Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 495: Innovative Development

"I'm Yang Qi, I recently heard that you are going to talk about a new cooperation, if you are lucky, I would like to take a photo with you to discuss it.

Yang Qi is also more official, and what he says is very calm.

He might have been a little too edgy before, after all, he would not be too polite to some bad people, but for such a formal occasion, he must use some careful words and behaviors.

"In fact, you can see that the development of our planet is in full swing. It is developing very well, but I am afraid that there will be some mistakes in some places. After all, the competition between various planets is very strong now. I hope that in a certain place There are some new breakthroughs in some aspects.

The other party also directly explained his thoughts, and then said that he hoped to get Yang Qi's help.

Since there are a few young people with insights, there must be some new thinking and development. After all, imagination is the most difficult thing in this world to capture.

Those seemingly useless things may become what they imagined bit by bit.

"Why are you so lacking in heart, I will definitely find a way to help you, and you have never seen me have such a great interest in any industry!"

After Yang Qi heard the other party's confident answer, he instantly felt some exaggeration.

After all, not all people can maintain a relatively normal attitude. They seem to be unknown, but no one knows that some strange things will happen.

The scariest thing is that someone may take advantage of others.

The more obscure things seem, the more complicated and confusing they will develop.

"I have thought about what you said before, but you don't have to worry, because I admire you not only for this, but also for your behavior and determination when you do things sometimes. I especially admire you for your actions."

In the development of an industry, if the leadership does not have enough courage and the people under him do not have enough experience, how can there be new breakthroughs?

Sometimes the reason for promoting newcomers is because the original company may be doing very badly, and their ideas are stubborn and unchanged.

"So you mean that you want me to survey the various industries on your planet a little bit. If you have some ideas, the most important thing is to put them forward [in the middle, but you may not need to participate too much in other words."

Yang Qi finally understood what he was using directly, and then responded quickly, and also told her some thoughts between them.

Sometimes cooperation seems easier, but what really worries people is that things that often never happen at all, but seep into the past bit by bit.

"I can agree to everything you said, but you need to give me a time limit. I can't stay on your planet forever. Not everyone can stay the same, and of course I am not."

Under the condition of equal interests, Yang Qi can agree to some demands of the other party. After all, the greatest demand of a person is to maximize the benefits.

He was never really a Madonna, he needed to get what he deserved.

The same values ​​can make Yang Qi relatively indifferent, and even at any time, he can’t tell me that he doesn’t help some poor people, but what kind of results he should have for the people he helps is the most important thing of.

………… Seeking flowers 0

"It's normal to sign an agreement, but I need you to complete this work task in the shortest possible time, and then you can discuss everything you want with me, so that we can reach a consensus standard."

Yang Qi's character is actually a bit funny. I accidentally fell into this planet and never thought that I could be involved in other people's industrial development.

Because the standards of each planet are different, no matter where they wander, they will have some ideas of their own, and sometimes they will even meet bad people and people with unknown reasons.


People who have seen their alien planets are also very friendly now. It's just that the behavior of doing things is not subject to some consent from Yang Qi.

"That can.

Yang Qi finally nodded and agreed with everything he had done, but he wanted to achieve a more important thing, that is, they first obtained a famous treasure, which many people wanted to have but could not get.

The man in front of him hesitated for a moment, and he needed to report this matter to the higher-ups, after all, this matter involved a lot of "he can't make the decision alone.

"Hurry up and report. I'll wait for your news. If it doesn't work, I won't force others. Then you should promise to rest assured, and we should do it too?"

He was indeed very smart, and after a few short conversations, he left directly and aboveboard, and even made it impossible for people to catch him.

After hearing his words, the other people around him felt a little unbelievable. This is really a figure of a great god!

Hurry up to curry favor now, maybe it will change their fate. .

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