He Kai was naturally delighted when he heard the news.

It seems that I really hit the jackpot.

When Leon saw him smiling, he almost couldn't help but run out of the screen and punch him.

Of course, joking aside, he still told He Kai seriously: "This marriage is very important. If you need to support the engagement, let me know."

Marrying such a noble girl is definitely not a simple matter of marrying her home. The process is so complicated that it makes people dizzy.

For both parties, it is an opportunity to understand each other and even show their strength.

He Kai suddenly remembered that the marriage seemed to have not yet been decided.

So, he scratched his head and told Leon awkwardly: "Actually...Miss Eunice just gave me a chance to pursue him."

Oh boy, the reversal is here.

Leon rolled his eyes: "Are you kidding me? Do you know how much energy I spent on helping you investigate the Sauron family?"

But it makes sense to think about it. This kind of noble girl should have better choices. How could He Kai take advantage of her?

Of course, people gave me a chance, which is also hope.

Leon still reminded He Kai: "I think you can stop dating and try pursuing Miss Eunice. This is definitely your best chance."

Leon was sure that if He Kai gave up, he would regret it later.

Other blind dates are all replaceable. To be realistic, there is no irreplaceability.

But Eunice is different. As He Kai, this is his only chance.

He Kai nodded seriously, and he also realized this.

However, after hanging up the communication, he suddenly discovered a serious problem. Eunice had not left any contact information at all.

Although the other party gave him the opportunity to pursue him, the two of them seemed to be from two different worlds.

How should two people who have never crossed paths pursue each other?

He Kai soon realized that this was also part of the pursuit.

If the hidden strength of the Sauron family cannot be found, he may not have the patience to continue pursuing the other party.

If you don't have a way to contact the other party, you won't even be able to get through.

Only by meeting these two conditions can he strive to win the other party's favor.

Fortunately, Leon helped him achieve the first condition.

The second threshold... He Wei came to the door.

"I found out that the Sauron family is very rich and is an important businessman of the Silver Chamber of Commerce. You have a poisonous vision." He Wei told He Kai happily. As for the fact that Sauron is rich... to the He family , money is not the most important thing.

If He Kai finds a noble woman with a good background, He Wei may not be so happy.

If it was purely about having money, he hoped that his brother would be as rich as possible.

But he didn't just show his presence, he quickly produced his own results.

"Miss Eunice has been staying here recently. It is said that her family has some business that needs to be handled here. This is where she hangs out. You can try your luck."

The He family has little influence in the Dark Empire, but in the Zhongxin Planet System, it is still considered a local snake.

After determining Eunice's location, this is He Kai's only chance.

Once the other party leaves the Zhongxin Planet System and does not obtain private contact information, it is equivalent to being eliminated.

He Kai was a little excited. He praised He Wei fiercely, and then couldn't wait to take action.

This enthusiasm made He Wei feel strange.

In the end, he could only shake his head and sighed: "Is this love?"

For He Wei, it is obvious that he does not understand love.

But He Kai, who is addicted to love, is the best cousin.

He Kai got the first-hand information and quickly screened out his only opportunity.

Eunice came here because of family business, so she rarely appeared in private situations.

The occasion for the appearance was basically a gathering of young ladies from emerging aristocratic families.

The Loyalty Planet System is the base camp of the dark faction nobles, and there are still many emerging nobles staying there.

With her status, there is no obstacle to joining such a circle.

But the Sauron family is really not famous, so Eunice is not very conspicuous.

But in this kind of situation, He Kai would definitely not be able to get in.

Even if he disguises himself as a woman, it is impossible for him to be admitted to such a party.

Of course, this is a joke, He Kai can't really do this.

Unless he wanted to become the laughing stock among the nobles.

Then, the only chance is when Eunice hunts.

That's right, this noblewoman from a merchant family has always had an ancient hobby...hunting.

Of course, many new aristocrats will be arty and imitate these ancient aristocratic traditions.

But He Kai felt that Eunice was not this kind of person.

"So...this is an opportunity for me?"

He felt that he had guessed the truth, and when he was ready, he headed to the area where Eunice was hunting, preparing for a chance encounter.

It is a hunting ground that includes forests, lakes, rivers, plains and mountains.

This kind of complex hunting ground with multiple terrains is definitely the top enjoyment for nobles.

When fiefdoms are so precious, setting aside land to create such a large hunting ground is a luxury in itself.

Fortunately, the owner here welcomes guests to hunt for a small fee and even allows guests to choose their prey.

He Kai randomly chose a standard package and landed in the hunting ground with his entourage.

According to the information provided by the He family, Eunice will come here to hunt from time to time.

The dark nobles themselves were not used to this ancient sport.

He Kai waited for a week, and he almost gave up, and Eunice finally arrived.

The first to fall was the cage for releasing prey.

The information also appeared in the communicator worn by He Kai.

"Dear guests, the hunting ground is currently releasing a batch of prey: tigers, wolves... formal knight tools."

The last option made He Kai's eyes widen.

No, where did this knight who did not exist on the gift list come from?

Obviously, he still didn't understand the Dark Empire... The nobles enjoyed privileges, and obviously... Eunice knew how to use this privilege.

Fortunately, he was not worried about some knight-level prey, but from this list, he felt that he might be self-indulgent.

Eunice did not give him a chance, but really liked hunting.

Perhaps, the other party really gave him a chance to pursue, and then forgot about him.

Realizing this, He Kai realized the difficulty.

Moreover, without asking him to actively look for it, Eunice took the initiative to land near him.

"I didn't expect you to come here!" Eunice was surprised. She really didn't expect He Kai to wait for her in the hunting ground: "It's very unromantic to do this, you know?"

According to the normal process, he should have contacted her in other occasions in the Dark Empire.

For example, a noble banquet, an auction, or a private invitation.

Instead of rushing to the hunting ground, this is very ungentlemanly.

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