Viscount Chavez's gift made Derek smile playfully.

The old earl beside him shook his hand holding the cup, and a few drops of coffee fell on his pants.

But he quickly put down the cup calmly and reached out to hold it down.

"Viscount Chavez, this gift is too expensive. You should just tell me what's wrong."

"Your Majesty the Duke, this is the sincerity of the Chamber of Commerce. Thank you for your continued care." Viscount Chavez shut up and did not talk about his purpose. Instead, he smiled and said: "I have a gift of my own, but no Chamber of Commerce can give it to me. ”

Viscount Chavez handed over another gift list. Derek took a look at it and became more sure of his guess.

However, he pressed the gift order and did not continue to ask.

This occasion is not suitable for discussing some secret issues.

"I must have been very busy in the past few days. Please ask Viscount Chavez to stay a few more days to express my gratitude." Derek said.

The meaning is actually very obvious. If Viscount Chavez is left here, he can talk about anything slowly and privately.

The art of language is sometimes very subtle.

Viscount Chavez smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed, and he kept saying: "Okay, okay, okay."

The old earl beside him had his eyes red with envy.

After Viscount Chavez went to rest, he said sourly: "This Duke is different. These misers in the south are willing to bleed. Every time I do business with them, I am not willing to give in even a copper."

To be honest, this was quite a gesture, even he felt physical pain.

When Tiona was married to Derek, the dowry was almost as valuable, but half of it was to reward Derek.

This shows how hateful these southerners are.

Isn’t this looking down on me, Earl Perez of the North?

If you find an opportunity, you must rob these bastards once.

The arrival of Viscount Chavez marked the end of the first day.

Except for the nobles under Duke Leopold, it took time for nobles from other places to arrive.

But then, Swan Castle became the most lively place this year.

An endless stream of noble representatives rushed to the Swan Castle to send blessings to the heir to the Duke of Northland, the little Duke, who was born to be noble.

When the messenger from King Arthur arrived, this atmosphere was pushed to its peak.

Perhaps Prince Radek made some noise in the south, and the new king, who was sorting out the king's power, already felt tremendous pressure.

He had to make more compromises and even make overtures to those who threatened his throne.

This young duke, whose name has not even been determined, received the title of court earl.

This is a treatment that ordinary princes do not have. Although it is not very valuable, it is still more than 99.99% of the people in this world.

It can be said that as soon as he was born, he stood at the end point that most people cannot reach.

In front of many nobles, the king's envoy read out the king's decree with a smile.

"Thanks to Duke von Ferreira Derek Augusta Leopold for his great contribution to the kingdom, which has gone down in history in regaining the old territory of the kingdom, stabilizing the situation in the royal capital during the palace coup, and leading The nobles of the North guarded the frontier.

The title of earl of the royal court is given to the direct descendant, and the king's blessing is given, hoping that Leopold's surname will continue with the Kingdom of Locke.


The kingdom's special envoy Balabala made a big recommendation, not sparing any gorgeous words, and repeated Derek's achievements countless times.

Of course, it is inevitable to add some provocative words.

However, the three giants of Northland were on the spot, and they all smiled and said nothing.

Avoiding the sight of the kingdom's special envoy, young Count Jefferys even laughed and whispered to Count Perez: "This man's methods are far different from his father's. That's not how balance works."

Playing balance also requires strength.

When Louis II played this trick, the three giants in the Northland had to cooperate and make some noise.

King Arthur I acted like this, and the three giants all regarded it as a joke.

Because whether the other party is angry or not, it doesn't affect Beidi at all.

Perhaps when he truly grasps the power of the king, everyone will cooperate with his acting.

Now, not even close.

The king's envoy glanced around, and everyone smiled back at him.

On the surface, no one seemed dissatisfied.

This made him sigh slightly. Although he didn't have any hope, it was too bland.

"Alas! Where is the courage of the nobles of the North?"

According to Count Perez's temper, shouldn't he get angry?

What is Count Jefferys doing? I am happy to have a great-grandson. Why are you smiling so brightly?

Derek didn't give him any more chances and directly took over the blank canonization document, scepter and seal.

"Thank you King for this gift."

"Duke, after the little Duke is baptized, his name can be filed with the Senate of Nobles." The envoy smiled flatteringly.

How anxious was King Arthur to send the canonization documents in advance?

As everyone knows, doing so will only expose his weakness.

And if you try to win over someone to the end, and if you provoke them with words, others won't remember you.

Derek couldn't help but lament that the new king's methods were far different from Louis II's.

However, this is a good thing, isn't it?

It is better to match a novice opponent than a king opponent.

He hopes that King Arthur will continue to maintain this level and strive to defeat the royal family in three to five years.

The kingdom's envoy has just sent the king's blessing.

Archbishop John Hadley also put aside his duties and came over to baptize the young Duke.

The team from Melgen Abbey came with him, and Knight Burdett took the opportunity to come with him as a guard.

After experiencing a bloody battle with the barbarians, the leader of the Monastery Knights finally transformed.

And his eyes were even more fanatical.

Glancing at the little Duke from a distance, Burdette's eyes were shining.

Derek ignored him and communicated with Bishop John alone.

"Your Excellency, Saint, thank God for the gift of allowing the sacred blood to multiply in the world. Tomorrow I will baptize the little Duke. Do you have any instructions?" (The custom of the Rock Kingdom, the baptism of newborns, is different from reality.)

"I wish that was his name."

Derek handed over a piece of paper. This was a vague rule. Priests gave sacred names through baptism. In fact, many of them were communicated in advance.

Archbishop John opened it and saw that it was a very lonely word that even had no meaning when pronounced alone.

He was puzzled, and then suddenly realized.

Sacred blood naturally has a sacred meaning, and it is normal for mortals not to be able to understand it for a while.

"As you wish."

Archbishop John looked serious, he took this matter very seriously.

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