He Kai's curiosity was aroused, and he asked curiously: "Speaking of which, what exactly is the gift?"

Everyone looked at each other and suddenly laughed.

"Good stuff, you can use it every day."

"Use it every day, and you will become more and more manly."

"Cherish the goods, limited edition."

"Men, all like this."

Everyone said one sentence, just like making a small advertisement, full of hints.

He Kai was led astray, but... I worked hard, can't I enjoy it?

Li Yang smiled evilly after listening to the description of this group of bad friends.

He simply ordered someone to put out the projection.

"Brother He, I have carefully selected good stuff for you."

He Kai's face was full of expectation, and then...Fuck.

He Kai was so scared that he almost fell down. He saw that the projection showed a long dining table, and a family of men, women, and children were praying with black tools.

Don't even mention the imagined beauty, it's hard to describe the ugly melons and jujubes.

Inertial thinking did not react for a while, He Kai was still cursing: "Who can eat this thing? You have too strong a taste!"

"Brother He, don't slander us, who eats it? It's you who wants to eat it, right?"

"Yes, yes, this is the product of Utopia, the top tool believer."

"Pray once a day, you will become stronger and stronger, that's right!"

"Men, the stronger the man, I'm not lying to you."

He Kai heard everyone's jokes and knew that he was fooled.

However, this kind of harmless joke is more likely to enhance everyone's relationship.

"Okay, I've laughed enough, tell me what's going on?" He Kai asked.

Immediately, Li Yang explained to him the role of faith.

This thing is equivalent to hard currency and is very valuable.

"But even if they are dead, the bodies of these devout believers are very valuable.

I heard that there are companies that specialize in using extraordinary potions to fill black tools. After becoming a knight, the materials are more valuable."

He Kai frowned slightly. After all, he was born in the Blue Star Federation, and he was a little uncomfortable.

Of course, only a little.

"Tell me more about how to use the territory?" He Kai couldn't wait to know more.

"If you are lucky and there are special resources in the territory, then open a mine.

Otherwise, buy a batch of slaves, let them roam free... rule them, and you can always select qualified cannon fodder, believers, and materials in the midst of suffering."

Li Yang slowly described the special purpose of the territory to him, legally raising a large number of slaves, eliminating and selecting useful materials, and then feeding back to the nobles.

From cannon fodder to knight armor, and even strength, everyone can benefit. Isn't this the foundation of the nobles?

As for economic benefits, it is a relatively minor thing.

"Brother He, we have discussed it and are going to use the theocracy model to raise slaves and establish several small principalities. Then we will attack each other and give birth to faith. Will you join?" someone suggested.

Establishing a principality with theocracy will strengthen everyone's faith. Endless suffering will purify faith initially, and a little grace will purify it again.

But it is not enough. Through war, a purer faith can be born again.

And there is no need to harvest materials in person. The slaves can harvest them themselves.

There may be some fish that slip through the net, but the benefits are negligible.

At least design a system, such as blood sacrifice of captives to the gods, which can achieve a good effect.

As for impersonating gods, it is too simple. Slaves living in primitive times, even if they have the power of knights, can't make waves.

Similar harvesting traps are actually never rare. At most, they are just a layer of skin.

He Kai's heart was pounding, but he had a question: "Is it okay to pretend to be a god?"

"This is not their idea. This is a way of learning from other old nobles. When the time comes, everyone can also form a joint venture to build a kingdom and play games with other old nobles, or even gamble." Li Yang exposed the self-boasting of others: "As for the gods, the belief is real. We just appear in the name of the knights of the gods. It's not a matter of pretending. Just report to the church."

He Kai suddenly realized that this is the case.

Obviously, this is already a complete and mature system. The nobles have increased their strength through various means, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The strong will always be strong, this is the bloody reality.

If He Kai was a little uncomfortable before, he is not at all now.

Sympathize with a group of tools? Who will sympathize with himself.

After eating and drinking, He Kai rested for a night and went to his territory the next day.

At the same time, the officials appointed by the Duke delivered a huge statue of a fallen angel.

He had heard Li Yang say this. This was a gift from the Duke. The statue itself was valuable. In addition, someone would teach him how to become a nobleman.

The official patiently told He Kai how to run the territory. There were various models.

In addition, he could contact the church at any time to get help.

Finally, the other party told him: "The Duke has prepared a thousand black slaves for you to help you build the territory."

"Thank you, Duke." He Kai thanked the official and sent him away.

Next, it was time to build the territory.

Of course, the funding promised by He Wei also arrived.

On the contrary, He Wei himself was dragging his feet and had not yet come to the territory to take office.

When He Kai received the supplies, he was sure that the He family knew a lot of inside information.

From the preparation of supplies, it can be seen that first there are 5,000 black slaves, then black believers, including various primitive production tools.

Furthermore, tool supervisors and cotton seeds are also available.

The higher-end ones include some extraordinary craftsmen, and they are not stingy.

It can be said that He Wei has invested a lot of money, perfectly implementing He Yun's instructions, and has invested a lot of money in various materials.

At least, He Kai felt the sincerity.

But it is not enough to change his mind.

He Kai just sighed a little, and then started the journey of the novice lord.

According to the agreement with Li Yang and others, they will first build their own territories and build a feudal civilized principality.

A group of tool priests, holding the template-modified slave Bible, began to promote.

"...After the Last Judgment, the Lord ordered His messenger to drive a huge steel ship and lead us sinners to a new continent. The Hero King was ordered by the Lord to establish a principality... The sinners should work hard, maintain their faith, and atone for the past, the present, and the future, otherwise the Last Judgment will eventually come..."

The priests preached everywhere with templated Bibles. After experiencing a disaster, the tools believed in it.

Then, under the leadership of the so-called chosen people, they built a new home.

Of course, they didn't know that this was a game, a game for the nobles.

They would dedicate their flesh and blood, faith, and even souls to contribute to the strength of the noble masters.

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