The leader of the investigation team was very cunning. He arranged the evolvers who were invited to help to stay opposite the hotel where he was staying.

Once there was any movement here, it would be easily detected.

And there was a branch of the Public Security Bureau nearby, with an armed force on standby, so it could be said that they could rest easy.

But people are cunning, and it is useless in the face of the technological gap.

They easily locked the target, and several evolvers from the church showed fierce eyes: "Captain, should we kill them first?"

Knowing that someone was planning to attack the church, these evolvers had been holding their breath for a long time.

And such a rare opportunity to make meritorious deeds made them very excited.

"Don't mess around, we just need to keep an eye on them and wait for the adults' orders." The captain glared and denied his men's idea.

Another team of evolvers went straight to the Public Security Bureau.

No matter how many smoke bombs the other side threw, they would eventually mobilize the special response team, which is the strongest armed force in the hands of these people under normal circumstances.

If space weapons were really used, things would get out of hand.

Those who were hiding behind the scenes definitely didn't have the guts to make a big deal out of it.

These evolvers were staring at the power that the other party wanted to use, and then they wanted to know when to take action, which was too easy.

Even the investigation team didn't find out whether the evolvers of the Fallen Angel Church were out.

It was too difficult to keep an eye on a group of evolvers in turn.

This competition itself was not at the same starting line.


Lucius guessed correctly. How could the shrewd investigation team leader trust others so easily?

Not to mention Lucius, a rising junior, he didn't even believe his own parents.

In fact, after a member of the investigation team died in a car accident, he suspected the inside.

There are not so many coincidences. At this time, someone happened to have a car accident. He was more willing to believe that it was an accident, and he was suspicious of the spies who came back alive.

So, he talked to each person for a few words, revealed different news, and said the most to Lucius, the leader.

Then, just see if they have any movement, or what kind of movement the Fallen Angel Church has.

But what surprised him was that everyone was very honest, all staying in their rooms to sleep, and no strangers tried to approach the hotel.

It seemed to be just an accident.

The head of the investigation team looked at the building opposite, which was the master evolver he had secretly invited.

However, he did not tell the truth to Lucius. These people were not trash invited from other city bureaus, but masters of evolvers in the state.

It was said before that half of the powerful evolvers in the local area went to the headquarters, and the remaining half, 99% were won over by the state.

Therefore, the evolvers of the state administration bureau are top masters of evolvers.

He believed that even that Bucks could not make any waves.

Glancing at his watch, the head of the investigation team smiled: "It's time."

What do you mean by taking action at twelve o'clock in the evening? If you want to take action, choose to do it during the day.

It is inevitable that people will feel that it is strange to frame someone at night.

On the contrary, it is open and aboveboard, what can you do?

After doing more dirty things, he actually has no psychological burden.

There was no movement from the investigation team. If they went too early, it would be too deliberate.

Eleven evolvers walked out of the building opposite. They got on a flying truck and headed straight for the Church of the Fallen Angels.

At the same time, the special response team on standby began to check their weapons and were ready to go at any time.

On the contrary, ordinary security guards, who did not get the news in advance, were still moving as usual.

In short, there was absolutely no abnormality on the market.

The team of evolvers from the state drove the truck and drove smoothly.

If someone listened closely, they could still hear the slight collision sound coming from the car.

An alien is dangerous to ordinary people, but it is easy for them to catch it alive.

Even if they were placed at the headquarters of the Administration, they were team leaders.

"Boss, do you think what these guys said is true? Is there really a potion to enhance superpowers?" A young man with dyed yellow hair asked.

"I don't know, but even if there is, the effect is not that strong, otherwise this cult would be overturned?" The captain of the state evolutionary team replied.

"Then what are we doing here?" The yellow-haired young man waved his hands in dissatisfaction. He might as well go pick up girls with this time.

"Just give those big guys some face. This is still the world of ordinary people. We evolvers can't go against the government." The captain's voice was very calm, but he was a little dissatisfied in his heart. Those guys who could represent the government were weak chickens that he could kill with just a stretch of his hand. Unfortunately... the suppression of technology on evolvers is absolute.

The yellow-haired man was silent. He also knew how today's good life came.

If you dare to go against those big guys, you will soon be gone.

The truck came to the door of the Fallen Angel Church, and then a black shadow was thrown out of the car, and the truck left immediately.

As for the surveillance... all the nearby surveillance happened to be broken.

Frame-up, it's so simple.

A few seconds later, a violent noise came from the Fallen Angel Church.

At this time, the enthusiastic crowd had already called the police: "Hello, I want to call the police, there are aliens here!"

Although the noise inside the Fallen Angel Church was quickly stopped, the cursing security guards still came.

"Whose mission is this? Isn't this next to the Administration? Is it our turn to go out?"

They have been happy for a few months. They have come to close similar cases of aliens. Today, they don't know how to let them handle it.

These are old hands, and they know that there may be something fishy.

At this time, the head of the Public Security Bureau was mobilizing in the back: "Our colleagues have sacrificed, a whole team of colleagues.

I declare the Church of Fallen Angels a cult, and there may be people in the Administration who are involved. Now I want you to maintain the safety of the people and escort justice."


The morale of the special response team was high, and their colleagues were still alive and kicking in the Church of Fallen Angels.

They seemed very relaxed, and even felt that the problem had been solved.

After all, this is next to the Administration. The aliens were born here because they had accumulated merits in their previous lives. When they died, they were cremated directly and provided one-stop service, without struggling.

But just after they walked in, they heard a beeping sound from their waists.

Looking down, they saw that the bag of supplies they carried was flashing red.

"I'm going to..."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Look, isn't this a sacrifice?

Just in time, the special response team arrived.

The head of the investigation team announced the departure and took action in advance.

The members of the investigation team carried boxes of chemical agents in their hands, ready to take the evidence found at the scene.

Look at how hard the people's servants work, and they have to prepare evidence of crimes for you.

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