Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 884: Sea of ​​blood

"I did not expect that breaking through the quasi-holy would actually consume so much, almost half of the resources are consumed. The most important thing is that after quasi-holy, the resources for each small realm breakthrough are no less than the previous total.

Some mosquitoes explained dryly.

"After quasi-holy, is it necessary for each small realm breakthrough to be less than the sum of previous consumption?"

Hearing this, Fang Qingshan was dizzy for a while, but took a sigh of coolness, almost vomiting blood.

The words of the mosquitoes fell in Fang Qingshan's ears, which were literally words of blood, with a conical heart.

Not to mention the resources consumed by mosquitoes in the past, it was only three top-level congenital spiritual treasures that broke through the quasi-sacred. From the early to the middle, and then to the later, the peak ...

Fang Qingshan didn't even think about it.

In fact, the reason why mosquitoes consume so much is because of the balance of the road.

Although I think the eternal sky boat can also make breakthroughs as long as the resources are sufficient.

But every breakthrough requires eternal blessing, otherwise, it cannot be transformed at all.

Don't look at eternal blessings for a while, but the amount of energy initiation is not less than what you consume, and the quality is even more unattainable.

However, the mosquitoes simply rely on themselves, and the natural consumption has increased geometrically in multiples, especially the greater the consumption later.

As for saying, when Fang Qingshan first met the mosquitoes, he just devoured the Turtle Spirit, and the Sanpin Jinlian had no time to digest, why the cultivation would be promoted so fast.

Fang Qingshan can only say that at that time, although the mosquitoes were repaired to a low level, their own energy sources were not many.

After all, it is the blood sea creatures that were born with the Styx River.

Although he did not dare to elevate himself in the sea of ​​blood, lest he cause commotion and draw the attention of Minghe.

But the power to devour the Sea of ​​Blood and the power of the source carefully has never been relaxed.

The reason is that one day after leaving the Sea of ​​Blood, you can fly in the sky immediately.

"Damn, **** it, **** it !!!"

When I came to Honghuang, my mind that wanted to make a big picture suddenly seemed to have been poured with cold water.

"I am really a hard worker!"

It took a long time for Fang Qingshan to return to God and sigh.

Originally thought that with the door to eternal life, mosquitoes broke through the truth and then helped themselves in turn.

However, I did not expect that the revolution has not yet succeeded. Comrade Ren needs to work hard, and not only to work harder, but also to work harder.

"so far so good!"

Fang Qingshan couldn't help but be grateful at this time.

Fortunately, I am here at the beginning of the day, and even the dragon and phoenix have not completely erupted.

If by the time of the ancient Lich, the saints are born, Lingbao Linggen Lingshan has basically become the owner, where there are resources to let them scrape.

There is no massive accumulation of resources, and mosquitoes want to break through, and do not know that they have to wait until the year of the monkey.

If it is planned now, it may not be possible to catch up with the birth of the saint.

"What are you going to do now?"

Although Fang Qingshan secretly cheered himself up, he still asked weakly.


The mosquitoes saw that Fang Qingshan was bitterly bitter and hateful, and he could not help but laugh. Then he said,

"I'm going back to the sea of ​​blood!"

Speaking of this, mosquitoes flashed in their eyes.

Good and evil come to an end in the end, only late and early.

At that time, because he was born late, he was overwhelmed by the Styx River, like a bereavement dog.

Now all of this should be transferred back, and I want to get back everything that belongs to me. Also let him taste his original taste.

"Back to the sea of ​​blood?"

Fang Qingshan thought for a while and nodded, it is indeed the best way now.

First choice is the most suitable for mosquitoes.

At this time, the Styx River should not have been born yet.

The inferior gods of the Styx River should be born at the end of the ancient times and the beginning of the ancient times. Once born, Da Luo Jinxian Xiuwei.

At this time, not to mention that there is no metamorphosis, even if it is metamorphosis, the cultivation is not as tall as mosquitoes.

It is even more impossible to refine the sea of ​​blood.

In this way, the mosquitoes are likely to refine the Styx River and become the true master of the sea of ​​blood.

This will not only break the heart, but also get a lot of resources.

The first is luck.

Do not look at the sea of ​​blood is a place where the birds do not shit.

But he returned to the famine, carrying and digesting all the filth.

Why do you say that the sea of ​​blood is not dead, and the river of **** is not dead? In fact, it is because of this truth.

Based on the importance of the sea of ​​blood to the flood, who dares to completely evaporate the sea of ​​blood?

Once that happens, even the saints cannot escape.

And Minghe completely refined the sea of ​​blood, reborn, and as long as there was a trace of leftover, he would not die. Except for the level of strength, he was still comparable to a saint.

Moreover, the Blood Sea will be the place of six reincarnations in the future.

Using the sea of ​​blood can also create a Shura tribe and establish Shura religion.

Shura is not only one of the eight dragons of the Buddha, but also one of the six reincarnations of the prefecture.

As such, the heyday of luck can be imagined.

If the Scenic River is missing a few chances, sanctification is not a problem.

It's a pity that the time is too short and it's a point.

In addition, the sea of ​​blood is still a treasured place.

Yuan Tu's Nose Sword from the Mud River, Twelve Pinye Fire Red Lotus, Scarlet Shura Banner, Mosquito Taoist Xuan Yuan Control Water Banner, Death Scythe, etc

And the origin of the sea of ​​blood is also a huge resource.

Mosquitoes now have a lack of resources. With them, the breakthrough should be much smoother.

In addition, the Dragon and Phoenix calamities have not yet erupted, and the battle between Dao and Demons has not begun.

Fang Qingshan was also planning to incubate for a while, wait until the highest peak was measured, and then go to muddy water to fish.

Otherwise, go for the benefits now, not to mention whether you can succeed.

When the gun strikes the bird, at that time, I am afraid that the three clans will not fight, they will join forces to hunt themselves down.

Although Fang Qingshan felt that relying on the eternal sky boat, even the three races were not afraid of chasing themselves.

But it's troublesome.

Moreover, the three races are now the protagonists of the heavens and the earth. They are the enemy of the protagonists. They always come to the world to work together, but they are not free to transport the heroes.

In the end, his cultivation and ability have not reached the point where he can dominate the world.

At that time, it may not be possible to capsize the gutter.

"That being the case, let's go!"

Talking ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The mosquitoes led the way, and the two hurried towards the sea of ​​blood.

Sea of ​​blood!

Pangu navel blood is a collection of chaos demon blood, carrying the heavens' qi and evil spirits.

The sea of ​​blood is unknown for hundreds of millions of miles, the blood waves are rolling inside, the fish and shrimp are not thriving, and the birds and insects are not coming.

Compared to the first toilet in the world of Junyuan Jindou, it is even more dirty.

Luo Jinxian is not willing to come here.

And now, because the sea of ​​blood has not yet been born, idlers can't find it here.

Had it not been for the mosquitoes and old men to know the way, Fang Qingshan might not have reached the sea of ​​blood.

"Are you going to break?"

Fang Qingshan asked, looking at a sea of ​​blood that wasn't much worse than the flood.

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