Klein took the opportunity to stand in front and began to preside over the baptism.

He first led everyone to kneel in front of the statue, and then took the lead in praying: "Great fallen angel, please look at your believers. We know you from the Bible, believe in you in our hearts, and follow you in reality. May the sacred evolution come soon."

Everyone followed Klein to pray, and faith communicated with the only sacred along the unknown link.

Then... various superpowers broke out.

Evolution was accelerated, and under the protection of divine power, a rapid evolution was completed.

Everyone felt that the strength of their own superpowers increased significantly, and then they began to experiment with great interest.

Klein saw this scene, waited for a few seconds, and then stopped him: "Okay, I understand your joy, but under the gaze of the gods, please be respectful."

The four people suppressed their excitement. The changes in supernatural power made them believe in the existence of gods.

At this time, even the falsest beliefs had some weight.

Seeing that they had learned to be quiet, Klein smiled a little: "First of all, welcome everyone to join the big family of the church. We will work together for the great and sacred cause.

Secondly, I hope everyone will actively develop the church members... Finally, I will tell you a piece of news. When you are familiar with your own power, the district bureau will first complete the combat staff.

Then further support other branches and even the city bureau. The future is just around the corner. I hope you will not make mistakes."

If power and faith are double happiness, then this news is the icing on the cake.

In one day, this group of former losers had everything. It was just like a dream.

Of course, this is all real. They soon adapted to their new life.

When the Evolver team became familiar with the power, they first expanded a team, with three old members leading two newcomers.

Then it was like a snowball fission. In two months, the staff of six teams was full.

For a district-level staff, this is completely enough.

One or two superpower incidents every day can even give them time to take turns to rest.

As for the local district public security bureau, it was miraculously idle.

There were no casualties for two weeks, but there were constant encounters with the evolutionary team, and the news eventually spread.

At least at the city level, everyone knew about the news of the fierce dragon crossing the river.

The first to react was the city bureau.

They had finally managed to keep the remaining personnel to barely guarantee the strength of the evolutionary strike in a small area, which was completely a face-saving project.

But before they knew it, the strength of the evolutionary force in the next district bureau surpassed the city bureau.

Not to mention other ideas, just the rumored belief of the fallen angel made many people excited.

Of course... this kind of thing can't be put on the surface, at least it is an unspoken rule that officials cannot have beliefs, after all, everyone believes in democracy.

But privately, there will always be some reaction.

So, a special investigation team quietly came to Bacchus's territory.

This investigation team, nominally organized by the city's temporary evolutionary management bureau, is actually full of elites from various departments.

There are not a few people who are interested in beliefs, especially those who can bring direct power.

They have collected various information in advance, and Bacchus did not hide many things, so it is easy for them to see an outline.

A bus stopped opposite the district bureau, blocking the entrance of the restaurant.

People from the district bureau who came out to cook can see the bus.

At this time, the one-way glass was full of people.

A middle-aged man was talking: "According to the intelligence collected so far, Director Bacchus from the General Bureau seems to believe in a sect called Fallen Angels.

Now a large number of members of the district bureau have joined this sect.

Of course, it is nonsense to say that faith brings strength. I personally prefer that they invented a special potion to enhance superpowers.

Of course, our administration is a formal institution and will not do anything to rob.

But the evolution potion may be related to the aliens that have appeared in the past year. We have reason to suspect that the Fallen Angel Sect is the mastermind behind the so-called evolution craze.

In order to reveal the truth and to clear the name of the general public, the Municipal Bureau decided to launch a preliminary investigation."

This is complete nonsense, but face-saving work cannot be spared. As an official department, they must emphasize justice, otherwise they may collapse internally.

Others are also elites within the system, so they naturally won't sabotage.

After the formalities were said, no one had any objections, and the real workers stood up.

"What the team leader just said makes sense. We are for justice and the people, and we must find out the truth.

According to intelligence, the Church of the Fallen Angels is next to the district bureau, and they are very arrogant... I plan to send a few ordinary colleagues to sneak in, and then send a few evolutionary colleagues to contact them, and investigate the truth from all levels.

In addition, within the district bureau... who has any objections now?"

Soon, the plan was perfected, and everyone began to assign tasks.

The branch of the Church of the Fallen Angels is indeed very arrogant. They are semi-public activities - they have been publicly promoted without hanging signs, but they also accept believers to enter and exit freely.

And it is next to the Temporary Evolutionary Administration, and people flow in and out every day, without any cover.

At this time, most of the believers in the church branch are evolutionists from the district bureau, and there are no civilian evolutionists.

But most of the ordinary believers are from the public, mainly the family members of the Evolvers, plus some relatives and friends, and even ordinary people attracted during the mission.

So the investigation team's plan to infiltrate is not a joke.


First, ordinary people start to infiltrate.

They all live in the same city, so it is easy to find some connections.

The ordinary believers of the Fallen Angel Church are mixed, so it is easy for them to find a suitable introduction target.

Lucius, who came from the government department, was introduced to the Fallen Angel Church through the relationship between relatives and friends.

Today is the day when the other party brought him to visit the church branch.

"I'm not bragging to you. I know Lord Klein. At that time, the alien cat screamed terrifyingly, as big as a calf. It pounced on me, and Lord Klein couldn't react in time. I pushed him away... Then Lord Klein used his lightning power to electrocute the alien cat into charcoal. The smell... hehe."

Lucius felt helpless. He had seen the specimen of the alien cat himself. It was a little guy as big as a head. This guy is really bragging.

However, he could not expose the other party's lies, but had to show a surprised look to satisfy the other party's curiosity.

Fortunately, after entering the church branch, the other party shut up, probably because he was afraid of being exposed.

Lucius took a look at the surrounding environment with a surprised look and found that the layout of the place was exactly the same as that of a church.

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