Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 1069: Status is earned through fighting

Standing at the space port of the capital star, overlooking the brilliant crystallization of the entire civilization, it is gorgeous and intoxicating.

The scale clan civilization already has such a brilliant light of civilization.

Roushan's emotions did not fluctuate at all. In his eyes, this is not worth his extra attention.

On the contrary, in his opinion, under the brilliance of the flowers, there are only empty souls.

Fortunately, I brought evolution and brought them real souls.

The greatness of the gods lies in this. A few days ago, the temporary administration was still shaky and was almost killed by the high-ranking officials of the scale clan.

Looking back on some things, it actually makes people feel scared.

But now everything is different. When the aliens like natural disasters appear, the scale clan is as fragile as uncivilized fish.

The roar of the warship cannot save this civilization.

When the scale clan realized this, the evolvers really gained a superior status.

The previous evolvers actually had no status. At best, they were a group of armed thugs. The high-ranking officials of the scale clan never took them seriously.

But now it is different. The status of the evolvers has been greatly improved.

Perhaps no one has come forward to uncover the fig leaf, but the Temporary Evolver Administration has removed the word "temporary".

At this time, the meat mountain even stood openly in the control area of ​​the space port, blatantly violating the rules, but no one dared to stand up to stop him.

In fact, the view from the highest point is good, but not very safe.

Exposed to the space environment, cosmic rays and space debris may take the lives of carbon-based organisms.

In the space port behind him, many people looked at the back of the person standing at the top with envy.

If everyone had mixed views on the evolvers before the catastrophe, they were basically positive at this time.

But most people feared the failure of evolution and longed for the powerful power of the evolvers.

After all, in the face of disaster, without the ability to protect themselves, that feeling of powerlessness can really drive people crazy.

Therefore, at this time, it was fertile ground for faith. The faith of the fallen angels spread quickly, and even without the church's active promotion, it was accepted by the enthusiastic people.

Of course, there were also very few people who hated the meat mountain, but they didn't even have the courage to look at each other directly.

Because just now, the meat mountain solved a powerful alienated monster for the space port.

The damage caused by the battle even broke the bulkhead of the spaceport, causing considerable losses.

The people in the spaceport basically saw the process of the battle through the online channel, so they were so awed.

As Roushan looked at the scenery, a voice suddenly rang out from his headset: "Brother Rosen, a big guy appeared here, come and help quickly."

Bacchus's voice was anxious. His strength was considered to be the top evolutionary of today. There were many mutants that he couldn't beat, but there was no one that could make him so anxious.

Roushan's thoughts were interrupted, and he asked a little irritably: "Location, mark the location for me."

Bacchus didn't care about Roushan's emotions, he sent the location directly.

Roushan called the logistics support system of the Administration and accurately marked the area for him.

Just right, it was right under his feet.

The spaceport moves with the rotation of the planet, but Roushan was not interested in this knowledge, otherwise he would know that he was always above Bacchus' head.

Roushan suddenly moved, and jumped down amid the exclamations of the people in the spaceport behind him.

Since the history of the Scale Tribe, some people have performed extreme sports such as parachuting from low-Earth orbit, but no one has ever jumped directly...except for suicide.

There was a cry of surprise behind him, of course no one thought that Roushan was committing suicide.

But...has the Scale Tribe evolved to this level?

Roushan felt the whistling wind in his ears, and as he entered the atmosphere, his speed began to slow down.

Unlike the danger imagined by others, Roushan felt very free.

The weak Scale Tribe people are always so stupid that they think they can resist the wave of evolution.

Roushan has seen the enemy walking in the city, it is a huge rotten tiger.

Obviously, the body has begun to rot, and the torn fur is dragging on the ground, but he is still able to move freely.

The body as high as several floors has surpassed the strength of reinforced concrete.

Roushan aimed at the rotten beast and adjusted his landing posture.

Boom! ! !

Although the beast noticed it, it had no time to react, and was stepped on the head by Roushan.

With a snap, the head of the rotten tiger fell down, and the spine even made a loud cracking sound.

"Be careful! Brother Rosen."

Bacchus was not surprised to see this scene, but instead warned loudly.

Although the meat mountain is powerful, it is not omniscient.

He thought he had solved this strange beast, but he didn't expect that the tiger's head would twist strangely and try to swallow him in one bite.

The meat mountain stretched out his hand to support the upper and lower teeth in the tiger's mouth, and turned his head to ask: "Is this guy unkillable?"

Bacchus stretched out his hand to summon a small hurricane, constantly cutting on the rotten flesh.

"That's right, this ghost thing is completely inconsistent with the laws of biology, and it can't be killed!"

If the previous alienated monster still abides by the basic laws of carbon-based life, this one in front of him is completely beyond the scope.

The meat mountain accepted it easily. He didn't conform to the laws of carbon-based life, but he was still alive and kicking.

He took the opportunity to exert force and tear open the tiger's mouth.

"Can't be killed? I want to see what you are."

Roushan has no psychological burden. We are all monsters. It depends on who is more monster.

The tiger was still trying to close his mouth, and the freed meat mountain had already grabbed his teeth and tore it hard.

Perhaps because his spine was just broken, the meat mountain didn't feel much resistance.

He tore off the tiger's head, and a stream of rotten blood gushed out.

Bacchus was relieved when he saw this.

Just now he tried to behead it, but failed.

But this thing is not afraid of ordinary injuries at all. Although he is torn and tattered, he actually repairs very quickly.

If it were someone else, he would definitely not be able to make him look so tattered and rotten.

But no matter how strong his recovery ability is, he should be dead if his head is lost, right?

But the meat mountain didn't give up. He felt that the tiger beast was still alive.

Sure enough, the mouth of the fallen head had healed, and it even tried to bite him again.

The huge body was like nothing happened, and it still tried to pounce on the meat mountain.

If someone else had been careless, he might have succeeded.

But Meat Mountain dodged very swiftly, and his mental power scanned it, but found nothing unusual.

Mental power is not omnipotent, Meat Mountain knows this.

However... I will beat you into a meat pie again to see if you can still move.

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