The news of the aliens on the warship was well blocked, after all, it was a special environment like the military.

However, the aliens still caused a lot of casualties.

For interstellar warships, the most vulnerable place is the interior.

There are almost no powerful killing weapons prepared. If the aliens were not weak, the entire warship might have fallen.

However, compared with the little loss, the mixed-blood scale general is more concerned about why the warship has aliens.

It is no exaggeration to say that after a strict investigation, this warship has not had any contact with the scales at all, and even the air it breathes is brought from the mainland.

To say that this situation is still infected can only be said to be a fantasy.

"This is unscientific!!!"

This is the sentence that the general said the most today.

And he has watched the video of the aliens in the warship over a dozen times.

The whole process is under the surveillance of the camera, so there is no doubt.

But... this is really unscientific.

Before, he was still laughing at the scales, thinking that these guys were scared by the virus and actually believed in the so-called gods.

He firmly believed that the cause of all this was a leak of some virus. If there really was a god, he could vaporize the other party with one shot.

But now, he also began to pray... This was just an accident.

According to Murphy's Law, what you least want to happen often happens.

Obviously, the gods turned a deaf ear to the prayers of the general.

Just when the first matter of the alienator had not been dealt with, the entire fleet of the mixed-blood scale clan began to have alienators one after another.

Not to mention the damage caused, he was ready to go to the military court.

The general wrote the report himself:... I firmly believe that this is a conspiracy of the scale clan. Some virus spread in my army through unknown channels... It can be predicted that the fleet will soon lose its combat effectiveness, or even the entire army...

The general prayed, but he still believed in science in essence.

Of course, the most important thing is that the prayer did not work, so he swept the god into the garbage dump without any psychological burden.

After submitting the report, the general was ready to teach the scale clan who deceived him a lesson.

The ecological planet cannot be destroyed, but the space city can be.

Massacre is not allowed, but it is okay to catch a group of unlucky people to vent anger.

But before he could give the order, he felt hot all over.

"Oh no... Am I going to be mutated?"

According to the descriptions of some mutated people before they lost consciousness, some people will feel hot all over before they lose control, and even have various complications.

The general felt uncomfortable thinking that he was going to die, but his revenge was not yet taken.

Before he died, the general thought of a lot of things, and what he regretted most now was... he shouldn't have listened to that damned scale tribe member.

After a long time... Hmm! ? Why am I not dead yet?

The general was a little confused, as if he just slept and then woke up.

Not only did he not mutate, but he felt full of strength.

"Am I just tired? Will I recover after a sleep?" The general was thinking, and suddenly felt a restless force inside his body.

He frowned subconsciously, and then saw that all the steel products around him floated up.

He was startled, and then the floating objects lost control and fell to the ground with crackling sounds.

"I have awakened my superpowers?"

The general couldn't believe it. As far as he knew, there were very few evolvers, and shouldn't this be a conspiracy of the scale tribe?

No, this is a gift from the gods!

Compared to being infected with the virus of the scale tribe, he was more willing to believe that this was a gift from the gods.

As for the gods he misunderstood, it turned out that it was not that the gods didn't hear his prayers, but that the gods responded to him in another way.

After getting familiar with his superpowers, the general rewrote a report:... Now, I am willing to believe that this is a gift from the gods, but the specific investigation report needs further investigation to draw conclusions...

He did not hide the fact that he became an evolver, because it was impossible to hide it.

Once the routine inspection was carried out, his video would be reviewed by the inspectors.

Second, from the current intelligence, evolvers are not a bad thing.

Soon, the government of the mixed-blood scale tribe civilization responded: authorizing General Fishman to carry out all activities in the territory of the scale tribe civilization.

This was an official reply, and in fact, someone contacted him soon.

"Fisman, since the fleet has encountered misfortune, we can only move forward and find the source of everything, whether it is a god or a virus, we need the truth."

"I know, I have also been separated, I will find the answer as soon as possible."

Fisman is not an ordinary person. To be able to become a general who leads troops to war, he must be very outstanding.

He knew that escaping at this time would not solve any problems, just like a pawn crossing a river, advancing but not retreating.

After hanging up the communication, he issued a new order: "The fleet will take over the occupied area in full."

Before, they had always been commanded by remote control, and the scales were autonomous.

But now that the alienation phenomenon has begun to spread within the army, there is no need to block it.

Broken jars are broken, and control of the occupied area will be discussed first.

For interstellar wars, controlling the starry sky is equivalent to 90% success.

The rest is just a matter of grinding, and simple ground resistance is meaningless.

The scales obviously understand this, and coupled with internal contradictions, there is not much resistance.

The first thing that Fishman did after occupying the ecological planet was to visit the local Fallen Angel Church.

As a new belief, the Fallen Angel Church is very influential.

As for the reason... Fishman also learned it in advance.

But when he arrived at the place, he was still a little surprised.

"What's going on?"

Originally, the scales should have been hiding in fear at home after losing the interstellar war.

But with the crowds of people in front of him and the lively scene, it was hard to say how much fear the scales had.

What's even more outrageous is that the Fallen Angel Church refused ordinary people to enter the church, looking arrogant.

Even the mixed-blood scale soldiers came to the door, but were still rejected.

"There are too many people now, we only receive evolvers."

The arrogance of the mission personnel of the Fallen Angel Church made the mixed-blood scale soldiers angry.

Obviously we are the winners, we should shout that I don't eat beef, why are you more arrogant than me?

If we lose, it's fine, but if we win, why should we suffer this anger? Isn't it a waste of time?

Fishman stopped the conflict before the soldiers got angry: "I am an evolver, I want to go in."

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