Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 902: Backhand

Regarding the Luoxian Sword Formation in the hands of Luo Yan, Hong Jun had learned from Tiandao long ago, so he made a plan in advance.

He discussed with the Five Elements and others. After entering the large array, he sat in the middle of the town and dragged Luo Luo, the Five Elements, Yin Yang, Qiankun, and upside down. However, they went to the gate of the Fangxian Sword Formation. At this point, the big team broke through.


Luo Yan did not expect that Hong Jun was so fierce. When he shot, he was killing, his face was condensed, and he quickly urged Xun Xianjian.

Hand-determined, a series of blacks seemed to destroy all the rays of the **** of destruction, Lei Fei flew out, in a split second, blasted on the square sword gate.

Suddenly, the four swords of Xunxian were full of brilliance, boundless evil spirit, murderous spirit, sword spirit, thunder, destruction, and other forces intertwined to form four huge black runes. "Absolutely."

These four words are like the five-line mantra of the eternal world, the nine-character mantra, the thirty-three ancient words, and so on.

At the moment when the rune was completely formed, the sound of a sword sounded, and the mosquito groaned at first, gradually rising, like a tiger howling hill, Long Yin Daze, and finally rang through Jiuxiao.

The four great swords uttered a scream of horror, and the whole body shone with dark black light, and the mighty murderous forces formed four tornadoes, connecting the heavens and the earth.

At the moment when Hong Jun tried to hold Luo Luo, the ancestors of the Five Elements and others had already started to go to the Sifang Jianmen as planned.

"Don't think!"

Seeing this scene, Luo Yan was anxious.

The killing of the four original Daowen characters immediately rushed towards Hong Jun, splitting along the way, smashing countless spaces, and four extreme killing wills locked Hong Jun deadly.

At the same time, there was a splash, a weak sword like Tian Nu scattered flowers sweeping towards the Five Elements and others. Obviously I didn't want them to go to the front.

Hong Jun didn't panic, he first kept his eyes on the portal.

The golden light at the feet emits countless golden light, forming a golden lotus virtual shadow, the top of the head is made of jade butterfly, flying out of the three thousand avenues and towering like Tianzhu, emitting countless luxuriant light, Tianzhu and golden flowers intertwined, forming around Hongjun An absolute vacuum field.

At the same time, he is not only beaten but not beat back. He has a leading stick and a panguo to kill Luo Yi in the past.

As for the other attacks, the ancestors of the Five Elements also had their own treasures. Against the overwhelming attacks, they did not hesitate and steadily approached the front door.

When Luo Yan saw this, he seemed to be anxious, and the four swords of Wuxian couldn't move any more.

Otherwise, the five elements and so on came to the front door, and breaking the front door is just a matter of flipping the palms.

However, the impossibility of using the Four Swords of Nianxian does not mean that Luo Ning has no other means.

However, he saw that he took out two treasures with his backhand, one with a magic weapon, the other with a magic sword, stepped on the twelve products of the black lotus, and the magic tower with his head dealt with Hongjun.

It seems that I want to get rid of Hongjun as soon as possible and adjust the formation method, so as not to be broken by the ancestors of the Five Elements.

Unfortunately, being pinned by Hongjun's death, he had no skill at all.

At the same time, the ancestors of the Five Elements have come to their respective positions.

Although the Five Elements and others sent Luo Ye Hongjun a little better, but after Luo Ye was restrained by Hong Jun, it was not difficult to take down the four swords of Wuxian.

However, the five elements of the ancestors of the five elements were seen, holding the five-element staff to attack the Xianxian sword. The fairy sword rolled over, and the ancestor held the order ruler upside down, wrapped in a banner of chaos and confronting the immortal sword.

Because Luo Yan was pinned down by Hong Jun, the formation method was not so smooth.

Although the Wuxian Four Swords and the Wuxian Sword Formation are sharp, they have gradually become somewhat unsupported by the means of the Five Elements and others.

However, at this time, Luo Yan was not in a hurry.

"Haha, you have been fooled, Hongjun."

After a while, when the ancestors of the Five Elements were holding the winning ticket, when the Xianxian Sword Formation was about to be broken, Luo Yan felt that the time was ripe and suddenly laughed.

Hong Jun suddenly hesitated when he saw this.

Before I could react, I saw a flash of light in Luo Yan's eyes,

Followed by, there are four horrifying existences in the Xianxian Sword Formation.

However, it was seen that among the four fronts, savage air came out.

Then, they saw four bodies appearing like demon-like bodies.

But it is four huge war apes.

As far as the ape's breath is concerned, they are only a little worse than Luo Yan and Hong Jun, and they are not indistinguishable from those of the Five Elements ancestors.

The arm of the ape in the gate of Xianxian Formation is extremely slender. It takes the sun and the moon, shrinks thousands of mountains, distinguishes the blame, and it is a monkey with a back-to-back monkey.

The whole body exudes the ancient charm, the whole body is up and down, and the sky looks like a phoenix.

Among the gates of the immortal array is the red-headed horse monkey, who knows yin and yang.

Although it is not as good as the back and monkey monkeys, they are also very powerful, holding a nine-day dragon in their hands and stepping on the towering blue waves.

Among the trapped fairy gates are six-eared macaques, who listen to sounds well, can understand, and know everything before and after.

The body is wrapped in immense whirlwinds, like a chaotic storm, and apocalyptic natural disasters, sweeping all around, destroying everything.

Among the immortal array gates are Lingming stone monkeys, who change through time, when they know the sky, when they know the geography, and when they change stars.

The body shook, and the golden monkey hairs turned into countless golden lights and shot out.

Every single hair instantly turned into an avatar, just like the Blood Goddess of the Styx River, and the blood mosquito avatar of the mosquito Taoist. The breath emanating from it was just inferior to the deity.

Asshole Four Spirit Monkeys!

If Fang Qingshan is here, the origin of the four monkeys can be recognized at a glance.

Each of the four monkeys held an iron rod completely made of chaotic bronze, and looked at the ancestors of the Five Elements, etc., and smiled wryly.


The four screamed at the same time.

When the iron rod was shaken, it was instantly blown out to the ancestors of the Five Elements, etc. www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the iron rod, a terrible will suddenly broke out, as if the iron rod contained the lawless supreme will .

In the stick, pass unparalleled killing power and immense robbery.

The sky is killing, the sky is turning, the earth is killing, the dragon and snake are rising from the ground, the human is killing, the world is over and over again, and all things are destroyed for a while, the plants and trees are not there, and the sun and the moon are no light.

The iron rod hasn't fallen yet. The kind of indomitable will, all things are broken, the artistic conception is the first to swept away towards the primitive gods of the Five Elements ancestors and others.

The Tongbei monkey dropped with a stick, there was fire and nirvana, and the sky was destroyed, as if the whole flood was to be cooked in a pot.

The six-eared macaque fell down with a whirlwind sweeping like a chaotic storm and an apocalyptic storm.

The Lingming stone monkey fell down with a single stick, as if blessed by the power of the boundless earth, containing the terrifying power of the mountains and the supreme will of the earth.

The red-headed horse monkey fell, but it seemed like the sea was capsized.


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