontally empty, suppressing the void, on one side is a fountain and on the other is a small river stream. The springs and rivers are "crossed", but they are "mixed".


In the moment when Tianzhou appeared ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A whole body of gold 'color' led to the divine light swept down from Tianzhou, wrapped Fang Qingshan on the deck, and seemed to blend with Tianzhou As one.

"Host, the Eternal Furnace Unit has been prepared, and Tianzhou has already absorbed sufficient nutrients to begin promotion and transformation."

Lei Di still did not have the slightest emotional sound in Fang Qingshan's mind rang.

"Promote then!"

Fang Qingshan ordered directly.


As soon as the voice fell, I saw the whole eternal sky boat tremble.

The space around it also rippled.

As a result, the entire sky boat shot 'shot' in a flash of golden light in an instant.

That is the energy gathered in Julei Tower and stored in the eternal thunder pool, plus the infinite force that is treasured in the chess board of the heavens.

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