When Bacchus took control of the state assembly, he did not encounter much resistance.

The power of this cannon was unexpectedly great.

Even many ordinary people questioned what the Scale Clan government did.

After all, although there are many scumbags among the Evolvers, they are generally fighting to protect ordinary people.

Especially when the Meat Mountain was backstabbed when fighting the Alien.

As for why the government took the blame for what the Scale Clan Heritage Organization did, who let the fortress cannon belong to the government?

If they say that the government is innocent, they probably don’t believe it themselves.

Those old guys of the Scale Clan thought they could control everything, but they soon tasted the fate of being abandoned.

The people’s will is also the reason why Bacchus dared to raise the flag of rebellion against the world’s disapproval.

Facts have proved that there are still more normal people in the world.

When Bacchus first announced it, more people followed suit immediately.

There were members of the Church of Fallen Angels who had agreed with him before, and there were also hesitant ones who made up their minds now, and some ambitious people took the opportunity to make trouble.

The entire scale clan was in chaos.

At this time, Meat Mountain was getting up from the ground in a mess.

Although he was already very strong, he still couldn't withstand the main gun.

Even after being blocked by the underground structure, he was still hit hard.

Since it was called a fortress gun, the power was naturally exaggerated.

A large amount of energy impact directly wiped out the buildings on the ground.

Even the center was cut off a layer, if Meat Mountain hadn't filtered it with mental power.

If Meat Mountain's body hadn't had some specificity, I'm afraid it would have been finished.

Even so, he was very uncomfortable.

The whole person almost turned into a pool of meat mud, and after wriggling underground for a long time, he finally recovered his normal human form.

But he was not feeling well either. The stored energy was lost, and the body needed to recover well.

If he was hit by another shot in a short period of time, he would definitely die without a burial place.

Excessive weakness made Meat Mountain very cautious.

He observed for a long time and found no danger of being attacked again, so he crawled out from the ground.

At this time, there were already a large number of aircraft on the ground searching for the so-called survivors.

This is not impossible. There are a few underground buildings with high protection levels, and there may be survivors.

Of course, in addition to these survivors, there are more political show elements.

That is, a few people still hold on to the hope of finding the Meat Mountain.

Although rationally speaking, it is impossible for anyone to survive the attack of the fortress artillery.

As soon as the Meat Mountain appeared, he saw the aircraft carrying the Church of the Fallen Angels.

When he was hiding underground, he figured it out. This is definitely not the outbreak of war, but an assassination against himself.

Although the reason is unclear, it is nothing more than those.

He originally thought that the Scale Clan should be finished, and now he has the same idea.

At most, he has experienced the power of technology and will be more cautious in the future.

Multiple aircraft in the sky discovered the figure of the Meat Mountain at the same time. When the clear image was transmitted to the screen, their first reaction was... which pervert ran out naked.

But they soon realized that this place had been razed to the ground, where was there any human figure, ghost figure was more like it.

Finally... Damn, it was Knight Commander Rosen.

The aircraft of the Fallen Angel Church flew over instantly and entered a state of combat readiness.

At this time, they lacked trust in anyone.

"Knight Commander Rosen, you are still alive."

The people of the Fallen Angel Church knew Roushan, but they were not familiar with his naked appearance.

"Give me a piece of clothing." Roushan said.

Fortunately, the other party brought a coat, and Roushan wrapped it around his waist.

Then the two entered the aircraft and flew directly to the headquarters of the Fallen Angel Church.

At this time, other forces who were pretending to search and rescue also discovered the situation here. Those who came quickly could take a few photos, and those who dawdled could only see their backs.

But the news that Rosen was not dead spread quickly.

Compared with the news of his death, his survival was big news.

No matter how he survived, it was naturally of great significance that an evolver could withstand a fortress cannon.

This means that one of the ultimate weapons of the Scale Clan has lost its deterrent power.

Order has truly collapsed.

Everyone seems to be able to foresee that in the near future, the evolvers will truly dominate the world.

When a large number of ordinary people are eliminated, the Scale Clan civilization will enter a new era.

Of course, no one wants to be the one who is eliminated.

If it weren't for the fact that the alienation was irregular, it would inevitably trigger a series of chain reactions.

But it's not bad now. The meat mountain is back alive, which is also a sensation.


"This monster is not dead yet?

Why can the body evolve to this extent?

Why haven't I evolved?

No, this is all evil, it's no longer the scale clan.

All the evolvers deserve to die."

The leader of the scale clan inheritance organization was dumbfounded after receiving the news.

It was like his faith was shattered, and his whole life had no meaning.

To be honest, the ability of the leader of the scale clan inheritance organization is unquestionable, as he has not been caught under the pursuit of the scale clan government.

It's just that he was born at the wrong time and chose the wrong opponent.

When the accurate news came in one after another, the bad news came one after another.

There are many powerful people who support the organization who have lost contact, and even turned against them and captured members of the organization.

Obviously, because Roushan came back alive, many people's minds have changed.

This is the real blow.

Because the foundation of the orthodoxy of the Scale Clan has collapsed, many fanatical supporters have begun to hesitate, and even think that the evolvers are the future, which is much more fatal than the death of some members.

After a long time, the leader of the Scale Clan Heritage Organization stood up with a ferocious face: "Since those monsters have polluted our pure blood, a group of stupid inferiors have no idea how terrible this is, let's destroy them together!"

After I die, who cares about the flood?

Anyway, the Scale Clan is no longer save, so let's drag everyone into the water together.

Either purify the Scale Clan, or everyone will become monsters together.

The leader of the Scale Clan Heritage Organization quickly issued a few orders.

While he can still command some people now, otherwise there will be no chance to drag everyone down together.

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