Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 832: upgrade

The ringing of the bell seemed to be a sign of extinction. It's the final mourning.

For a time, everyone seemed to have come to the Archean Starry Sky from the chaotic world, whether it was an arrow, a crossbow, or a shell.

As soon as the bell rang, the law collapsed and the stars fell.

Streaming tears the void, sweeping through like a storm.

Regardless of the top and bottom, there is no Quartet, all-round, carpet type, cover type, and lock at the same time.

Duobao, Kong Xuan, Lantern ... as long as everyone in the vicinity attacks the radiation strike range of the deck attack weapon.

That posture is simply no room for life.

Time is like the advent of Yanluo Difu.

The end of the world is coming, the gods are dusk, the world is eroding, and everything is frozen.

The sound of the Swinging Bell sounded like a mournful sound, a sad cry from heaven and earth.

Chaos surged, the void continued to collapse and shatter, and geomantic fire continued to emerge.

Don't look at just the deck attack unit. The last time it was broken by Wuyunxian.

However, bid farewell to three days.

Although it was not long before the battle of Tongtianhe, the eternal sky boat was also very different.

This is not how much his combat effectiveness or grade has been improved.

It was because of the last battle of Tongtianhe that Fang Qingshan discovered the deck weapon unit. With the improvement of his cultivation, the opponents he encountered became stronger and stronger, and he could not keep up with him.

Although it is only a conventional combat weapon, it is precisely because of its regular use that it is often used. If it cannot keep up with the rhythm, wouldn't it be in vain?

So, I made up my mind to make a big transformation and completely reborn.

In the past, the deck attack weapons barely reached the quasi-sanity at most. The upgraded and upgraded deck weapons are now unreliable, and it is easy to capsize in the gutter.

In general, there are three ways to upgrade deck weapon units.

The simplest and most difficult one is to follow Tianzhou's promotion, and various weapon units will naturally rise to higher levels.

It's simple because you don't need to bother about it, you are all prosperous. As long as Tianzhou is promoted, it is the chicken and dog that ascend to heaven.

The most difficult thing is that Tianzhou itself is not easy to advance. Follow him to enjoy the blessing.

So you still need to do it yourself to get enough food.

In addition to being promoted with Tianzhou, the other two methods, although a little more troublesome, can achieve transformation in a short time.

One of them is to upgrade and integrate more and more powerful weapon units.

It's just that such treasures can never be found.

None of the treasures in Fang Qingshan's collection could come in handy.

Ordinary, Fang Qingshan must not look down on it, and the integration into it is nothing but a dog tail and a mink. It is completely unnecessary and has no effect.

Formidable, Fang Qingshan was reluctant, and most of them were directly integrated into the eternal furnace unit.

Other than that, it was only improved on the basis of the original.

It is equivalent to remaking.

But different from other Lingbao remodeling.

For example, the refining of Wuyunxian's sword needs to consider the refiner, and also the success rate.

As long as the eternal unit reintegrates into more, the better heaven and earth treasures. The quality and power of these weapon units will always improve. 100% successful.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan was already prepared for this.

Over the years, I have traveled through various worlds and collected some rare treasures.

In addition to being used for cultivation, he collected some precious and rare treasures instead of engulfing them.

This time, it comes in handy.

Moreover, the eternal sky boat is a comprehensive sky boat. It wasn't stubborn.

At first, the reason why Fang Qingshan chose the comprehensive type of sky boat instead of other attack defense types was that he did not want to invest only without output, and he needed to feed himself.

Sure enough, with the development and promotion of Tianzhou.

Each eternal unit world, each unique treasure building can also produce various special products of natural materials and treasures. There is no shortage of top types.

Only with their Fang Qingshan's weapon upgrade plan can they be successfully implemented.

For example, the corrupted magic bullet issued by the magic tower is because Fang Qingshan has absorbed the essence of the blood sea.

The essence of the blood sea is naturally the world of blood sea opened up by the sail unit, using the essence of the water of the blood sea.

You must know why Fang Qingshan was able to develop this sail unit.

But use the eternal world, the blood of the sea of ​​blood in the battlefield of gods and demons.

Here are billions of eternity. The two races of Yongye gathered together for a long time. There is no shortage of blood from the Supreme Yuan and even higher levels of existence.

Just like the Honghuang blood sea, although it was transformed by the blood of Pangu, it also merged the blood of many fallen chaos.

The sea of ​​blood was originally a place of filth, the negative factor of heaven and earth.

You can even cultivate karma red lotus.

From this we can see that the water of the blood sea is powerful.

Not to mention this is the essence of the sea of ​​blood.

As for the Swinging Bell, Fang Qingshan incorporated four big ghost trees in it.

They are: willow, mulberry, locust, and laurel.

The so-called do not plant mulberry before, do not plant willow later, do not plant a ghost clap in front of the door.

Among them, the willow tree is generally used for mourning sticks and soul-calling maggots. Fang Qingshan is used in the eternal world to collect the souls of soldiers and ordinary people.

Except for laurel, which uses congenital laurel as the material, the other three are acquired genital roots. Although they are acquired radiant roots, they are all variants. They were obtained by Fang Qingshan from the market.

Incorporating into the Soul Bell is a perfect complement.

Fang Qingshan's first shot, although the intensity of the deck weapon unit attack surprised Doubao and others. But it's just surprise.

Although the deck attack unit has been upgraded, ordinary people encounter it, only to be scared to death on the spot.

It's not even possible to escape. Once the mind is taken and the footwork can't be moved, the second is that if the attack is too fast and the reaction is too late, it has already fallen, and then the target's Qi machine has been locked. Even if they escaped to the ends of the earth, they could not escape their tracking.

But who are they? They are a handful of people standing at the tip of the Honghuang Pyramid ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Any person who can pull out is a person who can stand alone.

"Sure enough, it's better to be famous than to meet. It's better to meet than to meet. It's a qualitative improvement compared to the last attack on Wu Yunxian. However, just like that, we still don't think about us.

Everyone has seen the battle of Tongtianhe.

But did not expect that within a short period of time, the deck attack unit of the eternal sky boat has actually improved again.

Although everyone was surprised, they did not take it to heart.

Kong Xuan just said a faint word, and then started directly.

The voice fell, the peacock turned on!

A high-pitched peacock tweeted into the sky. The colorful feathers open like a beautiful feather fan. A variety of magical lights burst out, colorful and gorgeous.

Although beautiful, the attack contained in it is even more terrifying. Reading Network

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