Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 54: The Powerful Mark 38! [The First Change, Asking For Flowers, Asking For Evaluation]

Wear Mark 3 on yourself in front of everyone.

Yang Qi smiled and said, "Tell us about your experience."

"This thing doesn't seem to be as heavy as it looks, and it moves comfortably, but I don't know what to do with those weapons."

Yang Wei's voice came from inside the armor.

"Ask Jarvis for the specifics!" Yang Qi said and left.

Everyone at the scene immediately surrounded Yang Wei.

"Captain, come out and let me feel it."

"And I!!"

"You instantly grow taller when you put this on."


Everyone said excitedly, as if they were wearing them.

Yang Wei's expression is so cool now, this thing is so many times better than the cold-proof clothes, you don't need to wear the cold-proof clothes inside, just put on ordinary clothes.

"Don't think about it, you will all have it in the future. This is what the president gave me." Yang Wei said loudly, slowly walked towards the biosphere under the envious eyes of everyone, returned to his room, and looked at himself in the mirror , don't look too handsome, if the earth is not wandering, don't worry about not having a girlfriend in this dress.

Carefully get out of the armor and wipe it carefully, just like wiping a piece of art.

"Vice President, it seems that the President didn't show Mark 3?"

Someone outside the biosphere asked loudly.

Chen Qiuye just remembered this matter, they made two pieces of armor, Yang Qi only showed one, but now Chen Qiuye is too embarrassed to go to Yang Qi to show the second one, Yang Qi said he has something to do He was going to be busy, so Chen Qiuye was naturally too embarrassed to disturb him. You must know that Yang Qi was busy, it was a big deal, maybe it had something to do with the biosphere, at this time all their affairs had to be put on the back burner.

Just as they were discussing in low voice, Yang Qi came out again, with a hint of embarrassment on his face, but he tried his best to pretend to be calm.

"Now let me show you the role of Mark 38."

The people around didn't react a bit, didn't they have something to do just now? Is it over so soon? But no one said it out, everyone just thought about it in their hearts.

No one thought that things would change so quickly, so fast that they didn't even have time to react.

"Mark 38, this is a lifting armor with multiple layers of reinforced armor that looks thick and heavy. This is also the final armor. Mark 38 has a strength of over 100 tons and can easily carry or support heavy objects." Yang Qi said lightly through it again and again.

"But don't worry, wearing this thing on your body will not affect your work efficiency, because it doesn't feel like it accounts for the total amount in it, and it can even be said to be retractable." Yang Qi jumped up on the spot. At that time, everyone could clearly feel that the whole earth seemed to shake.

The people at the scene were all shocked by the number. One hundred tons of power, what kind of concept is this, that is, when they put on this armor, they can lift up the gold ore and run away.

This thing doesn't look very good-looking, hunchbacked, cumbersome, and listless, it is used for heavy physical work such as moving, carrying heavy objects, and this is not a combat-type armor, but it has super strength and defense. The armor is not comparable.

However, Yang Qi has installed some weapons on it. If he encounters any danger, he will not be helpless to fight back. Yang Qi's thinking can be said to be a long time ago.

The armor is equipped with a pulse cannon and a chest Repulso, which, if nothing else, can still deal deadly blows and devastating damage to the enemy.

The spine area and two arms of the Mark 38 armor are also equipped with a powerful pressurized lifting system, and there are two shoulder pads on the back, which can lift or consign heavy objects or support heavy objects, which are specially used by factory workers.

Fifty sets of Mark 3 and Mark 38 were produced each. It is definitely not enough to have one set of manpower, but it is still enough to say that there is one manpower on the construction site and the rescue team.

"You don't have to worry about whether it will be cold in here. It is much warmer than the winter clothes. Now you get used to it. In the future, you will wear two sets of clothes for mining or rescue. By the way, where is Yang Wei?"

Yang Qi asked curiously, when it came to rescue, he didn't seem to see Yang Wei's shadow.

"Yang Wei may be excited in the room right now." Chen Qiuye said with a smile.

Yang Qi had a wry smile on his face, he was not calm at all, but it was reasonable, he was very excited inside just now, he forgot to introduce Mark 38, it was Jarvis reminding, Yang Qi turned around and left back.

When the workers of Zhenjin Mine put on this armor, everyone was a little overwhelmed. They picked up the seemingly huge Zhenjin ore as soon as they picked it up, without any feeling of effort.

"I'll go, this thing is so cool!"

"I don't want to stop!!!"


Mining workers may not know how to turn off the function of loudspeaker. They speak so that everyone outside the armor can hear them.

Everyone had smiles on their faces, and they never thought that things could turn out like this now.

But it can be seen from the performance that they really don’t seem to want to stop, they are all working crazily, they don’t feel tired at all inside, they are all full of energy, don’t say stop, Fairy Ah, it might be a bit embarrassing to ask them to stop.

Mining used to be a very boring thing, but now with this armor, it seems to be a very enjoyable job, and it is amazing that music can be played inside.

The work efficiency is much faster. Now the mining truck is not used at all. Putting on the armor, you can directly resist it on your body, pick it up and leave, and you can't feel any pressure.

A smile slowly appeared on Yang Qi's face, what he wanted was this effect, otherwise wouldn't his points be wasted, only in this way could Yang Qi earn points faster.

"Are you ready? Call Yang Wei to go!"

Yang Qi turned around and shouted loudly.

"Okay President!" The members of the rescue team responded collectively. They are now familiar with this armor. This is a little different from Mark 38. It has offensive power. If it is not enough, it may become flat ground within a few miles, not to mention that they still have so much armor.

When Yang Wei ran out of the room, he was stunned to see the scene in front of him. So many people were wearing armor, and what kind of armor the miners were wearing, it seemed to be more powerful than his own.

"Captain, look, we also have armor!!!" After seeing Yang Wei appearing, the members of the rescue team rushed forward to shout.

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