Dagu reacted and kicked the other person's butt hard.

What a bastard.

"Be honest, kid. The Duke treats us equally and is very good to us barbarians. If you turn to the light as soon as possible, you may have a future."

"But my family is still in the clan."

"Are you stupid? Several people know you. When you make it, you can go home in glory."

"That's right, then I'll follow you."

"You wishful thinking, the Duke's soldiers must first go through the training camp before being assigned to each hundred teams."

Dagu went around and brainwashed these captives for the first time, promoting the bright and upright future of the Duke's men.

The effect was very good. After all, there were too many living examples of the same tribe around, which was easy to resonate.

That night, Derek held a celebration banquet.

It was a pity that the barbarians were too timid and no one took the opportunity to attack, making his arrangements in vain.

In fact, Pabo used his own personal experience to sober up some of the hot-headed barbarian leaders.

It is not known whether Mega Man is strong or not, but this Grand Duke Leopold is obviously very strong.

The record of the past few years has already explained the problem.

What's worse is that the barbarians who joined the other side are also very strong.

Of course, some people don't believe it and think that Pabo is making excuses for his incompetence.

But no matter what, no one is ready to take risks anymore. They shrink their defenses one by one, waiting for Mega Man to knock open their turtle shells.

When everyone chooses to stay put, at least Mega Man can be consumed, right?

The barbarian generals believe that they can at least delay Mega Man's pace.

But soon, reality gave each of them a loud slap in the face.

The barbarian army, which has been preparing for a year, is holding its breath. How can it be so easily satisfied?

The next day, the barbarian army attacked with all kinds of siege equipment and soldiers' heavy punches, and they gnawed down a camp.

On the third day, continue.

Day 4…

The Barbarians pulled out the nails on their way forward at a slow but steady pace.

The Barbarians thought that their defense was solid, but it seemed to be useless.

The camps were like paper.

The number of soldiers killed in battle was less than one-tenth of the number of prisoners.

Derrick used several camps on the spot and turned them into new training grounds.

Ideological education and basic training were carried out at the same time.

The instructors had been replaced by Rockman and Barbarians, and they held several meetings to recall the past and present, with Barbarian soldiers and officers taking turns to speak on the stage about the changes in the past and present and looking forward to the future.

The effect was very good. The prisoners' eyes had changed visibly, and they were very active in training.

The Barbarians were anxious, but Derek was not.

He did not forget the main purpose of the attack, and he just needed to stabilize the situation. It was not time for him to attack.

In the Province of St. Peter, the army from the Kingdom of the Holy Cross also launched waves of attacks.

King Bruno wanted to take advantage of the civil strife among the Rockman to recover some of the lost territory.

In the past few years, the Rock people have been moving westward and northward, looking aggressive and enterprising. On the contrary, the Holy Cross Kingdom is like a slow giant, and has been defeated everywhere. Of course, he wants to take advantage of the civil strife in the Rock Kingdom to regain some land and restore his reputation, which has seriously declined.

The internal problems of the Holy Cross Kingdom are much more serious than those of the Rock Kingdom. The church has pulled a large part of the internal power.

If Louis II had not been overthrown, it would not be so easy for King Bruno to do something.

However, Ronald is indeed very capable. He is in charge of military and political affairs and is a veritable local emperor in the province of St. Peter.

With the death of Louis II, no one paid attention to this half-governor far away from the capital, which made the power in his hands unprecedentedly concentrated.

With the counterattack of the Holy Cross Kingdom, for some political considerations, the new Louis III is even less likely to give up the land conquered by the previous king.

The nearby Saint Mitre Province, the direct forces of the kingdom, have also been fully invested in defense.

So the Holy Cross Kingdom seems to be powerful, but it is big but not strong, and it was blocked by the unknown Ronald.

Of course, the latter also has to thank Sheriff Raymond and Tax Officer Andrew of Degen Port.

The materials from Degen Port flowed into the Province of St. Peter continuously, greatly saving time and cost.

In order to support Ronald to resist the Kingdom of the Holy Cross, Andrew even lowered the tax but increased the share, which was considered to be an economic support.

Of course, neither Raymond nor Andrew actually cared about Ronald's life or death.

Because even if the other party was defeated, it would not affect Degen Port.

Derek's top general Virut was already basking in the sun in Degen Port.

The army from Augusta Territory had already arrived at the border.

Once the Kingdom of the Holy Cross broke through the first line of defense, it would face the Augusta army that brought them deep fear.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the front-line generals of the Kingdom of the Holy Cross were slacking off.

At this time, the three big men of Degen Port smiled at a fleet entering the port.

There was an emblem on it that made the noble genealogy experts feel unfamiliar, but the scale of the fleet was not small, and it faintly revealed the strength of the owner.

Andrew pointed at the fleet entering the port and whispered, "See? This is the second son of Earl Connor. His title is under the Duke's name."

"God's Sword Connor Rad?" Virut said the name of this old acquaintance in surprise. He really didn't know about this.

The second son of Count Connor obtained the title by changing his identity. He rarely moves around in the North, and most people have never seen him.

In the final analysis, it is still a false pretense. Under the banner of Locke nobles, the master behind it is still Count Connor.

Virut is not surprised, it is just the first time he has encountered such a thing.

Count Connor, one of the frontline bosses of the Holy Cross Kingdom, has his family's fleet going back and forth to do business in the territory of the Locke people during the war. Can you still expect him to work hard?

The Bruno family gave him less than what he earned from doing business. Why should he work hard?

"You just happened to run into it today. Many people over there have fleets going to and from the port. Otherwise, why do you say that no one has ever attacked our port?"

The port of Digen was originally snatched from the Holy Cross Kingdom. If you say that the Holy Cross Kingdom has no other ports and warships, that is a joke.

But in fact, there has never been a visit from the Holy Cross Kingdom's warships, not even harassment.

The reason is actually very simple. The bigwigs of the Holy Cross Kingdom all have businesses in it. What if they are destroyed in a war?

Therefore, war is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships.

It’s okay for the common people to die, but the bigwigs’ business cannot be in trouble.

Andrew explained casually that it was also because of Virut’s identity that he could access such information, otherwise he would not say it.

After basking in the sun for a long time, it was time for dinner. It was another day that he didn’t wait. Andrew got up and prepared to invite the two to dinner.

Suddenly, a sail jumped out from the sea level and quickly approached the port.

That unique three-masted sailboat was a masterpiece of the Duke’s shipwrights, and there were very few of them.

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