Fisman listened to the Bible for a day and felt very rewarding.

He was very sure that this was not the kind of sect he had previously thought of.

Of course, some of it was due to the Bible, and more than 90% was due to miracles.

How could someone like him easily believe in the Bible?

It was completely a filter effect, which made him feel that every sentence in the Bible contained deep meaning.

In fact, when Fisman chose to enter the Church of the Fallen Angels alone, he was already inclined.

Of course, this was easy to understand. After all, he was already an evolver, and this identity almost cut off his path to advancement. Even his hometown had already regarded him as an abandoned child.

If Fisman did not want to be an abandoned child and be abandoned at will, he had only one way to go... to prove the authenticity of the Church of the Fallen Angels.

If the gods could allow him to regain power, he would naturally be willing to believe in them.

This was definitely a change brought about by the simple favor of the gods.

People are complex beings. They may fear the powerful, but they do not necessarily believe in the powerful.

Klein also knew that he had always maintained an intimate but not overly intimate attitude.

Being affectionate means that he explained the Bible to Fishman in a thoughtful way for a whole day.

Not being too affectionate means that he didn't even leave the bench when Fishman left.

He also realized that Fishman was not an ordinary mixed-blood scale clan.

To deal with such a person, simply being servile will only make the other party despise him.

On the contrary, it is easier to make the other party respect you if you put on airs... provided that you are not pretending, otherwise you will definitely die miserably.

From the current point of view, he has performed well.

Klein rubbed his head and felt that he had a headache now.

Now that he had cut off contact with the headquarters, he had no confidence at all.

At this moment, there was a commotion downstairs.

"What happened again?" Klein thought that the believers had done something again.

But soon a priest rushed in in a panic: "Bishop, go down and take a look."

The priests of the Fallen Angel Church are all evolvers with certain abilities, and ordinary things will not make them panic.

Even facing the invaders of the mixed-blood scale clan, they are very arrogant.

Klein's heart skipped a beat. Could something have happened?

He asked as he went downstairs, "What happened?"

"There's a mutant! No, it should be an evolved beast. I don't know what it is. Go and have a look!" The priest was in a panic and looked like he was about to cry.

The Scale Clan was different from the Giant Deer Civilization. Their order had not collapsed, and the alien evolved beasts did not have subversive power, so they were all classified as mutants.

Although some people have recently called for a distinction between mutants and evolved beasts, it is clear that no one is in the mood to pay attention to such calls.

But the appearance of mutants is not a big deal.

When Klein went out, he realized that the priest had missed the most important thing.

He saw a golden giant deer standing at the door, and next to him stood a strange... girl?

She didn't look like a Scale Clan member, but she might also be an evolved beast.

Several priests were lying on the ground, but they didn't seem to be in danger of their lives.

As for the believers... they all ran away, obviously knowing what it means to be a gentleman and not stand under a dangerous wall.

Official forces... the invaders haven't had time to control all aspects, and the Scale Tribe Security Bureau, which is still operating, doesn't need to fight for the invaders.

Klein became alert. He looked at the girl and swept his eyes from behind her. A group of strong men who looked very powerful were staring at him, which made his scalp tingle.

Klein's intuition told him that he was no match for these people.

The evolver who came out of nowhere, Klein forced a smile: "Excuse me... what do you want to do in our church?"

As for the little conflict that happened before, he just skipped it.

Gwen touched the fur of the pet and said naturally: "I passed by here on my trip. Because I can't go back for the time being because of the war, I came to rest at my family's property."

"Home... rest... for a while?" Klein understood every word, but it seemed difficult to understand when connected.

His face suddenly changed, and he looked at the church branch behind him. Could these guys have robbed someone's house as a branch?

Now the victim has come to the door, and the key is that he seems to be unable to beat them.

As an airborne bishop, Klein had no idea about what happened before.

He felt that his guess was very likely to be true, and immediately glared at the priest beside him and asked in a low voice: "What's going on? Did you rob this house?"

The priest who reported the news looked confused and said in a dog-rich tone: "No! This is my house. My father asked me to donate it to the church."

Klein was dumbfounded. It turned out that there was a dog-rich man next to him.

He believed that the other party would not lie at this time, so he turned his head and said to Gwen: "Madam, you also heard it. This may be a misunderstanding. Did you remember the wrong address? If you haven't been here for a long time... it is possible to remember it wrong.

Of course... our church is willing to provide you with accommodation."

Klein said politely. Of course, the main reason was that he couldn't beat the other party, otherwise he would not be so easy to talk to.

Gwen took a step back, looked up at the sign at the door, and said strangely: "That's right! Isn't this the Church of Fallen Angels?"

"Yes!" Klein was even more depressed. Isn't it obvious?

"Then it's right, this is my family's property."

Gwen walked in unceremoniously. The burly man behind him pushed Klein aside without saying a word, and said in a muffled voice: "Make way, don't block His Highness's way."

Klein had no power to resist, and was pushed aside like a weak girl. This also proved that his guess was correct. These guys were not simple characters.

It's okay to let someone stay, but this statement must be made clear. Klein chased after her while thinking: "This can't be the daughter of the team leader! That's not right, the age doesn't match, and the church is not the private property of the team leader's family."

Although Benedict is the archbishop of the church, he is only an archbishop. The church belongs to God, not him.

"Madam, madam, it's okay for you to stay first, but this is a branch of the church, not your family's property."

Klein wanted to struggle, but a burly man turned around, easily pushed him aside, and warned him: "Please use the honorific title... Your Highness Gwen.

And you all move to the first floor to sleep on the floor today, and you are not allowed to approach His Highness's residence."

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