Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 1035 Experiment Code: Meat Mountain

Meat Mountain walks on the earth. He has forgotten the few minor characters who appeared when he was reborn.

His only goal now is to go to the starry sky and see the real gods.

As for the standard, the descendant of the gods from the starry sky will send people to test.

So before that, what he has to do is to evolve and become stronger.

In fact, he is not the only one who has listened to the "oracle".

The evolutionary frenzy has been going on for so long, and some potential lives on this planet have emerged.

Elf, who has been monitoring the planet, has personally or sent people to inform them of the test of going to the starry sky.

Of course, there will definitely be people who have evil intentions and think that they can kill gods with powerful power.

But it doesn't matter. Loyal hunting dogs are useful, and treacherous jackals are equally useful.

Almost at the same time, the number of super evolvers walking on the earth increased greatly.

They kept wandering around, trying to establish their own evolutionary route.


In outer space, the scale of the laboratory is getting bigger and bigger.

Elf had to build an Eden imitating Mount Heaven.

A large amount of evolutionary data is stored here, and there are many research results based on the evolution of divine power.

The essence of this world seems to be shifting.

For example... a small meat mountain.

Without absorbing human consciousness, it is just a simple technological proliferation that has evolved into a new meat mountain.

Through technical means, continuous feeding and continuous addition of evolutionary data have made the evolution speed of this meat mountain far exceed the original body.

"Your Highness Elf, there is no space for further cultivation in the Garden of Eden. We must choose a new experimental site."

Davis, director of the Dark Research Institute, appeared here to temporarily take charge of the experiment codenamed Meat Mountain.

The evolutionists on the earth don't know that knowledge is also power.

When they gave up knowledge and chose the bloodiest evolutionary path, the initiator had already begun to study a new track.

As for the resources consumed by the research, it is actually nothing.

Elf naturally agreed to Davis' request: "Director Davis, do you have any good suggestions?"

"You can raise meat mountains on nearby planets. According to our research, when the evolution reaches a certain level, the meat mountain will not need most of the survival materials."

Davis and his team have already studied to a height that the meat mountain itself cannot reach.

Now, they need further research, more experimental subjects, and more possibilities.

Elf agreed to this.

Davis was very excited after getting the authorization.

Although the Dark Research Institute itself has a certain scale, ordinary research is not short of funds.

But real high-end research cannot be carried out with funds.

For example, this evolution site, there is no other force except the Great Xia Empire that can provide it.

For a pure researcher, research projects are more important than anything else.

He immediately took action, first built basic research facilities on the fifth planet of the galaxy, and then quickly reproduced multiple meat mountains.

Before, it was just a simple accumulation of evolution genes, which had no technical content for Davis.

"The first control group, choose disordered stacking, I want to see if there is an end to stacking evolution genes.

The second control group, choose to evolve in a specialized direction to see where the advantage is."

At the beginning of the experiment, various resources flowed out like water.

Soon, Davis found that simple disordered evolution did not work, and the meat mountain would easily collapse.

Moreover, under the same conditions, the degree of evolution was different.

Obviously, this is not the right path for the time being.

The experiment will not stop, but he has shifted the target.

However, although the second control group has made rapid progress and the specialization and strengthening in certain directions can continue to strengthen, the meat mountain itself has not given birth to any consciousness.

The process of divine power evolution seems to have some uniqueness.

"Choose a stable evolution template, open up the third control group, and put in living people."

Davis did not hesitate at all and directly let the black slaves serve as nutrients.

The number of black slaves consumed by his research results over the years is calculated in billions.

These black slaves have made great contributions to the construction of the Great Xia Empire.

Now, it is their turn to contribute to the experiment.

When the black slaves were pushed into different test sites with wailing, the changes finally occurred.


Without exception, all the meat mountain test subjects exploded.

The weak consciousness was completely unable to control this powerful force, but instead led to the occurrence of disasters.

Davis frowned and thought about the problem.

"No, cultivate again, and start putting in black slaves from the early stage."

He realized the difference between the growth process of the test subjects and the main body.

This time, the experiment finally went smoothly.

As a large number of black slaves died, one after another flesh mountain replicas were born.

Although the flesh mountain with consciousness was not very peaceful, it was not important, right?

However, Davis was not happy for a few days, and the flesh mountain replicas began to collapse one after another.

After repeated research and experiments, he found that not all consciousnesses could carry the powerful body of the flesh mountain.

"It's really a miracle of natural evolution." Davis realized that there is an upper limit to the replicas.

Before each replica collapsed, it clearly showed resistance to continued proliferation.

"Continue the experiment and start the second phase of the experiment simultaneously."

With the basic research results, the next step is degeneration.

Degeneration after proliferation is also a kind of evolution in a strict sense.

From a simple increase in the upper limit, it becomes more adaptable to the environment.

Those replicas that have reached the upper limit began to conduct various degeneration experiments.

Davis was immersed in the continuous creation of subtypes of meat mountain replicas.

The experimental records were constantly improved, and finally various templated biological weapons were formed.

But overall, the experiment did not reach the expected height.

Until Elf called Davis to report the situation, no replica reached the height of the original body.

"The evolution of divine power seems to have some mysterious properties. I am still studying the special features in this regard." Davis explained.

Elf did not blame him, but expressed understanding, showing the kindness of the Augusta family.

"Director Davis, I suggest you start more research projects. You know that our time is very tight at present."

"That's what I planned too. The resources provided by the empire are sufficient." Davis replied.

The two reached an agreement. At least Elf did not need to worry about Davis having too many ideas of his own.

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