Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 887: Not speculative

Only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be thousands of days to prevent thieves.

I'm staring at you every day, and I'll do it for you anytime, anywhere, and this person still can't fight you, can't mess with the Tao, this kind of trouble, I'm afraid no one wants to provoke it.

Previously, as a different number, the reason why it was not targeted was actually very simple.

When he sealed God, he was just a divine self-cultivation. Such an odd number is too weak to attract the attention of Tiandao at all. Not to mention Tiandao, anyone can pinch to death, and Tiandao naturally doesn't care.

What's more, when he later responded to the situation and joined Xiqi, he was in a strong position. He even worshipped at Lao Tzu's door. If he didn't do it, he wouldn't die.

When traveling to the west, although it changed the small trend, it did not reverse the trend, not to mention that the heavenly path has been retired, and there is a saint who is on behalf of the heavenly animal husbandry, and coupled with his own strength, there is no problem.

Now it is not working. Fang Qingshan, the strength of Mosquito Taoist and eternal sky boat are enough to attract the attention of Tiandao.

After all, this combination already has the ability to break the balance between the heavens and the earth and go retrograde.

Therefore, a reasonable identity is needed, and if the mosquitoes become the master of the sea of ​​blood, naturally it will not be a problem.

At least it will not be specifically targeted by Tiandao.

Looking at the mysterious face, a ghost river that you have lost your heart, the mosquito said lightly,

"Two choices, one is that you swear to surrender to me and never betray you until you are higher than me, and the other is death!"

There are only a few thousand cups for every confidant, and there is more to say than speculation.

The mosquitoes do not want the Minghe dogs to jump over the wall, leaving a little room for Minghe. He promised that if he was higher than himself, he could get rid of the shackles.

Although this promise is just like fighting for a siege, it is completely useless.

Because the cultivation of the Minghe River is inferior to him, and he has lost the position of Lord of the Blood Sea. It is even more difficult to catch up, especially if the mosquito Taoist wants to improve the cultivation, only a few pieces of Lingbao .

Styx River naturally did not know the intention of the mosquitoes, and he did not care about this at all, because it was impossible for him to agree to this request.

Not everyone is as downright as a light. Worship a former colleague as a teacher.

And anyway, this person has become a saint.

How can the mosquito-sexist Ho Dey submit to the Underworld?

As the congenital great god, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, even if it is sanctified, it may not be impossible, and naturally has his pride.

Don't say that Mosquito is an inexplicable person, even a saint, it is impossible to enslave him.

Otherwise, in the future, the two people will only be attracted to the red fire lotus, and not yet enslaved him.

If the bones were a little softer, they would have forgotten their fortunes.

But the Heihe did not, even if it was forced to be a otaku, and even Jizo was blocked.

When it comes to this, obviously it can't be good.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......"

Styx smiled angrily.

"You want to take the position of my Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood? How dare you? Who gave you courage?"

"Don't say you, even the patriarchs of the Dragon and Phoenix clan do not have this ability. This seat is the master of the blood sea of ​​Tianding, and there is a large array of blood seas. Even if the three races recruit soldiers, they can be turned away. "

"Well, you have no way to go in heaven. Hell has no way to vote. He dared to hit his ancestors on his ancestors. It seems that you should have hit it. God will use my hand to destroy you."


The Minghe River said more and more intense, Yuan Tu's nose sword in his hand did not move.

Murderous, shuddering.

For a time, the whole sea of ​​blood was filled with blood waves and sky.

The blood waves rushed to Tianhe, and the qi was smooth and smooth.

The blood surge surging, as if thunder roared Sanchun. The ghost cried and wobbled, but it seemed like the wind was blowing nine summers.

Not only that, because the sea of ​​blood moved, the evil spirit of the whole world followed the riot.

All three realms oscillated for it, and the evil spirit between heaven and earth suddenly increased.

The progress of the catastrophe soared in an instant. It would have taken more than a thousand years to concentrate the mass catastrophes. In a flash, it was shortened tenfold.

At this moment, both the three dragons and phoenixes and Hongjun changed their color instantly.

Because even at the level of Zulong and Tianfeng, there is a lot of energy and vitality, and the protection of the treasure, but also some can not resist the attack of evil spirits.

There is only one temptation and one thought in my mind, and that is to kill, to create a world, to unite the flood, to add luck, and to confuse the truth.

Even Luo Yan, who is afraid of chaos in the world, seems to be out of his control.

Chaos is not terrible. I am afraid that I cannot control it.

In this way, it is easy to make wedding clothes for others.

How are selfish people willing to harm others?

The only one who still sits back and relaxes, and raises his eyebrows.

I've seen him open up to the sky, even if the dragon and phoenix are ten times more intense?

Moreover, the more intense the calamity, the better. In the end, it was impossible to say that Tiandao had to use his own hand to clean up the mess.

In this way, Tiandao owes cause and effect, and has to pinch his nose to show his luck, so that his injury can be recovered faster.

"Huh, the three dragons and phoenixes? They are just pawns under the heaven, they are the pioneers of the king, and they can't do it, it doesn't mean they can't."

Mosquitoes are unshaven when they talk about the three dragons and phoenixes.

Don't look at the immense power of the three races, but they are just pawns in the hands of Luo Yan and Hong Jun.

After the horror of dragons and phoenixes was over, in the end they had to be honest to suppress the world.

Although countless, but it is no longer possible to have a rise.

I do n’t see the king. In the future, the King of the East will command the world ’s male immortal. He will stand in the East China Sea. The heavenly courts will rule the demon clan. They will also need to clean up the dragon clan. , Sun Monkey robbing Dragon Palace and so on, that's the injustice.

However, in contrast, the Dragon clan has at least some names, and the Phoenix and the Kirin clan are just like everyone else, becoming legend.

"Hmm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It should hit this disaster, I think it's your turn."

"As for why dare? Oh, haven't you found out? I'm a blood creature, too."

The Mosquito replied without any problems,

"We are all blood sea creatures. You are not as good as me, supernatural powers are not as good as me, and you have not completely refined the sea of ​​blood. Even Lingbao is not as good as me. You said, who gave me courage?"

"What? Impossible!"

When he heard the words of the mosquitoes, Minghe suddenly widened his eyes and looked like a copper bell.

Although he felt a familiar breath from the mosquitoes before, he just thought that he cultivated the way of blood and the way of killing. He didn't think from the direction that he is also a blood sea creature.

Because after the Ming River was born, although there was no going out, the blood sea of ​​the base camp was basically controlled. Although the origin of the blood sea was not completely refined, there was nothing, nothing at a glance in the sea of ​​blood, but mosquitoes were not thought of. Taoists are actually blood sea creatures.

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