Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 879: Heaven and Man 5 Decay

Would rather be a peace dog than a troubled world.

Maybe a troubled world is a time-making hero for some ambitious people.

For those who are highly advanced, they don't care much and can sit and watch the situation.

However, for most people, no one is willing to face a big change.

Not only because you are not used to it, but also because you have no worries about your life.

It's better to live than to die.

Therefore, although many people do not know the era of the annihilation, they are watching the world become more and more chaotic.

Reiki riots, the rules are disordered, from time to time, volcanic eruption, cracks in the earth, or a meteorite falling from the head, and a space crack in front of it ...

At a time when life might be lost at any time.

Almost most people want a place of paradise.

There are pillows for doze.

Just at this moment, the mosquitoes opened twelve days to release the light.

People in other worlds may still be hesitant. People in Xuanhuang Great World heard that it was the Five Elements Gate and Fang Qingshan.

Without saying a word, almost everyone, from the top to the immortal to the next mortal who has not yet broken through the magical power, picks up their most valuable items at the fastest speed, which can be taken away, which can be picked up, and which cannot be taken, and thrown away . Rush towards the light of God as fast as possible.

Although the Xuanhuang Great World has been renovated by Fang Qingshan, even if it is not as good as the heyday of ancient times, it is better than the other three thousand great worlds, especially the sun and moon void, the ice flame array, and the Liangyi dust array, which stabilize the world.

At first, there were not many problems.

But since Fang Qingshan said, naturally, no one is skeptical in this stronghold of the Five Elements, everyone believes unconditionally.

People in other worlds, after the initial horror, exclaimed with the same excitement, and their hopeless face glowed with hope. As if in the dark, seeing a ray of light, that feeling is enough to make anyone move.

Faced with the hope of life, all of them showed their energy to milk, and sighed towards the light of descent.

As for whether he was worried that Fang Qingshan was lying to them, he made a mistake.

The idea was left behind.

After all, the voice of mosquitoes can be heard throughout the world of eternal life, and the light can be seen.

And now they are like drowning people grabbing the last life-saving straw, how can they let go? How bad can it be?

"Pity me, there are so many worries. Those who recite my name may enter the heavens."

Although the mosquitoes came down to attract a lot of light, the world was too large and there were too many people, and because of Fang Qingshan's war, natural disasters occurred at any time.

In addition, in the face of the hope of life, human nature has also been exposed.

One after another scrambled towards the light of attracting, you pushed me, and even some directly opened the killing ring, whoever stood in front of themselves, paved the way with blood.

In order to avoid unnecessary injuries and deaths, and in order to reap the desire, the mosquitoes said again.

"Extreme Five Elements!"

"Extreme Five Elements!"

"Extreme Five Elements!"


For a time, the supreme voice of the Five Elements passed through the entire eternal life.

As the river rolls backwards, the willingness to open the flood floods towards the mosquitoes.

Of course, the mosquitoes who have benefited will naturally not cross the river to dismantle the bridge.

Anyone who chants Fang Qingshan's name, the mosquitoes directly release the light of God to sweep.

Fortunately, the cultivation of mosquitoes has broken Da Luo, countless avatars, and immense power, otherwise, I am afraid that this is really not possible.

Mosquitoes move quickly, almost a world, a plane sweeping.

Not long after, although there were some forces sheltered by the immortal king, and there were some other reasons, some of them did not come in, but the souls of more than half of the world have made the twelve heavens full.

For a while, the entire world of eternal life fell into silence. Except for the laws of nature, there was almost no movement.

Shortly after the mosquitoes took away the living beings, the gate of eternal life began to sacrifice the heavens, the real calamity came, and the heavens and the humans fell.

At this moment, everyone except the immortal king, even those who have achieved Heavenly King, have been approached by the Heavens and the People.

Even the people among the twelve heavens received by Fang Qingshan were no exception.

But weird breaths permeated into the Dinghai Shenzhu, and they came down on the people they accepted.

"No, heaven and man are coming down."

"Damn, thief, we've all left and don't let us go."

"The Five Elements Supreme help!"


The many souls who entered the twelve heavens, although they have left the eternal life, but because there is no transcendence, their lives are still imprinted in the world of eternal life. Now the world is destroyed and decayed. They are induced and their lives immediately follow Of decay.

Why can't the immortal Jinxian surrender, but only Da Luo can surrender?

It is because of the immortality of Jinxian, just because of the world, the world is immortal, he is naturally immortal, the world is decaying, and Jinxian is not immune.

And Da Luo claims that all time and space are eternal and comfortable, immortal.

But it is because, breaking through Da Luo, they cut off the cause and effect, get rid of destiny, and give everything to themselves. Even if the world is broken, they will be fine.

"Well, if the heavens and the earth in the Great Wilderness World are declining, I will avoid it, but you are just a world of one thousand people, especially many forces have been restrained by the deity, and you want to prestige?"

The mosquito sneered.

"Blood washes the world, karma was burned, and cause and effect were cut off."

The mosquitoes sat cross-legged, and the treasure was solemn, sitting at the center of the twelve heavens. First, they shot the sea of ​​infinite blood, then ignited the karma with the sea of ​​blood, and then attached the karma to the barriers of the heavens. Turned into a net of heaven and earth, and burned the heavens and the five declining atmospheres with karma.

Suddenly, but those who have entered, or are about to enter, are in a state of stagnation, and when they encounter karma, it is as if the fire is burning and oil is poured on the fire.

And those souls who were originally approached by the five deceased men and women ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ With the burning of the karma, can't avoid it, can't get rid of it, they can only watch and go to death, at this moment they finally resurrected.

The calamity is also a great opportunity.

Those emperors, God, heaven and earth who lived under Heaven ’s monarch, and those of Heaven ’s monarch, not only stopped decaying, but got rid of fate.

He also took advantage of this opportunity to break his life pattern and concubine, and became the Heavenly King and the Fairy King.

In the midst of the twelve heavens, in order to get rid of their fate and promote Xiu to be happy and grateful.

Twelve heavens away, the other living beings who were not sheltered by the mosquitoes had blood mold at this moment.

In the past, the Era of the Eternal Life era was about to build up strength, so as long as you reach Heavenly King, you can get rid of the heavens and the humans.

However, this time it was put aside and died, in order to get a stronger force to deal with Fang Qingshan.

All three thousand avenues have been sacrificed, and Tianjun is no exception.

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