Klein was promoted to captain of the combat team, causing quite a stir in the district bureau.

Because of Bacchus, many missing people in the recent district bureau have returned.

These connected people, those who just sit back and fish, and the office ladies have nothing to do all day long, and their biggest hobby is gossip.

The biggest news in recent days is that Klein has laid down, and everyone is happy to see his 'fall'.

After all, the overall environment is just lying around and fishing. Wouldn't it be out of place for you to strive for progress alone?

Therefore, everyone felt sour when they suddenly heard that Klein had been promoted!

The aunt who had encouraged Klein just now was already cracking melon seeds and started to talk: "This guy's fortune has turned out well, but I think this position is a dangerous job. With the skills of those three-legged cats in the combat team, maybe one day he will be able to do it." You want to treat us to a meal.”

"Yes, I'm going to remind this guy later. Why don't you just resign from this position and drink tea and read the newspaper every day like me?"

Klein happened to pass by the office door at this time and heard these gossips behind his back.

But he didn't care, Xia Chong couldn't talk about ice, these people would never understand his pursuit.

He has now found a new purpose.

Unlike Bacchus, who has powerful powers, Klein's faith is even firmer.

He did not care whether the great god who had pulled him out of the abyss of mediocrity was just.

Now, he just wants to do something for his faith.

When they arrived at the combat team, the other four people had complicated expressions.

Originally, we were all bitter brothers, but why did you become so successful?

Even though everyone says that this position can lead to death, it is still a rare opportunity for people of ordinary background.

Of course, those with background can sit in the office and look down on hard-working people like them.

But they couldn't get a desperate chance.

Of course, there are precursors to all this.

In the past, the combat team did not have a captain, but Klein was more favored. He also took the initiative and joined the director every day.

I just didn't expect that he would really become famous.

Compared with other people in the bureau, the people in the combat team accepted this fact more easily.

Of course, they are also more eager to succeed.

Klein knows the mentality of these players very well. He was one of them before this.

After putting his thoughts away, Klein said to the four of them: "The director wants to complete the establishment of our bureau's combat team. I'm just taking the first step, so you all have a chance.

Starting today, we will start intercepting some tasks for alienated people to do in an effort to gain fame. "

If you want to implement the establishment, Bacchus can advance it with just one sentence, but it is not necessary.

It is of course the best if it can convince people.

So, the combat team comes into play.

The members of the combat team had no objections. They joined this special organization because they wanted to pursue progress, and they had already been mentally prepared.

And the recent training is not in vain, at least they can solve the problems that the security guards can solve.

At this time, everyone felt extremely excited after being slapped by Klein.

Klein felt relieved when he saw no one objected internally.

Then he found the call room and told the regular employees on duty about the combat team's mission.

The latter was startled and looked at Klein in disbelief: "Klein, does the director know about this? This is no joke, someone might die."

As a member who is in contact with other units, he knows that security officers dealing with alienated people die every month.

These are still professional armed personnel, and those who are half-assed like Klein are really just risking their lives!

After all, they were from the same company, and he didn't want anything to happen to his colleagues.

Klein didn't feel offended. It was normal for others to question him, as long as he used actions to reverse the doubts.

He even joked in a relaxed tone: "So our lives are in your hands. Try your best to screen them carefully and select a few simple alienators for us."

The operator took it seriously and said seriously: "I'll try my best, but I need to confirm with the director first."

He didn't dare to accept Klein's fate when it came to this kind of life-related matter.

Klein has no objection. This person has good intentions and is serious and responsible.

After a while, the operator came back after completing the confirmation.

"The director really agreed." The operator's head was still dizzy. He didn't expect that his bureau could still do serious work. He was excited but also extremely careful: "Klein, you must be careful. I will try my best to filter the police calls. Some simple goals.”

"Thank you very much. I'll treat you to a drink when the bonus is paid." Klein said cheerfully.

"Forget it about drinking, please pay attention to your safety!"

Because Klein and others had never been on a mission, the call room was careful and cautious. After two days of selection, they finally selected a mission for them.

When Klein on call received the news, his whole body tensed up.

"Let's go on a mission."

The combat team picked up the mobile terminal and set off while putting on their weapons.

The district bureau has very sufficient resources in this area, and even has specially equipped bulletproof speed vehicles.

The actions of the combat team attracted the attention of the district bureau.

Because the parties concerned did not publicize it, no one knew that they were officially working until the combat team was dispatched.

The speed car arrived at its destination quickly, and the operator's room served as a temporary information center.

The nervous voices of colleagues kept coming from the earphones: "Klein, don't worry, adjust the recorder. The alien this time should be a cat. It attacked the owner's house, but only caused one serious injury. It is now The original owner...if you are not sure, you can wait for the security officer."

"Did you transfer the police call?" Klein frowned.

"No, but there must be other people calling the Sheriff's Department. The reputation of our district branch is... not very good." The operator said helplessly.

Ordinary people are not stupid. The Administration's propaganda can fool people at first, but if it doesn't work many times, everyone naturally understands that the Administration is unreliable.

Therefore, many police calls are made directly to the Sheriff's Department, which may be faster if the intermediate link is eliminated.

Klein was speechless after hearing the explanation. This impression could only be reversed a little bit.

At this time, someone came up to greet them on the landing platform of the high-rise building.

But seeing Klein's uniform, their pace gradually slowed down.

"Why not a security guard?"

"I just said, why didn't you drive a security car? What department is this?"

"Are you stupid? This is the uniform of the Evolutionary Provisional Administration."

"Is there really an Evolution team? I always thought they were fooling us."

The citizens' voices made Klein take a deep breath, and he stepped forward and said, "We are short of manpower, so many times we cannot arrive in time.

But please believe in our professional abilities. Who can take me to find the alienated cat now? "

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