Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 193 Brother, I'll tie the reins for you (4)

As soon as Rogers saw the target, he ordered the gunner to turn the muzzle without caring about the follow-up.

"Rapidly fire ten rounds.

Cover the battlefield."

The meaning of the existence of artillery is to win the war.

Everything must serve the war.

Ten rapid shots are enough to cover a local battlefield in a short time.

The rumbling explosion accompanied by the flying of limbs instantly cleared an area.

The soldiers behind looked at the place hit by the artillery in fear, and the bloody bodies of their comrades were lying horizontally.

There were a few unlucky guys who were injured by fragments and were not dead yet, groaning and wailing.

This kind of scene, no matter how brave and tough the nerves are, they are afraid.

In addition, the area covered by artillery fire actually divided the battlefield into two parts for a while.

The royal private army, which was already at a disadvantage, could not bear it.

The elite of the Leopold family are not just eating dry food, and they directly broke through the blockade when they saw the opportunity.

"Kill, kill, kill!!!"

This time no one organized a counterattack.

Without the supreme commander, the scene was in chaos.

The front and back lost contact, and the left and right could not take care of each other.

After a while, the great rout really came.

Simon was very excited. If it weren't for the personal soldiers pulling him, he would have joined the pursuit.

"Quick, quick, disperse these rout soldiers, there is still time to attack the next camp today."

The task he received was to destroy a camp and then pose a threatening posture.

However, it would be a good thing to be able to defeat one more legion.

After seeing the power of artillery, he has some confidence in this.

It must be said that the god of the battlefield is not a joke.

The most urgent task is to make sure whether the artillery can still hold up.

Facing Rogers again, Simon's smile became even brighter.

"Brother Rogers, I'm going to attack another castle. Is there any problem with you?"

Rogers glanced at his artillery team. Everyone was still excited to try their skills today.

The feeling of this actual combat artillery attack is different.

And the barrel has cooled down. Before reaching the service life, just build it.

There were still enough shells, but the weather was bad. The snow melted and the ground was muddy. They had had enough when they came.

Rogers took the opportunity to say, "Brothers, there will be no problem. It's just that the transfer of artillery and ammunition is a bit troublesome. The road is too difficult to walk."

"Isn't it just a matter of using a few more horses? If one can't pull it, use three. I have spare war horses." Simon patted his chest and agreed.

Rogers hesitated: "Will it be a bit bad? After all, it's a war horse."

Their artillery team used ordinary quality war horses, and Simon had at least good-level war horses. The difference was a bit big.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Being able to pull artillery can also be regarded as contributing to the war. It can be regarded as making the best use of it." Simon said.

As a pragmatist, of course, he would do it in a practical way.

In order to show his attitude, he even personally pulled his spare excellent-level war horse and tied the reins to the frame.

"Brother Rogers, you can use it. If you have any difficulties in the future, just come to me."

Rogers was a little dazed. This person's attitude didn't seem to be like this before? Did he remember it wrong?

There is nothing that can't be solved by doubling. If it doesn't work, double it.

When each artillery has three war horses as a tow, the speed will increase immediately, and it will be easy to keep up with the army.

The muddy road doesn't seem so difficult to walk.

Simon was full of smiles, and even rode a war horse around the artillery team several times, very enthusiastic.

"General, didn't you say that the war horse is your brother? Why do you use these iron lumps as draft horses?" The guard couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Brother? Isn't brother useful at this time?" Simon didn't care at all, so he had to ask the artillery team to be more powerful. He had no problem pulling the artillery himself.

The army advanced rapidly and reached the next camp in half a day.

At this time, the news had already spread, and there were soldiers holding on everywhere.

Simon used the same trick again and started the artillery roar.


Derek also appeared on the battlefield in person, but he was a step behind and hung far behind.

When the messenger sent back the news from the front line, he couldn't help laughing: "Simon has come to his senses, and he uses the artillery properly.

But the progress is a little fast, tell him not to advance, and rest on the spot."

The artillery test unit was handed over to Simon for trial use.

Derek knew that artillery would be the god of the battlefield, but he had no idea what level of artillery he had made and what effect it would have on the battlefield.

Everything must be practiced to gain true knowledge, so it is inevitable to test it.

Now it seems that the effect is very good.

Simon is a tiger, and now he has wings.

But it is not good to attack too quickly, what if the prey is scared away?

Derek ordered the troops to stay on the spot, and the attendants quickly brought a large table, and a group of staff officers got busy and created a sand table.

Nearby towns, barracks and troops were all marked.

As the messenger kept going back and forth, flags representing the Leopold family were planted on the sand table one after another.

If the generals of the Holy Cross Kingdom saw this at this time, they would definitely understand what Derek was planning.

However, being in the game, the information that could be obtained was fragmentary, and it was impossible to see Derek's layout from a God's perspective.

But on the sand table, it is very intuitive.

Another intelligence officer hurried over and whispered a few words to the staff officer, and then the staff officer shouted excitedly: "Your Excellency the Duke, someone can't help but move."

On the sand table, the white flag representing the Holy Cross Kingdom was moved.

"See which army is nearby and send them to deal with this enemy."

Following the command of the staff officer, the herald rushed out quickly.

This is like a beginning, one herald after another brought new news.

At this time, the reaction of the Holy Cross Kingdom was not intense, and most people were watching.

So the small army that was interspersed in the territory of the Holy Cross Kingdom came in handy, and directly mobilized the nearby small army to join and attack the first bird.

With the support of intelligence, it is very easy to fight with more people and snipe and encircle.

The army of the Holy Cross Kingdom hurried over and soon found that they had the bad luck to run into the trap of Rockman.

An army organized by a local baron, with only four or five hundred people, and the long-term war on the border made his army look well-organized.

Because he was close to the royal private army, the baron named Shane reacted very quickly.

"Hurry, hurry, we have to quickly join General Michel and drive the Mega Man out."

Baron Shane was a die-hard royalist and certainly didn't want to see Mega Man showing off his power.

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