Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 867: 5-line array

"Break me!"

Tianfei and others are battle-tested and experienced generations.

At the moment when the power of the array was felt, he immediately drew himself into the pantheon, urging the treasure to the fullest.

Nearly ten immortal kings and nearly a thousand heavenly kings, although they are just a glimpse of the door.

But no matter how bad it is, the fairy king and the heavenly king are the mainstream cutting-edge strength of the eternal world.

In addition, the more powerful the Pantheon, the more powerful the treasure.

Together, they offered the Pantheon and smashed towards the void barriers around them.

This collision, the stone shook the sky, and it seemed that it was Fang Qingshan's eternal heavenly chaos magical horn that came this way.

I am afraid that even the divine realm may be knocked out of a cave, even if it is directly destroyed. Ordinary immortal kings are hit, and I am afraid that they will fall on the spot, and even Hongmeng, Caohua and others can only avoid their edge.

However, falling on the barrier was just like a breeze blowing across the water level, making ripples.

Don't say to break the barriers, it just means that there is no bigger movement.

It seems that the space of the map is as solid as gold, and as the space shrinks, the barriers continue to increase.

In this regard, Tianfei and others are naturally unwilling to trap.

If you have a will, things will happen.

Since it doesn't work once, then twice, ten times, hundred times.

They believed that with the power of the Pantheon, the entire eternal life, except the gate of eternal life, had no unbreakable barriers.

Unfortunately, the reality gave them a loud slap.

Boom boom! !! !!

No matter Huang Zhongda Lu's voice, the rain hit the banana, and it was endless.

However, it still does not help.

And the more the collision, the greater the rebound power, and the space is constantly shrinking.


Not to mention Fang Qingshan's practice is not something they can compare, even imagine.

This map alone is not easy.

This is not a map of the Jiuqu Yellow River, it is not a map of ten perfection, and it is not a map of Zhou Tianxing.

It's a five-element array!

After Fang Qingshan broke through Daluo, the innate deities once again gave birth to a destiny.

With the improvement of Fang Qingshan's repairs, the power of magical powers, especially the destiny of magical powers, of the Five Elements Avenue is naturally rising.

Whether it is a five-element bracelet, a five-element cone, or a five-element array, although it is a supernatural power, the quality of power is not worse than the innate spirit treasure.

The only difference may be that the Congenital Lingbao has a load, while the Congenital Magic Power does not.

However, as the power of magical powers increases, sooner or later, they can be realized, from imagination to reality, to achieve magical powers.

In this regard, the Buddhist monk did a good job.

Because of the little treasure in the west, the two men invented the method of refining magical powers into spiritual treasures.

The golden body of the Buddha, the stern umbrella cover on the three heads and six arms, the flower pot fish intestine, the treasure file, the golden bell, the golden bow, the silver halberd, and the flag are all supernatural.

For the time being, compared to the five-element bracelet, the five-element cone is not broken.

The five elements array is obviously more powerful.

The five elements array map, since it is a matrix map, naturally contains a powerful array method.

Big Five Elements Congenital Formation!

Of course, this array is not yet perfect, but it is based on what Fang Qingshan sees, hears, and understands.

Just like Kong Xuan's formation, it is more perfect than Kong Xuan's formation.

Stones from other hills, can learn.

Fang Qingshan has seen Kong Xuan's Big Five Elements Congenital Array, plus he also has five elements of spiritual roots, five elements of spiritual beads, and an off-ground flame flag.

Naturally, the Big Five elements are more perfect.

As for the true five-element congenital array that is comparable to the Zhou Tianxing array, it is necessary to continue to perfect this magical power as Fang Qingshan understands the Five Elements.

Of course, the easiest way is to gather the congenital Wufang Banners to get the real array map, and portray the array of Daoyun in the magical power, and this magical power can be directly completed.

However, it is impossible now, unless Fang Qingshan immediately went to the flood plain.

But even the incomplete version. Even if he does not use the eternal sky boat, by virtue of this supernatural power alone, he can challenge the quasi-sanctity, ordinary quasi-sanctity, as long as there is no rebirth, he simply has to wait for his life.

Don't look at the Westward Journey, Fang Qingshan killed many quasi-holy wolves in Buddhism, but here can only be ordinary quasi-holy.

But the former is not his original strength, but the power of the eternal sky boat and Zhou Tianxing's array.

Quasi-holy, quasi-holy, although it is quasi-holy, it is also holy.

Under the saints are ants.

The gap between Daluo and Zhunsheng is larger than the gap between Jinxian and Daluo.

Therefore, it is quite remarkable to be able to sacre that with Da Luo Ni Fa.

"Damn, kill me!"

"It's over, it's over now."

"How to do how to do?"

"No way, how could he be so powerful."


A desperate breath was spreading in the Pantheon, even Tianfei. There is no Zhizhu in the grip.

Power is in front of absolute power, and wisdom is completely useless.

Although the people who went to crusade the Five Elements Gate did not return, even the Xianxian Gate had fallen. They already knew that Fang Qingshan was not easy to mess with, but what he saw was true and what he heard was false. He had never really seen it with his own eyes. It's amazing to this extent.

This level of power has completely exceeded their estimates.

Even if I am facing the ancestor of the Holy King, I don't think so.

At this moment, the Protoss are so helpless and hopeless, unprecedented.

Seeing this map is like a cosmic black hole in the cosmic starry sky. From the black hole, a terrible engulfing power was transmitted, and the Pantheon was being engulfed a little bit, and once it could not move at last, it meant that they completely fell.

But what can I do now?

The Pantheon, thousands of heavenly monarchs, is almost the most powerful force in the heavenly realm and even the entire eternal world.

This can not fight Fang Qingshan, what else can they do?

"Holy King, help!"

In despair, someone began to pray.

This is like a chain reaction. Tianjun prayed at the same time, and Tianfei, Di Shitian and other fairy kings were no exception.

Now, apart from the ancestor Holy King ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, they really can't think of other methods, although they don't believe that the King can save them.

For one thing, in their memory, the prince of the ancestor was still asleep.

In the second place, the ancestor of the Holy King is not in the divine realm. Even if the prince, the prince, was awake, the far water could not quench the thirst.

What's more, even if you wake up, what can you do?

The power of the Pantheon is not much worse than the ancestor of the Holy King.

But it is the role of faith, the right to be a dead horse to be a living doctor.

It's like grabbing a life-saving straw and letting go.

If you want to plant flowers, you will not bloom.

Accidents often happen at the most unexpected time.

They did not report much expectations at all, but the reality exceeded their expectations.

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