Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 842: Flood shock

At the beginning of this battle in chaos, no one knew about it except for the quasi-citing and the son-in-law.

After all, Buddhism also has a face.

The saint personally made calculations, Leiyin Temple made all the masters, but only to deal with the teaching of a second-generation Jinxian.

What I know is because the eternal sky boat is to ensure foolproofness. I do n’t know, I do n’t know how to say it.

It's just that, as time goes on, as they fight more and more fiercely.

Although deep into the chaos, it still shocked the flood.

Every quasi-sage can feel the battle in chaos.

Under the quasi-sage, even if you can't see it, you can still feel a trembling from the heart, and you are terrified.

Those who didn't know thought it was a sage fight, and the calamity started again.

"It ’s a great array of stars for Zhou Tian. I did n’t expect that after Di Jun, there are still people who can arrange them completely, and they do n’t need to tow the ancient stars. The eternal sky is really terrible. , Actually trapped everyone in Duobao and others, this power is really awesome. "

Yaochi, the emperor once again showed envy.

But this time, it was not because of national difficulties, but because of the power of the eternal sky boat and Zhou Tian's star formation. Do n’t talk about him, why is the Queen Mother indifferent?

If there is a large array of stars in Zhou Tian, ​​the saints will not come out, and the court of heaven will really have the power to suppress the Three Realms.

What about just being emotional? If the saint does not take action, who is Fang Qingshan's opponent?

After today, if Fang Qingshan can win, I am afraid that the position of the first person under this saint should be abdicated and give up.

And even if Fang Qingshan loses, it is still a glorious defeat, just like when the signboard is closed and the leader of Heaven is one enemy and four.

Moreover, even if Fang Qingshan is defeated, there will be no life worries, even the suppression may be waived.

Such a talent, how could Lao Tzu allow him to have any accidents?

"Damn, how could he complete the entire Zhou Tianxing array? And he could not even resort to the ancient Starry Sky? Is it the handwriting of moral deity?"

Bei Erhai, Yun Peng's face thought for a while.

"It is indeed worthy of being taught by a disciple. The Master Xuandu is not weak and has many treasures. This one is even more blue than blue. It is not impossible to be better than blue."

Viewing Wuzhuang, Zhen Yuanzi looked at the chaos, and couldn't help feeling emotions.

In particular, the eternal sky boat, this is a treasure that leads to the mixed Yuan.

With him, no matter who it is, he must look at him three points.

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but envy him. For many years, he practiced from Taikoo to the present, but his cultivation was stagnant and he couldn't see any hope of breakthrough.

If it weren't for the eternal skyboat's inability to take it away, I'm afraid he would inevitably have to use his mind to move his mind.

"I did not expect that after the antiquity, the Zhou Tianxing array could actually reappear on earth, but unfortunately, all the gods of the Wu tribe are in great array, hey!"

Beiju Luzhou, in the Pangu Hall, there is no head, with milk as an eye, and belly button as a mouth.

After the ancient Lich War, though, the Lich has failed.

However, although the situation of the Yao clan is not as good as before, it is much better than the Wu clan.

After all, there is a sage of the demon tribe. In addition to some big demon in Beijuluzhou, many elites of the demon tribe that year were either taken away by the Buddhist monks or accepted by the master of the heaven. It's all mixed up now.

And the witch? Except for a part of going to the prefecture, it can only be tortured near the Pangu Hall.

Without Zhoushan, the foundation has been lost. Fortunately, there is a land government that has been transformed into the soil. Otherwise, there may be no place for the witches in the flood.

In the sea of ​​blood, a trace of greed flashed in Minghe's eyes.

If you can get this array, replace the demon **** with the blood **** son, and have the same mind, even if there are no stars and no congenital treasure, but it is easy to counterattack the Buddha door.


No matter what other people think.

After putting Duobao and others into the Zhou Tianxing array, Fang Qingshan immediately relaxed a lot.

Because after falling into the large array, they were separated by Fang Qingshan, and they could not join forces. The pressure on Tianzhou and the large array naturally weakened a lot.

And fell into the formation method, congenitally suppressed by the formation method, ten layers of power can not exert seven layers.

Most importantly, Fang Qingshan can be defeated one by one.

Except for Duo Bao Kong Xuan, who can confront himself alone?

Without a helping hand, it was only a matter of time to fall into the battle and be captured.

The most important thing is that you can't find your eyes, and wanting to break them is simply delusional.

Unless you have a sage practice, or learn ancestors, to break through.

Otherwise, the best ending is to take advantage of the matrix method to find the flaws and escape by yourself.

Of course, even if you find the front line?

With the eternal sky boat as an array of eyes, as long as it is not joined by Duobao and others, one or two people alone will not help.

Next, Fang Qingshan first had to deal with land pressure.

Because Fang Qingshan found that this girl was very familiar with the Zhou Tianxing array.

Fang Qingshan didn't pay attention, and slowly approached Duobao.

Once they were allowed to join forces, Fang Qingshan was in trouble.

After all, if you look at the pressure of the land, it is likely that you know where the front line is. Once he leads the way, everyone will come to the front line. Isn't Zhou Tianxing's big array?

Although Fang Qingshan did not know that there was a complete array of Zhou Tianxing in his mind, he could also guess one or two.

At this moment, my mind was moving.

I only saw that in the Zhou Tianxing array, one party star array, one Zhoutian star, bloomed a splendid brilliance, like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

Falling treasure money, the other side of the bridge, the sickle of death, the passing water lamp, the Taixu **** armor, the Jiuqu Yellow River array map, and even the eternal military camp are all manifested one by one, organically combined with the various formation methods, playing a full percentage Of the power of two hundred, three hundred.


The sound of countless collisions resembled the ringing of the Eastern Emperor Bell, echoing in the formation space, and even spread to the outside of the formation, chaos, and flood.

Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Light dark ice wind thunder.

Time, space, cause and effect, destiny.


The array of stars in Zhou Tian evolved one after another, and one after another, the bright fireworks continued to emerge out of thin air.

As ground breaking, with overbearing supreme might, sweeping out in all directions with impunity.

Of course, the sudden outbreak of the formation law, the most important thing is to hold Kong Xuan and others, let Fang Qingshan make a move, specifically to clean up the land pressure.

But I saw the stars falling, exploding, endlessly sharp, sweeping the wasteland, and the entire void was constantly twisted, torn, broken, and collapsed.

Showing a terrible scene of destruction.

"Damn, the map of Shanhe Society !!"

Lu Ya saw the power of stars spreading over her body like a sea of ​​oceans, and her face changed suddenly. From these stars, she felt a near fatal threat. Reading Network

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