Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 824: You lose

On the other side of Fang Qingshan, the eternal sky boat is in the void, as if the Zhoushan is not in the flood and wasteland, and the Dinghaizhu is in the four seas. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом is updated fast.

Ding Ding!

One armour shrouded the entire sky.

No matter if the "mix" Yuan Hammer, the "mix" vigor is coming, it won't hurt the slightest, not even a little ripple is set off.

A stone bridge swept across the sky.

And Fang Qingshan standing on the deck of Tianzhou was naturally unscathed.

"Eternal sky boat!"

Seeing this scene, whether it is the revenge of Guanyin, who wants to take revenge on Fang Qingshan, the 'Jade' emperor who has nothing to do with her, or the town's son who favors Fang Qingshan ...

At this moment, everyone could not help but have mixed tastes.

Wu Yunxian's move just now, even if it is Duobao, Zhen Yuanzi and others can take it, but it will not be as easy as Fang Qingshan.

In addition, the eternal sky boat removed the previous bridge across the other shore, the dying water lamp, and the death sickle, and now there is another tacit **** armor with unparalleled defense.

Even Zhenyuan Zi and others who are not short of Lingbao are unavoidable.

Especially the Death Sickle and Taixu God Armor, they can't attack Yuan Tu Abi, and the defense is comparable to the book.

Think again. Only with resources, you can break through the ‘mix’ yuan without any obstacles.

Although the resources that need to be consumed are definitely astronomical.

But compared to their endless years, they still can't see hope, which is obviously much better.

"You lost!"

Fang Qingshan certainly did not know the minds of the onlookers, and even if he did, he did not care.

If they can't get out of the way, they are not at the same level as themselves. Even now it is much lower than them.

But my goal is the sea of ​​stars.

The "hybrid" element is a hurdle for them, and it is nothing more than a realm for themselves, just like Daluo, Zhunsheng.

Especially after the eternal sky boat incorporated the thunder flag, Fang Qingshan even felt that it might not be impossible for him to challenge the saint now.

Of course, he wouldn't do this unless he had to.

This is too eye-catching.

Under the saints, all are ants.

Don't say that you are only a golden immortal now. Even Duobao is just a bigger ant in the eyes of a saint.

If you can challenge the saint by relying on Tianzhou, just thinking about it will know what kind of sensation and undercurrent will cause.

"Yeah, I'm defeated."

Wu Yunxian strengthened into a human form. Looking at the eternal sky boat at the foot of Fang Qingshan, it was also a mixed flavor.

"The monks and apprentices of Tang are just under the Tongtian River, and I leave."

After speaking, Wu Yunxian couldn't wait to return to Lingshan.

One is as a loser, and I don't want to continue to lose face, and the other is to heal.

Although the soul has merits and physics has a shell, but it has been severely damaged. If you don't heal it well, it will definitely have sequelae.

Fang Qingshan didn't stop seeing the situation, because there was no need, could he still kill Wuyunxian?

If you really have this idea, I'm afraid that Duobao and others clap their hands and applaud.

Because of this, he can provoke the Master of Heaven.

Because Guanyin has already sinned on the original Celestial Deity, because the Journey to the West has already offended the Western duo, and if he offends the Master of Heaven, he really ca n’t eat it.

The most important thing is the merit of the Wuyunxian. If he kills him, I'm afraid he won't need anyone to do it, and Heaven will destroy himself humanely.

The departure of Wu Yunxian also means that the calamity of Tongtianhe has passed smoothly.

Although this calamity is a bit more difficult, if it were not Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat, each unit has undergone the tempering of the God of Thunder, and it may be more difficult to win the black cloud fairy.

Fortunately, now it's raining and sunny, everything has passed.

The curse of blessing rests, the curse of blessing rests.

Although the calamity is a little bigger, the merit and luck of the westward journey will be even more.

After Monkey Monkey and his team left Tongtianhe, their next stop was Jindou's 'hole'.

Here is the Laojun mount Qingniu took the lower circle of the Vajra rim as a demon.

The power of the Vajrayana is just like Kong Xuan ’s five 'colors' of the glory of the year. He used people to set things up, and they could do everything. The gods and gods were beaten with no temper.

Fang Qingshan has been waiting for this calamity for a long time.

He wanted to see what his destiny was, and how far he has sacrificed, how much worse than the Diamond Circle.

Just when Fang Qingshan was looking forward to 'engaging' with Qingniu and trying out the diamond ring with a five-element bracelet.

Although the calamity of the Tongtian River has passed, although the water surface is calm, the underwater current is surging.

Others will just leave it alone, or it will hang for nothing, or they will be happy, or they are weak, or for other reasons, nothing will happen.

But the Buddha 'door' is quite different.

The ‘gate’ of the Buddha is about to rise, but the ‘gate’ is taught by Fang Qingshan.

Relying on the eternal sky boat, the power is unmatched, and the pressure on the Buddha's 'gate' has almost exceeded that of Xuandu.

This is no longer a matter of shame, but a real threat to the interests of the Buddha's door.

You know, why did Rulai send Wuyunxian to Tongtianhe?

It is to save face and want to learn a good lesson from below.

However, in the end, he underestimated the power of the eternal sky boat, which was contrary to his wishes.

Not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but once again allowed Fang Qingshan to step on the face of the Buddha's 'gate' to achieve his own might.

Wuyunxian and Guanyin are different.

First of all, Guanyin ’s strength is in the Buddha ’s ‘gate’. Although it ’s good, he ’s better than him now. At least two slaps ca n’t be counted.

Moreover, at that time, Guanyin did not face off with Fang Qingshan.

He was only taught by the eternal Qinglian, a giant who truly transcended the saint ’s "mix" and even the Tao of Heaven.

And what about dark clouds?

Although he is not a man in the Buddha's "gate", but with the power of the "unmixed" Yuan Hammer that has just been displayed, the whole Buddha "gate", going out to the two saints, really dare to say that besides Duobao, there is only one Kong announced.

Everyone else ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is the King of the Tibetan Plateau.

After all, like Guanyin, he hasn't grown up yet.

When he grows up and leads the Buddha's gate to suppress the river, it will be fine, but unfortunately, it is not.

And with the strength of Wu Yunxian, why can't Fang Qingshan even cause him a little harm? How can this not keep the Buddha's door up and down?

The most important thing is that they don't know if Fang Qingshan's current strength has been exerted. If there is any reserve, it is Duobao or Kong Xuan who shot it himself and may not be able to suppress him.

It's scary to think carefully!

Muxiu must be destroyed by the forest wind, and piles above the shore current must be turbulent, and the behavior above the others must be avoided.

The most important thing is that there is no bottleneck in the eternal sky boat. If you learn from it, it will be easy to push it to the realm of ‘hybrid’ meta.

In this way, human teaching is like the two holy words of the Buddha's 'door' and 'door'. This is the last thing the Buddha's 'door' wants to see, especially at the crucial moment when the Buddha's 'door' is flourishing.

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