Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 830: ambush

Although there is no eternal unit such as the sky eye in the eternal sky boat, although these lurking techniques hidden in the dark are very good.

I didn't pay attention to it before. At the moment, under the scan of Tianzhou, Fang Qingshan suddenly found himself in the ambush circle of others.

Looking around for a week, Fang Qingshan sneered.

"Oh, I didn't expect that our side Qingshan deserves such a plan from the saints, and I don't know if it is lucky or unfortunate."

This voice floated directly in the chaotic void.

boom! !!

"Amitabha, of course, is a big lucky!"

With the fall of Fang Qingshan's voice, in the east, a magnificent voice sounded, accompanied by the flickering of the man's light. A huge Buddha was standing in the void. There is a pagoda on top, among which thousands of various spiritual treasures are like a torrent, wearing a lotus sword figure, flashing terrible gas.

"The Taoist friends are so powerful that they can detect something wrong so soon, but after being aware of it, they are still so calm and calm. It seems that you are really confident in the strength of the eternal sky boat."

In the south, the endless multicolored brilliance shines. A peacock that is not weak to the Buddha is like the chaos demon and the multicolored divine light. Wherever he goes, the chaos is swept away.

"Unfortunately, Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. The key is that he does not know how to converge. Unfortunately, sadly, regrettable."

In the west, a coffin is empty, as if it can bury the heavens. It is even more terrifying than the coffin that was created after the fall of the Fortune King once obtained by Qingshan for himself. The twelve heavens haunted it, and a bright light on the head of the coffin. Glimmering faint light illuminates the heavens and earth.

"Hong Huang already has six saints, but he can no longer carry a mixed Yuan. Otherwise, it is not a good thing for the whole world. For the sake of the world, if the Taoist is willing to destroy the eternal sky boat, open one side.

In the north, a sound of compassion sounded, a big belly, a smile on his face, a waist hanging over his pockets, and a monk holding a blessing of God and came out.


Above the head, the quiet world of one party opens, a green bamboo, swaying the smoke, revealing his mother-in-law.

On a citron tree, one bird's nest rises one day and shines in all directions.

Gas blockade, the lore.

Duobao, Kong Xuan, Maitreya, Jizo, Pharmacist, Lantern, Land Pressure ... all came out.

East and west, north and south, up and down the Quartet, surrounded the Fang Qingshan water, and there is no way to heaven and no door.

"Hey, dude, is this Buddhist doorstep out of nowhere?"

Although through the eternal sky boat, Fang Qingshan already knew that he was in the saint's calculations and fell into the ambush of the Buddhist gate.

But when I saw the voter coming out, I couldn't help but take a breath.

Don't talk about Fang Qingshan. Except for the saints, any person in the floods is facing this situation, I am afraid it is the feeling.

When Dong Huangtai was resurrected, I'm afraid it wasn't much better.

A little weaker, I am afraid that the liver and gallbladder will be split directly, and I cannot raise the slightest resistance.

At that time, because of Hongmeng Ziqi, the demons besieged Hongyun, but it was only Xunpeng, Dijun, and a few people.

But now, Duobao and Kong Xuan will not say, but this is the character who really stands on the top of the pyramid.

It is slightly weaker Jizo, pharmacist, burning lamp, land pressure, etc., and even Guanyin, Wenshu, Puxian are all first-class masters.

Especially in this era when Jinxian is king and Da Luo dominates.

This vote of quasi-san can simply push the world.

"It doesn't look good today."

Fang Qingshan took a deep breath and spit out a voice slowly.

The killing intention in my heart rolled like a tide.

He asked himself that although he calculated the Buddhist monk, he did not destroy the overall journey to the west or repair the western ancestral veins, but the Buddhist monk ate meat and divided himself into a cup.

However, he did not expect that firstly, Heifengling, Guanyin took advantage of his own breakthrough attack.

That's it, after all, I don't follow the routine first, I count Guanyin.

The two have not worn each other for a long time, and naturally they can do everything.

Following this, Fang Qingshan was able to accept the shot from Wutianxian of Tongtianhe.

It is not that the door has not been swept up, and the door has been swept to the end, and Rumen's face has been swept away. Naturally, the door will not remain indifferent.

It was originally thought that after the Tongtian River, at least until the end of the westward journey, the Buddha's door would not move again.

But I did not expect that people would not move now, and a move would be a lore.

A man is guilty and guilty.

After all, it is because the eternal sky boat is too precious and the fighting power is too powerful.

"It seems that the appearance of the eternal sky boat has completely shaken the fragile heartstring in their hearts."

Fang Qingshan sighed in his heart.

"But do you think you'll fix me?"

Fang Qingshan smiled coldly.

If you say that before you get the thunder flag, or even the star map of Zhou Tian, ​​don't say that in the face of the encirclement that the Buddhist gate almost came out of, you are facing Duobao or Kong Xuan alone. Even if it is only used to deal with land pressure or burning lamps, it is only five or five.

But now, don't wait for the third day.

As long as you really break out, sacrifice the thunder banner, and with the powerful attack power of the city of Thunder God, these besieged Buddhists may not exist.

You know, when you were in the West Sea Sea Eyes, you almost capsized in the gutter, relying on the eternal sky boat.

Only in this way, I am afraid I can only leave the Journey to the West in advance.

Otherwise, even Lao Tzu can't protect himself.

After all, you wo n’t be able to stop mentioning and picking up, even if you shun it out, you will definitely do whatever you want to violate Daozu ’s orders.

However, even if he doesn't need to be all gods and thunder, relying on Zhou Tianxing array, Fang Qingshan is not afraid of them at all.

But this way, it may also attract the son-in-law.

What Fang Qingshan didn't know was that his son-in-law had counted him to get the Zhou Tianxing map, and it was for this reason that he was ready to teach him a lesson.

However, weighing the pros and cons, Fang Qingshan had no choice at this time, even if he didn't know it.

Compared to exposing the thunder flag, Zhou Tianxing's array is already pretty good ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After all, it is all Tianshen Thunder, and the attacking power is directly after Pangu.

Hearing Fang Qingshan's words, Duobao and others frowned.

It's time to face the siege of these people.

Even if the eternal sky boat is even more powerful, it will not have its limits.

What is Fang Qingshan's purpose for, and he is so confident?

This is what makes Duobao and others unconscious.

However, they do not think that Fang Qingshan can fight back with the eternal sky boat.

The reason why they ignore everyone and show up is to make sure they are not foolproof.

If so, they can't take the green hill below, then they really have nothing to do.

It can only be said that conspiracy is done in man and in heaven. Reading Network

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