Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 169: Everything Goes to the Reverse

Renato's idea was very simple. If they wanted to unite internally, they would find a powerful enemy.

Under external pressure, they naturally united.

It just so happened that Duke Leopold was a very good target, standing up to put pressure on everyone.

Sure enough, the following meeting went very smoothly, and the noble leaders cooperated one after another, asking for people and money.

Of course, Renato was not a pedantic person who did not understand the ways of the world. He did not think of doing it all at once, and he also appropriately relaxed some restrictions.

After the meeting, the leaders were gloomy. With the strength of Mega Man, the days ahead would be difficult.

Pabo also shook his head and walked behind the crowd.

"Alas! When Mega Man's barbarian army expands, how can we live?"

Just thinking about it makes me feel a headache. Renato's intimidation has added great psychological pressure to him.

As a survivor who has faced the barbarian army, he is undoubtedly very impressed by the other party.

When he returned to the castle, he had gradually formed a vague idea in his mind.

Since there is a barbarian army in Mega Man, why can't he join it?

Thinking in a different direction, it suddenly became clear.

If you can't beat them, just join them. Wouldn't that solve the problem fundamentally?

The reason why no one else mentioned it was because there was no precedent, and everyone's mind didn't turn around for a while.

The more Pabo thought about it, the better he felt that this idea was. He was not a calm person, and he relied on muscles more than brains.

In a fit of excitement, he sneaked out of the castle at night and went straight to the Rockman camp.

The patrolling soldiers soon found him and two bodyguards, and then raised their crossbows and aimed at him.

"Brothers, don't do it, I'm here to surrender."

Pabo saw the arrow reflecting under the torch, and he was not good at all.

This little thing of Rockman really made the barbarians suffer enough. He didn't dare to underestimate it at all, for fear of opening a few holes in himself.

It's not the first time that the trained soldiers have encountered this situation. Many barbarian brothers have escaped.

But when they looked at it in the firelight, they were confused again.

I've seen those who escaped, but they are all miserable.

How can there be a noble person like Pabo who comes to surrender.

Dressed like this, with gems on his clothes sparkling, did he come here to surrender out of boredom?

However, they could no longer handle this matter, so they immediately took Pabo back to the barracks.

Pabo realized it later and felt scared.

If the patrol soldiers had any bad intentions, they could have dug a pit to bury him.

After calming down, he began to regret it.

Regardless of whether Rockman accepted the surrender or not, he shouldn't have come here to take the risk.

When Derek heard the report, he almost thought he had heard it wrong.

"The barbarian chieftain came here to surrender? Or did he come here in person?"

He really didn't know how to describe it. Should he say that he was sincere, or that reality was stranger than fiction.

After a moment of silence, he felt that this guy named Pabo was really lucky to come here to surrender tonight.

"Bring him here."

After Derek spoke, Pabo was taken all the way to the central army tent.

Along the way, Pabo was horrified to find that although it was already dark, these Rockmen were wearing armor, and large numbers of soldiers were sitting quietly around bonfires.

A tense atmosphere permeated the camp.

The heralds who shuttled back and forth were conveying orders one by one.

The soldiers who sat quietly would also take out their weapons and wipe them constantly.

Or simply close their eyes and rest, as if they were preparing for a big battle.

When they arrived at the center of the army, the lights were bright, and the knights' armor reflected a yellow halo under the firelight, and rows of knights surrounded them.

The strong sense of oppression made Pabo's calves twitch.

Especially when he came close and a row of eyes fell on him, he felt that he might be killed at any time.

The guards who followed Pabo were also completely scared, lowering their heads and not daring to make a sound.

Derek was discussing the details with the officers around him, and he stopped temporarily when he looked up and saw Pabo.

"You want to surrender?"


Pabo nodded frantically, fearing that he would be dragged out and chopped.

"Okay, then you go and knock on the door tonight, and I'll remember your merit then."


Under the sword and gun, Pabo dared not say a word.

Then he was taken outside, and the speed was so fast that he didn't react.

After a long time, Pabo remembered when the evening breeze blew: "Is surrender so simple? Shouldn't I put forward the conditions and then think about it?"

The left and right guards shook their heads frantically. You still want to put forward conditions in this situation. You want to die, right?

"But I didn't get anything, why surrender?" Pabo felt that he had lost.

It happened that Manniu came out and heard what he said, and said unhappily: "At least you have saved your life. When we attack the city tonight, you have to go mining if you want to surrender."

Pabo thought so, and he really made a profit.

That is, he didn't know the history of another world, otherwise this would be surrendering to our party 49 years ago, and he won.

Manniu didn't know that this guy was the fool who dared to fight him, otherwise he would definitely stay away from him, after all, bad brains are contagious.

After Manniu left, Pabo saw a group of knight officers coming out of the tent.

Then in the dark, he could still see some of the internal operations of Rockman from the surrounding lights.

I can only say... the reputation is well-deserved.


Pabo touched his stomach and suddenly felt hungry.

Well, the complicated thoughts above are not his.

The hustle and bustle of the Mega Man camp has nothing to do with him, he just feels hungry.

When Derek made the arrangements, it was already dark.

Pabo was finally brought by the large army.

The elite scouts had already covered the battlefield one step ahead.

The barbarian patrols at night suffered one after another, and they were no match for the Mega Man scouts.

The scouts' actions brought a little buffer for the army. The army was divided into several groups and rushed to the outer castles.

Pabo was questioned by a knight and taken to his castle.

Although there were other barbarian nobles stationed together, Pabo's status was the highest.

When he led the army to the outside of the castle, he shouted: "Open the door quickly, I'm hungry, prepare a leg of lamb for me."

The knight who was monitoring him looked strange. It was the first time he saw someone opening the city gate in such a way. Could it be a trick?

"Be honest and don't play tricks."

But Pabo really slipped his lips and forgot his purpose.

He was really hungry.

It happened that the soldier on the top of the city was a member of the Pabo tribe. He looked down and found that it was not his chief.

The tone, the arrogant attitude, and the amount of food he ate in one meal was enough to eat a leg of lamb.

"Open the door."

The door of the castle slowly opened.

Pabo looked back proudly and said, "See, I didn't cheat."

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