The two of them seemed to be from different worlds, incompatible.

Eunice did not embarrass He Kai, in fact... she and her friend were from different worlds.

Changing positions, she felt that she was the same as He Kai.

The roasted rabbit soon exuded fragrance. It was rare to find such primitive roasting skills in the interstellar era.

Eunice kept her promise and handed the roasted rabbit to He Kai: "Speaking of which, the rabbit I roasted is really not a chance for ordinary people to eat."

"That's my honor." He Kai grabbed it and took a bite. It tasted really good.

The two of them got a little familiar with each other, so he didn't hide it anymore and asked the previous doubts: "Is there anything wrong with me appearing in the hunting ground?"

Eunice smiled. He Kai really knew nothing about the social interaction of the nobles.

"If you meet a lady by chance, the hunting ground is not a good place." Eunice explained social etiquette to him, and there were many hidden things in it.

For people in the circle, through various complicated customs, the threshold of the circle is raised, and outsiders can be identified at a glance.

Someone like He Kai would be recognized instantly.

After some understanding, He Kai finally realized how reckless he was.

This made him feel a little embarrassed, after all, he showed his weakness in front of Eunice.

But Eunice didn't care at all, and said carelessly: "You are also a mistake, otherwise we might not have any intersection.

But don't be too happy too early. My family has been urging me to get married recently. I still have a year at most. If you still don't get my approval, then just be an ordinary friend!"

Eunice was in a hurry to find a prince charming, of course, not just to get married. Another pressure came from Sir Soran.

The latter certainly didn't want to see his daughter become an old maid, so he urged her to get married in the past two years.

This time, he even issued an ultimatum. If Eunice couldn't find a suitable one herself, he would choose one.

He Kai realized that each family had its own troubles, and Miss Eunice, who looked glamorous, would also face the fear of being urged to get married.

"It's really not easy to be a noble." He Kai sighed.

Although he had just entered this circle, what he saw and heard reshaped He Kai's three views.

However, he had a better impression of Eunice. Perhaps she was really the most suitable wife?

The hunt lasted for three days, and He Kai finally did not satisfy Eunice's intention to compete.

When he saw Eunice solve the Knight-level tool Mo with his own eyes, he knew that he still needed a little effort.


Eunice came to the capital of the Sirius system. She did not lie to He Kai, and she really left him a chance.

If he could find her, the two would have many opportunities to contact each other.

However, He Kai accidentally hit it, and it was also a shortcut.

Eunice's appearance in the Sirius system was certainly not without reason.

Sir Soran had no ambition, but his children did.

Eunice had to take care of her own business, and his brother also wanted to expand the family business.

This time, his brother was in the Sirius system.

But Eunice was not here to join her brother, this was just an excuse.

In fact, her handkerchief friend Elf was mentioned many times before.

The latter was the real headache character.

Having always yearned for the battlefield and served in the army many times, Elf has always been restless.

However, now that she is old and has not really made a name for herself, she is also facing the situation of being urged to get married.

However, Elf has no interest in getting married. Seeing that she can't get a chance at home, she simply sneaks out.

She didn't even dare to go to her brother, but secretly ran away to the Dark Empire.

First, the Dark Empire is now a self-contained system, and it seems that it is relatively less affected by the family.

Second, Liszt is very caring for his brothers and sisters, and she can just act like a spoiled child if something happens.

Third... she still didn't give up and wanted to participate in the war against the Blue Star Federation.

Unfortunately, sneaking all the way delayed time, and when she came, the large-scale battles were over.

Helpless, Elf chose to hide her identity temporarily and contacted a handkerchief friend who was doing business in the Dark Empire.

To be honest, Eunice came here with a stiff upper lip.

It's unreliable to think about the escape of the royal princess.

If you get involved casually, you will definitely die.

If the two of them had not been so close, she would have turned around and ran away.

After finally getting in touch with each other secretly, Eunice found that Elf did not seem to have suffered.

"Sister Elf, are you sure you don't want to inform Duke Palmer?" Eunice asked a soul-searching question as soon as they met.

Elf looked impatient: "Why inform him? Are you coming here to nag me?

Don't worry, my father must have agreed that I can run away.

I suspect that Brother Lister has sent someone to monitor me, and there will be no problem with safety."

Obviously, Elf is very clear about her own weight.

The so-called escape must be tacitly approved, otherwise don't even think about running away.

Eunice breathed a sigh of relief. She was not sure whether Elf was really running away or pretending to run away. If it was the latter... it would not be a big problem.

"I really envy you, Sister Elf. At least His Majesty allows you to make trouble. My father... Alas!" Eunice sighed, thinking of her stubborn father, she had nothing to say.

Elf looked at the little sisters with sympathy. Although she was of noble status, she could not interfere in other people's family affairs.

But she also gave Eunice a lot of ideas, and she would not stand idly by at the critical moment.

Now, she is more concerned about another aspect: "Eunice, you came earlier than me, do you have any news?"

Eunice knew that Elf must be concerned about the war.

Fortunately, she heard a few words from He Kai, so she was not unprepared at this time.

"I heard from a knight who came back from the front that the Blue Star Federation is temporarily unable to attack, and the two sides are more likely to continue to stalemate.

But when either side recovers, war is inevitable."

Elf's eyes lit up, and she felt that her chance had come.

"Really? Eunice, don't you want to prove it to your father? How about I give you a chance?" Elf began to fool the little sister.

Although the eldest brother had spoken, she couldn't care about it now.

Eunice hesitated, and finally shook her head and refused: "No, His Highness Qin said, and I am not suitable for the battlefield."

Eunice was actually afraid of affecting the relationship between Elf and her brother.

Elf was very disappointed, but after a moment's thought, she had another idea: "You don't have to go to the battlefield, but you can support me!

I plan to bring a group of knights to the battlefield, and then make meritorious deeds, so that Brother Lister can give me a knighthood."

Elf had thought it through. After she got the capital to start a business from Brother Lister, she would counterattack all the way and maybe she could conquer a duchy, and then she would be very powerful.

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