The Fallen Angel Church did not know that it was about to be targeted.

At this time, Benedict and others were working hard to establish the church headquarters.

With the expansion of the Fallen Angel Church, a magnificent church headquarters has become a collective need.

Especially some devout believers, they cannot tolerate the name of the gods being unknown.

For mortals, building a church is probably a very important part of expressing their piety.

Fortunately, this is not difficult for Benedict and others.

The Fallen Angel Church does not need to settle in a prosperous city. They have the most core competitiveness... God's grace.

The church with the true God behind it is definitely different from the secular church.

So they found a place in the suburbs, spent money to hire a high-level construction team, and soon built the headquarters of the Fallen Angel Church.

It happened that the priests scattered all over the country rarely gathered together, and they all came on the day when the church headquarters was completed.

This is not only a big event for the Fallen Angel Church, but also a big event for the Evolver World.

Evolvers of all sizes are either members of the Fallen Angel Church themselves, or have heard of and seen the superpowers of the Fallen Angel Church.

Therefore, there are countless evolvers who are curious about and concerned about the Fallen Angel Church.

Benedict and others chose to welcome all bystanders.

They have enough confidence that the Fallen Angel Church is favored by the true God, not other messy cults.

There is no highly centralized position in the church, but a roundtable meeting is chosen to discuss countermeasures.

This model is not inefficient under the watchful eyes of the gods.

After all, every meeting is under the eyes of the statue, as if being watched by the gods, naturally no one dares to delay the time.

Just like this time, all kinds of processes went smoothly, and this rapidly expanding force showed no signs of internal chaos at all.

It seems that the inflated evolvers have become humble gentlemen here, and they wish they could work part-time as sweepers.

Bacchus is a typical example. The director who is extremely domineering outside is now holding a mop and wiping the floor clean.

Some people who know him saw it and thought they were dazzled.

The two evolvers who just arrived took a casual glance.

"Does Lord Baccus have brothers?"

"Fool, even if they are brothers, how can they have the same aura?"

After confirming that it was Baccus, the two hurried forward to greet him.

"Lord Baccus, why are you sweeping the floor here in person?"

Baccus frowned. Why are the feet of these two guys so clean?

If they are so clean, why do you show off?

Baccus sighed helplessly: "You two go in, don't disturb me mopping the floor."

"Lord Baccus, I'll help you." One of them wanted to show his courtesy. Why Baccus is sweeping the floor here is not important, but it is important to have a chance to flatter him.

Baccus glared at him: "Get in!"

He finally got the opportunity to mop the floor, and two little bastards want to ruin it?

The two evolvers felt like they were facing a tiger. They were so scared that they were sweating all over. They dared not say anything more and ran into the house in a hurry.

Baccus stood there, and occasionally rushed over with a mop when he saw a stain.

I don't know, I probably thought he was really a cleaning uncle.

But for Bacchus, he believed that at this important moment, the gods would turn their eyes to this place, and then his performance would be seen by the gods.

This kind of last-minute behavior is very popular.

But until the unveiling ceremony began, Bacchus did not feel the eyes of the gods.

He took off his coat in time and came to the front of the queue.

Benedict made a speech as a representative, which was very meaningful to believers, but it was boring to others.

But the Fallen Angel Church was powerful, and no one dared to make trouble at this time.

After all, even if they did not believe, they must know what level of offense it was for believers to make trouble in such an occasion.

As the ceremony progressed, top evolutionists including Benedict all knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly to the gods.

At this time, the non-believers looked at them with disdain in their eyes.

Top evolutionists who mastered superpowers are often obsessed with powerful power, and even make them feel that they are gods.

When they saw powerful peers prostrating in front of the so-called statues of gods, they naturally despised them in their hearts.

"It's really enviable to have a strong body but not a strong heart, a lucky person who has lost his soul." A top evolutionist said silently in his heart.

Many people have similar thoughts in their hearts.

At this time, the change suddenly occurred.

A golden light fell on the statue. At first, everyone thought it was a specially created lighting effect.

But Benedict and others' eyes have begun to become fanatical.

As long as they are believers, they can feel the eyes of the gods here at this time.

And not only here, all the statues of the entire planet and civilization began to emit golden light.

Finally someone realized that this was not a lighting effect.

At this time, Derek's consciousness has completely descended.

The huge power enveloped the planet and even distorted the electromagnetic phenomenon.

Various instruments were jumping wildly. Before they could find the reason, everyone heard a majestic voice in their minds: "I grant you evolution."


The aura of Benedict and others began to distort, completely different from the relatively mild evolution before.

Some people grew vertical pupils, some grew wings, and some grew goat horns.

The meat mountain seemed to see the rapid evolution of the Julu civilization.

The familiar feeling, and a little more order.

Although the evolution was drastic, there was no collapse.

When the golden light faded, the evolutionists who were watching were shocked to find that the Church of the Fallen Angels had become a gathering of monsters.

"Is there really a god?" The top evolutionist who had been complaining in his heart before looked dazed.

Before he saw it with his own eyes, he didn't believe in the existence of the God of Fallen Angels.

But now... it's hard to use science to explain what just happened.

And looking around, all the fast-evolving ones are believers of the Fallen Angels.

"Isn't this an alienator?"

I don't know who said what everyone thought was weird.

That's right, compared to the weird alienators, the evolutionists are actually more like humans.

In response, Bacchus with goat horns stood up disdainfully: "What alien? This is the real evolution. Humans are so weak. This is the perfect evolutionary form."

Since humans are weak, they might as well stop being human.

Bacchus didn't think the special organs he grew were ugly at all.

Only the strong are worthy of having real superpower organs.

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