Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 882: Flood

The heavens and the worlds, don't talk about the Sumi mustard, the storage space is as big as the heaven and the earth, and the thousands of floods are as starry as the stars and the Ganges.

That is, the chaotic world is not in the minority.

The greatness of the heavens is the sage of the mixed Yuan, and even the Tao of Heaven is difficult to spy. I am afraid that one can only understand one or two when they reach the realm of the avenue.

The Great Famine World was opened in a chaotic world by Pangu, which is comparable to the realm of the avenue.

The world is chaotic like a chicken. Pangu was born in it.

A demon hindered the road and surrounded Pangu.

But did not want Pangu Shenwei, stepping on the creation of Qinglian, holding a **** axe in one hand, pinching the gods thunder in one hand, killing Wushuang.

Cut three thousand demon gods and become a flood.

Yangqing is heaven, and turbidity is earth. Pangu is among them.

Nine days a day, God is in heaven and holy in the earth.

Each day is one foot tall, the ground day is one foot thick, and the Pangu day is one foot long. So eight thousand years old.

The number of days is extremely high, the number of land is extremely deep, and Pangu is extremely long.

Pangu Taohua, created floods.

The air is stormy, the sound is thunder, the left eye is the sun, the right eye is the moon, the limbs and the five bodies are the four poles and the five mountains.

The blood is rivers, the veins are in the ground, the muscles are soil, the hair is stars, the skin is grass, the tooth bone is gold stone, the essence is pearl jade, the sweat is rain, and the insects of the body are affected by the wind, and they are turned into gangsters. .

There are many chaotic treasures, chaotic spiritual treasures, spiritual roots, Pangu, demon flesh and blood, Yuanshen, mixed open heaven merit, Xuanhuang Qi, adhering to the power of the law, breeding new life, scattered the world.

The famine began.

Neither Pangu, Yu Wei shocked the world.

You know, even after the dragon and phoenix, they experienced a calamity, but it is difficult for Jinxian to climb the mountain near Zhoushan. It is also difficult for Da Luo to reach the summit.

That is to say, the heavens and the earth became more and more perfect, Tiandao deliberately suppressed and weakened the influence of Pangu, and the previous wars, so that Pangu Yuwei dissipated, and Tao and Tianhe were completely opened until Zhoushan.

Now Pangu is dead, and coercion is spreading across the famine. Not to mention ordinary creatures, even the congenital **** can't bear it.

You know, this one is comparable to the avenue and can kill three thousand demon gods. Among them, there are few who are as powerful as heaven.

Even without hands, momentum alone is not something ordinary creatures can bear.

Coupled with the initial opening of the heavens and the earth, even if Kaibo Sanbao suppresses the flood, there is still a lot of chaos between the heavens and the earth.

My tangerine, my arsenic.

To Chaos Demon, or Master Yuanyuan, Chaos Aura is a daily practice, just like the acquired aura to ordinary monks.

But for the non-demon gods and non-hybrids, the mixed aura is a poisonous thing.

Don't say that absorption and refining are contaminated, just like the bones of the cheekbones.

In this way, the world can only adapt slowly, adjust slowly, and evolve slowly.

As soon as the Kaitian massacre broke out, Pangu ’s pressure gradually dissipated or contracted near the Mount Zhou, and the mixed Yuan aura slowly turned into congenital aura, and then the creatures gradually appeared between heaven and earth. The world of silence began to be lively.

However, even after opening a mass raid in the sky, Pan Gu's sacrifice for killing the three thousand deities still filled the sky and the earth.

The first batch of born creatures was the combination of these evil spirits and the corpses or souls of the chaotic demon who fell from the sky, creating countless ferocious beasts.

These fierce beasts are not very intelligent, but the physical body is powerful, after all, it is the flesh and blood of chaos.

Adhering to the remnants of Kaiqi and Chaos, the only thing I know is to kill, to disregard the heavenly heart, to destroy it everywhere, so that the whole world will be suffocated.

Fortunately, the flood tribe came into being.

The dragons living in the four seas, the unicorn dominating the earth, and the phoenix flying the sky.

In order to fight against fierce beasts, the dragons gathered the scales, the unicorns gathered the beasts, and the phoenixes gathered the birds.

Because there are common enemies, the three clans work together, plus some congenital gods, Hongjun, Qiankun, Yinyang, Five Elements, upside down ...

Although the fierce beast is strong, but a piece of scattered sand, under the encirclement of three ethnic groups with dragons and phoenixes as the main force, they finally withdrew from the continent.

Once the robbery of the fierce beast was so over, luck and merit were gained, the three groups of dragons and phoenixes took advantage of the situation, stood on three feet, and dominated the world.

At the beginning, the three races licked the wounds and digested them.

However, there is no room for two tigers on the side of the mountain.

Contradictions between the three races gradually broke out.

First, the contradiction between the small scale, the small scope, and the power of His Majesty quickly caused the contradiction between the three families of Longfeng, Qilin and Qilin.

After all, the famine is so big, and there are so many resources. If you have more, I have less.

Especially after knowing the unification of floods, you can prove that the Yuan Dynasty.

In addition, some people secretly contributed to the situation. Soon there was a total outrage between the three groups.

Yes, it's some people, not just Mozuluo.

In addition to Luo Yan, there are a group of innate gods who seem to have no desire.

Luo Yan's trouble-making is well understood, the more chaotic the flood, the better it is for him.

The original meaning of the devil is disturbance, destruction, obstacle ...

The reason why other congenital gods contributed to the situation was that they did not want to see the dominance of the three races.

Because, by then, it is difficult to be alone.

It's like when the Lich dominated, except for a few people, such as Zhenyuanzi, Minghe, and others, Kun Peng was unwilling and was reluctantly persecuted by Di Jun and others. .

It was the saint, who had to retreat from the house during the heyday of the Lich.

Therefore, almost no one wants to see the three dragons and phoenixes like Sun Moon and Ziwei tristar.

So there was the assassination of the dragon and grandson of today. The genius of the Qilin family tomorrow died unclear, and the Tianjiao of the Phoenix family disappeared in the future. All signs indicate that it was the other party.

For a time, the whole atmosphere of the famine suddenly became tense.

Fill the soil into mountains, gather sand into towers.

Over and over again, small conflicts piled up, and the three clan finally reached the point where they had to fight.

The three dragons and phoenixes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and the three armors they represent, the birds, the beasts, and a battle that swept through the floods and famines.

The four seas, the continent, and the sky are nowhere else.

There was restraint at the beginning.

But the more I beat, the more my mind is blinded.

The chaos was completely chaotic, and the three clans fought inexplicably. Even Zulong, Fengzu, Linzu, and others could no longer control the situation.

Can't stop in a dozen.

Even if you are awake and do n’t want to fight, it is because the other party is entangled with you endlessly.

For a time, the floods and blood flowed into the river, and the corpses were piled up like mountains.

The evil spirit makes the whole sky blood red, and under Da Luo, entering it, it will instantly become a machine that only knows about killing.

Fang Qingshan came to Honghuang at this time.

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