Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 149 The game is not yet decided

Count Jefferys knew very well that the rise of the Augusta family relied on pioneering wars and did not overly squeeze the original living space.

From another perspective, the rise of the Augusta family has actually expanded the group of Northland nobles.

The Jeffries family received almost no benefits from this round of expansion.

One thing goes off the other, and now it is difficult to maintain the third position among the Northland nobles.

Even some families that were deeply involved in the expansion grew rapidly in strength.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to maintain the current status, let alone realize the ambitions of the family for generations.

When the old Count Perez came to Neuschwanstein Castle, he was very nervous, fearing that the two families would unite.

After the dinner, after the old count talked with Derek, the two met again 'by coincidence' on a terrace.

This is the end of the corridor on the second floor of the castle. The protruding terrace allows you to enjoy the scenery and is a good place to rest.

And it is relatively secretive, with no room for people to peek around.

Earl Jefferys had been waiting in the open air early. He knew that the old Earl would definitely come to him.

Sure enough, the two eventually met.

This castle was used by the old count as a dowry for his granddaughter. Although it was not built by the Perez family, it cannot be said that it is unfamiliar to it.

He guessed where Jefferies might be waiting for him.

The two walked to the terrace in tacit understanding, and the followers stood in the corridor consciously, closing the wooden door.

The spring night breeze is a bit cool, but the nobles in the North have a tradition of practicing martial arts, so they are not afraid of a little cool breeze.

"Little Jefferies, Louis II's pie is not easy to swallow. Be careful of indigestion."

The old count seemed concerned, but in fact there was a deep meaning behind every word.

Count Jefferys seemed not to understand and greeted me with a smile: "Thank you for your concern, Count Perez.

By the way, Your Majesty entrusted the Iron Wall Legion to me, and I would like to thank you. "

Count Perez frowned. He had always felt something was wrong recently, and it seemed that the problem was indeed here.

Jefferys glanced around and lowered his voice subconsciously: "Your heavy cavalry regiment is too well hidden. What do you think His Majesty the King will think when he finds out?"

Count Perez finally understood where the recent uneasiness came from, but he didn't believe how Louis II could know about it.

The only ones who might know are the Jefferies family.

He was very angry and growled in a low voice: "Jr. Ferris, you are playing with fire and destroying our tacit understanding."

The two earl families held up the power of the northern nobles. Although there was competition, they mostly cooperated.

Otherwise, the pressure from the royal capital will cause them to collapse.

Only by uniting can we strive for our own interests.

In fact, this is a tacit understanding between the two families to advance and retreat together without holding back.

Otherwise, everyone will reveal each other's secrets, and the happiest person is Louis II.

Count Perez was very angry. He felt that Jefferys was dizzy. Even if he wanted to restore the family's glory, he could not break this tacit understanding, otherwise the negative consequences would be extremely serious.

But little Jefferys acted very calmly, even chuckled, and then told Count Perez the truth like a devil: "I guarantee on the honor of my father that I did not tell His Majesty the King this matter, and I did not even tell him the truth. Contact Prince Radek.

So far, I have only told one person, your grandson-in-law... Count Augusta. "

Young Jefferys looked at Count Perez with a smile, curious about how the old count would react.

Either break up, or endure it.

No matter what, the seeds of suspicion were planted, and it would be impossible for the two families to be close in the future.

That's all he needs.

Balance and three-legged cooperation are in the interest of the Jeffries family.

Once the Augusta family and the Perez family unite, the Jefferies family will really decline.

Count Perez felt very angry for a moment.

He even had the urge to go directly to Derek and ask, but he resisted this urge.

A lifetime of ups and downs made him understand that this is what a nobleman is.

"I didn't expect that this boy Derek would understand the dirty tricks of the nobles at such a young age." The old earl smiled bitterly and shook his head.

From Augusta National's perspective, there's nothing wrong with doing that.

He even guessed Jefferies' intention, and it must have been intentional to reveal this kind of news to Derek.

Any repayment of kindness is all lies. He took the opportunity to get rid of some of the burden of human kindness, and then alienated the relationship between the Augusta family and the Perez family. He even used the method of balance to obtain the position of the Iron Wall Legion and complete the rejuvenation of the family. The first step is called cleverness.

"I'm very happy, little Jefferys, you are better than your father. With you and Augusta here, the Northland nobility will not decline in the next thirty years."

"Aren't you angry?"

"Of course I'm angry, but this is a nobleman, and I would do the same thing if it were me.

Also, let me remind you, I suspect that boy Derek has already guessed your intentions. Why do you think he still does this? "

"Impossible," Count Jefferys shook his head in denial: "You are too mythical about Count Augusta."

"No, I think this is the truth." Count Perez firmly believed.

However, he did not continue to argue with Count Jefferys on this issue: "Little Jefferys, you are smarter than your father, but you are not as experienced and lack of experience as him.

A heavy cavalry regiment will make Louis II angry, but he will not do anything extreme.

The royal family is not as simple as you think, and Louis II is also not as simple as you think. Take advantage of this opportunity to restore some strength. The northern nobles have always been a whole, and internal strife is not now. "

The old earl didn't say much, pushed the door open and left.

Leaving Count Jeffreys still thinking.

He didn't say anything nonsense. Louis II knew that his son was being used by others, and he was indeed very petty.

But did he really not understand Count Perez?

The two have known each other for a lifetime, and it can be said that they know each other very well.

Going with the flow, on the one hand, increased the power of the royal family in the new province of the north.

On the other hand, support the Jeffreys family to fight against the Augusta family and the Perez family.

If one side gains, the other side loses, believe it or not, he will immediately turn his guns and target Count Jeffreys.

Even the position of the commander of the Iron Wall Legion is not so easy to do. Count Jeffreys wants to use political resources to restore his strength, but he doesn't know that the royal family also uses him as a local faction to increase its influence.

It can only be said that they use each other.

These people pointed out that with the IQ of Count Jeffreys, he can slowly taste the taste.

He stood for a long time, and finally shook his head and returned: "The old fox is indeed an old fox, but I didn't lose anything. "

In chess, there are gains and losses. Who is right and who is wrong cannot be determined until the last moment.

Earl Jeffreys left for a while, and Derek, who was hiding in the secret passage on the third floor, finally moved.

"You can really stand. My feet are numb from standing so much."

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