The towering statues are not like the creations of mortals.

This is He Wei's territory.

The Tongtian statue is a symbol of divine power.

On this land, divine power is greater than royal power.

It is said that a long time ago, there was a country of non-believers on this land.

Then, under the wrath of the gods, the country of non-believers was destroyed.

The doomsday ark from another world brought new residents.

They multiplied and established their own country here.

And in the wilderness, from time to time, you can find the remains of ancient civilizations and even surviving remnants and... extraordinary life.

As a large number of tools were silently thrown into this land, countries rose from the ground and different heroes were born.

Under the watchful eyes of the gods, they began to conquer the land and contact other immigrants.

Then, there was war.

The powerful hero knight walked on one side and determined the direction of the war.

Originally, this was a war between countries.

But with the appearance of the legendary extraordinary life, this game of nobles became particularly exciting.

The towering statue is actually a building.

The hollowed-out statue is inhabited by a large number of researchers who monitor extraordinary life at all times and send people to observe closely when necessary.

Of course, more often, they can only look down and see the dirty country under their feet.

On this day, a researcher stood by the bed with a cup in his hand. Their office just happened to be able to see the head of the statue, with a unique view.

As every day in the past, the researcher was about to turn around and sit down.

Suddenly, he saw the head of the statue shake.

"The statue... the head of the statue seems to move."

He thought he had seen it wrong at first, but his excellent memory made him sure... the statue really turned its head.

Fortunately, this is not a weird world, this is a world where gods exist.

Everything related to gods can be attributed to gods.

After a while, all the researchers were praying.

This is very scientific. Derek had no choice but to divert his attention. The biggest pot for this phenomenon is actually himself.

But he came this time not to show miracles.

In fact, he is very interested in Davis' research.

Compared to using divine power to directly enlighten life, this kind of research is very technical.

And borrowing advanced technology will help develop more powerful power.

And the new experiment that He Wei came up with by accident is very conspicuous in the same batch.

Since he was observing Davis's results, Derek would of course choose the most special one.

So, He came.

The direction where the statue turned its head was actually where the nearest extraordinary life was.

Coincidentally, it was still the big black bear.

Since he was put into this world, the extraordinary black bear quickly adapted to a completely different environment.

The existence of extraordinary power made it very easy for him to survive.

Compared with when he was in captivity, he had a little more freedom.

But... he also lost sufficient food.

For the extraordinary black bear, the biggest problem of hunting is finding prey.

Even if he has extraordinary power and even if his hunting ground is very large, it takes a lot of time to hunt every day.

Unlike many people who think that wild animals are running everywhere in the wild, there is also a concept of density for animals.

Busy hunting all day makes the extraordinary black bear more and more irritable.

Until one day, he found the village of Toolmo.

After a hearty hunt, he found that this place was a natural hunting ground.

Prey gathered together, weak power, delicious food.

What a perfect hunting ground?

If it weren't for his IQ deficiency, he would definitely learn to pray to the gods.

The extraordinary black bear was so arrogant that he destroyed several villages in a row, which naturally attracted the attention of the Toolmo Kingdom.

Population is the cornerstone of the country. If they continue to be eaten by black bears like this, they will perish.

Any normal national regime cannot allow such a thing to exist.

So, a team of heroes set out from the so-called capital.

When Derek came, it was just when the two sides met.

Because the hunting had been going smoothly, the extraordinary black bear basically lost its vigilance after several successes.

He didn't think that the weak prey could bring much threat to him.

So after hunting again, he directly nestled in the open space in the middle of the village to rest.

Even some of the remaining prey were bitten to death by him and thrown aside.

Basking in the sun, the extraordinary black bear snored comfortably.

Until the sound of the wheels of the carriage woke him up.

As a real extraordinary life, he was huge in size. Although he did not control the mecha, his body size was his mecha.

Therefore, he could hear sounds from far away.

"Another prey is delivered to the door?"

The extraordinary black bear was very surprised. The feeling of opening his mouth to eat food was really great.

He even fell into a happy trouble for a while. Should he eat fresh or store it?

Before he thought about tomorrow, the team responsible for the crusade against the extraordinary black bear had already seen him.

With the pile of corpses next to him, the crusade team instantly became red-eyed.


The bow and arrow were the first attack, and then several heroes as the main force rushed to the front, waving their weapons to attack the extraordinary black bear.

The latter felt the threat and stood up quickly.

He felt that this time the prey had a very strange power.

The two sides soon fought together. The power of the extraordinary black bear was blood-colored and could affect blood.

The tools of silent heroes were relatively unified, which was an all-round increase.

The fierce fight began. Both sides encountered such an opponent for the first time.

"Waste, too wasteful, if the extraordinary life is killed, it would be a waste."

The researchers no longer cared about studying why the head of the statue moved.

They looked at the surveillance screen excitedly and recorded various data quickly.

They were now very worried that the precious experimental subjects would be killed, and many people were scolding He Wei, the second-generation ancestor.

But Derek was different. He thought it was very interesting.

Compared with other places where everything was stable, this place seemed to have more potential.

At least, there were more problems exposed in the battle than usual.

This was originally an immature technology, and there was no fear of defects.

Under his gaze, the power of the extraordinary black bear was actually evolving.

However, two fists could not beat four hands. After being surrounded and beaten, it began to run away.

The heroes chased after him relentlessly, determined to kill the Super Black Bear.

Unfortunately, they let the Black Bear escape, after all, the forest was the enemy's home turf.

However, the Black Bear was also seriously injured, and both sides suffered considerable losses.

And Tool Mo's plan was also realized, at least the Super Black Bear dared not hunt Tool Mo recklessly anymore.

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