Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 187: Great Victory in the Naval Battle

The one-eyed man saw the black smoke first, and then heard the rumbling sound two or three seconds later, and finally saw some black things flying over.


The sea water around the pirate ship was blown apart by the explosion, and the waves directly washed the deck.

The one-eyed man was soaked, but compared to the ship that was hit next to him, they were very lucky.

It was a cold day, and the sea water was poured in, and it was cold to the bone.

But what was even colder was the cold heart.

The one-eyed man had good eyesight, and he clearly saw that there was a hole in the hit ship, and several unlucky guys were lying on the ground motionless.

Even with the flames, the ship was in chaos. Some people were eager to put out the fire, some people were lying on the ground begging God for forgiveness, and more were running around like headless flies.

But this was not the end. A minute or two later, he saw black smoke rising again.

Although it was not clear what weapon attacked them, the danger was obvious.

The one-eyed man wanted to retreat. This kind of battle where you can't fight others but only get beaten is definitely not a good one.

Captain Jones just reacted. The past minute was completely incomprehensible to him.

He couldn't even understand what happened.

He heard a rumbling thunder, and then the ship next to him caught fire.

Not only him, most pirates didn't realize the danger, and some even lay on the side of the ship to watch the excitement.

Pointing and talking at their companions' misfortune, perhaps they thought that lightning hit this unlucky guy.

"The guy who deserves to be hanged," Captain Jones was still cursing in the last second, and the next second he saw the cannonball hit the burning ship fiercely, and instantly changed his words: "Oh~~~~ What? God's punishment?"

He had never seen a cannon and couldn't understand the existence of a cannon.

But it was certain that this was a weapon of the northerners.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it."

Captain Jones didn't care about secretly discussing the matter of shooting an arrow in the back of the first mate, he reacted quickly.

"Go ahead, full sail, kill the northerners."

No matter what this weapon is, the only way is to engage in a boarding battle and defeat the opponent with the advantage of numbers.

Otherwise, this time the ship might really capsize.

He even stepped forward in person, drew out his scimitar, and pointed at the crossbowman: "Get ready, shoot those northerners immediately when they get close."

The helmsman desperately adjusted the direction, and the sailor pulled the sails full.

But what made people desperate was that after the three-masted sailboat on the opposite side fired several volleys, it turned around and ran away.

The speed of the three-masted sailboat was obviously faster. During the run, the cannons behind the ship were still firing sporadically, exerting pressure.

After pulling away, the three-masted sailboat crossed again, and the cannons fired.

There is not much technical content, just relying on the range of the cannons and the speed of the ship to crush.

The simple way is always the most deadly.

The pirates could only watch one sailboat after another being sunk.

The brave and bloodthirsty pirate swordsmen had no chance to engage in battle at all. They were either hit by the cannons or sank into the sea with the ship.

A brave man, but he has no power to use it.

Captain Jones felt cold all over. In this situation, he could not go to the New World to enjoy his retirement life, and it was the same whether he could escape.

When the opponent has a longer range, greater power, and faster speed, how can you let others fight?

After several rounds of back and forth, he finally accepted his fate.

"Hang the white flag and surrender."

Since he can't beat them and can't escape, then surrender.

Of course, before that, he personally turned the crossbow around and aimed it at the first mate.


The poor first mate didn't expect the danger to come from behind. He was not killed by the artillery of the northerners, but died in the hands of his own people.

Captain Jones let go of his hand calmly, watching his men lower the black flag in disgrace and replace it with a white cloth that he didn't know where he got from.

In the distance, the captain who commanded this battle put down the telescope and said with a smile: "These pirates are really interesting. They wanted to slaughter us with black flags, but now they want to surrender. Have they really never encountered the Knights of the North?"

The captain is also a Knight of the North and an orthodox supporter of Duke Leopold.

I haven't learned anything else in the past few years, but revenge is a must-have skill.

Who doesn't know about the Holy Cross, the Barbarians and even the Rockers who have been beaten in turn?

That is, these guys on the sea don't know the four words "Knights of the North".

The captain from the North ordered the first mate very coldly: "Let the gunners execute these guys quickly. We, the Leopold family, don't care about a few broken ships."

"Understood," the first mate put down the work in his hands, walked around the ship deliberately, and loudly injected soul into the ship: "Everyone work harder, this is the first voice of the Leopold family on the sea, let these pirates know what Leopold is."

Blood casts the crown, and corpses pile up on the throne.

Leopold doesn't need you to like him, as long as you respect him.

Bow your head and kneel down.

The ocean is no different from the grassland. Knights can drive war horses and warships.

There are even guys who were born as soldiers in the North. I don't know where to pull out a black pirate flag and hang it up directly.

On the sea, the black skull flag represents bloodbath.

It's just that the pirates used to threaten merchant ships, but now it's the other way around.

The pirates are not blind, they also saw this scene.

Captain Jones was in even greater trouble. He thought his surrender would be accepted. After all, these ships and these people were valuable assets.

Even he himself was an experienced sea robber who could bring a steady stream of benefits to the other party.

So, Northlanders, are you stupid?

He couldn't understand, but he had to face the reality.

When the Northlanders' warships executed the pirate ships that dared to offend the Leopold family one by one, the pirates finally collapsed.

They wanted to escape, but they were stuck tightly.

In the end, they sank into the water one by one.

Five warships came over, and the pirates soaked in the water shouted for help.

Then what awaited them was one point kill after another.

Cleaning up the battlefield and executing the enemy, this is a basic skill.


What morality is there to talk to the barbarians?

Only the mouth cannons sitting in the rear dared to stand on the moral high ground to condemn this behavior.

Ask the pirates soaked in the water, are there any who dare to condemn?

Justice has always been pale and powerless.

Might is the real justice.

The warships rolled back and forth on the sea, and when they saw no obvious survivors, they quickly returned to the fleet.

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