Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 858: 1 gate 5 kings

In order not to dim the glory of the past, but also to break through the avenue of dreams, at the same time to keep their chances and become a man.

As a result, those who get the chance and those who don't get the chance are almost deadly enemies and cannot be reconciled.

Especially those who do not have a backing background, at first, they are like dogs of a bereavement, and they ca n’t live all day long.

As a result, the entire immortal world was in chaos. Everywhere, people were killing and winning treasures. Manchuria was hunted down.

Those who get the chance want to get more, and even get rid of aliens, to kill them.

If you do n’t get the chance, you want to get the chance, you have to kill them.

The gates and powers don't want to have more odds that challenge their authority. They want to kill them.


It wasn't until the first casual person fully digested the opportunity that he gave the unprepared power to the thunder that the situation changed.

What has changed, however, is broken from nothing.

The whole fairyland is even more chaotic.

This kind of situation is naturally hated by those with vested interests.

For those who are reckless and ambitious, they see the hope of rising.

Of course, in this case, the greatest benefit is Chaos.

Taking advantage of the disaster and other people to **** the opportunity, did not notice him, with the help of Fang Han, he got out of difficulties, and by this trend, he repaired and made rapid progress.

To the extent that Lei Ditian Jun was careless, he was conceived and badly hit.

Leidi didn't know if it was the hit that caused the hit, or what?

After being severely hit by Chaos Tianjun, Fang Qingxue came to the door again, with the help of mosquitoes, he was suppressed, deprived of his cultivation and peace, and fell completely.

While stepping on the body of Lei Di, Fang Qingxue completely restored the identity of Dianmu Tianjun, and also soared into the sky, directly breaking through the puppet and achieving the fairy king.

In this regard, the mosquitoes were no surprise. Fang Qingxue was also a man of great fortune. He was the only one who received the care of the gate of eternal life and explored the great destiny. Before the reincarnation, he was the first day king. Too.

Not only Fang Qingxue, Fang Han, Lingxian Xianzun, Feng Baiyu also took the opportunity to break through the fairy king's realm.

Chaos, calamity means danger, fall, and death to others.

For them, it is a great opportunity.

Fortune and wealth, the calamity is also a great opportunity.

Fang Han itself is the son of luck in the eternal life. The breakthrough is natural.

After breaking through the Heavenly King, he first went to Divine Realm and wanted to **** half of the world tree.

Although unsuccessful, they also killed many gods of the Protoss and robbed many treasures.

Later, he went to the treasure world, rescued the emperor's pen and others, and even obtained the god's clothes. This is the fortune of the fortune-making god, forging thirty-three heavenly treasures, and finally the essence of the heavens and gods. Far beyond the protective ability of the "Moment of the King".

It was as if he was hanging up. Fang Han used the group's ridicule skills as a guide.

Linglong Xianzun and Feng Baiyu are much simpler.

When Linglong Xianzun reached the immortal realm, he entered the real hidden secrets of hard work, and after breaking through Tianjun, he went out and seized some opportunities. Breaking through the fairy king was also smooth sailing.

And Feng Baiyu, like Fang Qingxue, went through the backhand left by the previous life and followed Fang Han to the Divine Realm, with the lives of 129,000 gods, including dozens of Heavenly Kings, the weakest. With Jinxian Xiu, he successfully realized the way to the end and broke through the fairy king.

It was originally when this group of men joined together and competed for the world.

The dynasty of origin, the sacred place of truth, the heaven of heaven, the world of Buddha, the world of God, the world of treasure, the world of aliens, the world of dragons ... except for the upper realm, it was almost inevitably dragged into the vortex of chaos.

The Five Elements Gate is naturally impossible to stay out of the business.

But with the rise of Fang Qingxue, Fang Han, Linglong Xianzun, Feng Baiyu and others.

After the mosquitoes devoured thirty-three days of the treasure, the altar of zen, the royal robe, and other treasures, the cultivation of the mosquitoes advanced rapidly and reached the realm of Dala, not to mention those who had the opportunity to break through the ancient days of the immortal king. Jun, even if it is good fortune, origin, truth, Hongmeng and others can't please him.

The fairy king alone has a number of slaps.

Moreover, the Five Elements Gate did not expand, just guarding one acre and three points of land.

Therefore, no one dares to break ground when he is too young to take photos of such deterrence.

And the mosquitoes themselves? He is not a sitting man.

Fang Han and others have gone out to look for opportunities, why would he not take the opportunity to touch the fish in muddy water?

You know that the resources he broke through to repair are almost comparable to the eternal sky boat.

After breaking through Da Luo this time, almost all the resources of the last robbery were used up.

Anyway, for a short while, the Five Elements Gate will be fine.

So he took advantage of the Quartet's killing, and once again took up his old business, used the war to support the war, seized the opportunity, saved resources, and first went to the Abyss.

The bottomless abyss is the most dangerous place of legend in heaven.

This is simply the return of the eternal world. It is the source of evil, all the filthy, gloomy, and wicked places of heaven.

Tianjun entered into it, all have to fall, the evil in it, the Demon Realm can not be better.

Like the place of origin, this is not just a land of countless powerful evil thoughts, demonic creatures. However, both the terrain and the demons have gone up a step.

Of course, danger is often accompanied by chance.

In the bottomless abyss, there are infinite treasures, and even the artifacts ejected from the gate of eternal life fall into them.

According to legend, the disaster Tianjun and other people who created the heavenly court are here to collect various treasures and become the 33-day treasure of the holy fairy.

It may be extremely dangerous for others, that is, disasters and others who worship the treasure are extremely careful.

But for mosquitoes, it is like their own back garden.

For Xiuwei, he has broken through Da Luo. Although it is dangerous here, obviously, it reaches the level that hurts the ordinary fairy king at most.

Break through Daluo, don't say the bottomless abyss ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The entire immortal world, except for the gate of immortality, is available everywhere.

Secondly, in addition to the sinister terrain in the Abyss, there are endless demons.

Dangerous terrain will not be said, how can the environment here be compared with the blood sea where he was born?

As for demons, what demons can be more ferocious than mosquitoes?

He himself was transformed by the bloody-winged black mosquito of Hongmeng's fierce beast.

Those demons wouldn't come to him if they bothered him, and they would hit the dogs completely with meat buns.

Therefore, the arrival of mosquitoes is the blood mold that made these demons in the bottomless abyss fall for eight lives.

Because you don't go to him, he will come to you.

Once found by mosquitoes, there is basically no good reason.

Neither singles nor siege will be effective for mosquitoes. Reading Network

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