Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 152 Returning Home in Wealth

If you don't return home when you are rich and powerful, it's like walking in the night in brocade clothes.

This sentence speaks out human nature.

How many people fight for this moment?

Derek believes that he is not so superficial, and he has seen the pursuit of the nobles in the north.

But after giving the nobles in the north a chance, he found that he was still thinking a little simply.

If the Locke Kingdom has a noble dream, then Derek is the best protagonist of the noble dream.

From a small knight to the earl of the kingdom, and about to be crowned the duke, this shock can be imagined.

In this world where kings and generals are really brave, Derek, who broke some rules a little, has become an idol of many noble descendants.

Especially in the north, he is crazily sought after.

The nobles in the north who think they are the people of Count Augusta all show great enthusiasm.

No matter what their position is, they have to come to pay a visit.

There are even crazy fans who ride war horses behind the large army to greet and see off Count Augusta.

All the way, Derek was still thinking about whether to be low-key at first, but later gave up.

Forget it, just flaunt it, just let others think about what will happen if they provoke me.

Derek stayed in the Ferreira family territory for three days, stopping and starting, and it was a rare gathering for relatives.

However, as Derek became rich, many of the Ferreira family's collateral branches were doing well, and many of them had court titles, so the Ferreira family territory had lost many people.

Then, he entered the Monta Province.

The number of visiting nobles gradually decreased, and the territories of the royal nobles began to appear here.

At the Melgen Monastery, he stopped for two more days and had a good exchange with his old friend.

Then, Derek truly stepped into the core area of ​​the Locke Kingdom.

Crossing the Northland Mountains from time to time, he stepped into the Great Plains.

The Kingdom's granary, the central province, the territory of the feudal nobles.

The feudal nobles represented by the royal nobles are obviously different from the northern nobles.

The military equipment here is obviously reduced, and the nobles are more actively involved in politics.

The nobles in the central region are spread all over the kingdom and occupy more resources.

Castles have become nodes that divide the plains.

The cities here are generally larger in size.

There are more nobles and higher grain production, but according to Derek's observation, the life of farmers is not as good as that in the north.

"Sure enough, although barbaric rule is very oppressive, it is even more oppressive under a sound system."

The self-proclaimed civilized nobles in the central region are much more ruthless than the northern barbarians they call.

But Derek can't control these, he honestly restrains the team forward.

Of course, no one is blind to trouble him.

The nobles in the central region look down on the nobles in the north, but they will not fight in person.

After being beaten up many times, they have learned some lessons.

The tax checkpoints along the way are collectively blind.

Originally, they must have blackmailed the caravans from the north, but this time... forget it, the brothers in the north are not easy either.

Finally, Derek approached the royal capital area.

This city, known as the pearl of the south, and several nearby cities, all belong to the direct territory of the royal family.

Only a small number of nobles own part of the land.

Unfortunately, the only small piece of land of Duke Leopold is also here.

Of course, that was a hundred years ago. The impoverished Duke family not only had no ability to take back this land, but most people probably had forgotten about it.

But Derek did not forget it. He sent someone to take a look and found that it was occupied by someone who had no eyes.

"Count, I have found out that Leopold's land is now the manor of a court baron.

Nearly a hundred years ago, this land was abandoned, and the current manor has nothing to do with the previous manor." Virut reported.

This kind of thing is still easy for Virut to use. If it were Simon, he would probably have rushed in.

"This is specially left to test me!" Derek smiled. It is not a very clever method, but it is very useful.

Looking at Derek's reaction, the nobles of the capital can judge a lot of things.

There was no intention to hide it. If Derek can't see it, don't blame everyone for plotting against you.

I saw it, so I'll ask you to express your attitude.

Are you as arrogant as the old earl, or are you a little bit humble?

As for completely bowing your head, no one really dreams of this.

Derek didn't even bother to ask the scapegoat when he would accept the manor.

"Don't worry about him, wait until I see the king."

Derek didn't sympathize with the other party at all. Since he was in the circle of nobles in the capital, he didn't have any vision at all, so he deserved to be a scapegoat.

It can be imagined that the price of this manor must be not expensive. It's okay for you to be cheap, but if you can't even figure out the details, who else can be a scapegoat?

The most urgent thing is to meet Louis II.

Since you have chosen to come to the capital, of course you have to get the biggest benefit, otherwise it would be a waste of time.

Of course, the large army could not enter the city. After reporting to the Guards Corps, they directly obtained a blank camp.

It can be seen that the capital had been prepared in advance. The camp was cleaned up and even basic food and supplies were prepared.

Derek was surprised. The royal family was too generous.

It was Virut who revealed the truth: "This is a special treatment for our northern earl. Every time we come to the capital, the royal family will prepare the camp and supplies."

Virut was very proud. This special treatment may seem insignificant, but it is the embodiment of the glory of the Northern nobles.

No matter how you Central nobles look down on us country bumpkins, in the end, didn’t you honestly prepare supplies and wait for us?

Fists are status, and swords are dignity.

The pride of the Northern nobles is fought for generation after generation.

Even in the Holy United Kingdom period, the Northern nobles had already become famous, and this is even more so in recent years.

Only when you leave the North can you feel the prestige of the Northern Knights.

It was the first time that Derek felt that it seemed... it seemed that the power of this title was greater than he imagined.

And the news that Count Augusta moved into the military camp was soon known to the nobles of all sizes in the capital.

"A bunch of barbarians."

Some people disdained that as a noble, it was simply a loss of dignity to hang out in the military camp.

Louis II had expected it long ago. From everything Derek did in his rise, he was a representative of the Northern nobles who were tough to the bone.

"It looks like there will be some excitement to watch."

The special treatment of the Northern nobles was arranged by Louis II himself.

At every royal court meeting, the Northern nobles were powerful and powerful, but they also suppressed other noble forces in the country.

No matter how the Northern Knights jumped, they would inevitably become a sharp blade in his hands.

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