At that time, Farid's family had not received the news yet.

His luck was not very good. If he had waited one more day, he might have found the problem.

Rogge was just cautious. The probability of Farid having problems was very low.

King Arthur gave him status and honor. Rogge believed that Farid would not defect.

It was very difficult to be a traitor. Who would do it without great benefits?

If he really arrived in the Northern Principality, would the duke trust him so much? Would he have the status he has now?

Rogge was a pure soldier. He didn't think Farid would have any problems.

So as soon as he arrived in Monta Province, he sent someone to find Farid and asked him to meet.

Farid had been in Monta Province for seven or eight years. He was considered a local snake. The war was coming. He had no time to slowly explore the local situation and urgently needed Farid's help.

When Farid received the news, he was shocked.

The Royal Guards came too fast. It took only two-thirds of the agreed fifteen days to arrive.

Facing Rogge's summons, he dared not refuse. After all, the king's order was very clear. The other party was the commander-in-chief and he was only the deputy.

Rushing to the camp of the Guards Corps, Farid instinctively began to observe the camp layout.

With his status, he was not afraid of others' random thoughts.

The Guards Corps lived up to its name and was indeed well-trained.

And the royal family was not stupid. These troops had seen blood in turn, and their strength was not bad at all.

The only regret may be that they had not experienced a real war, so they could only be regarded as elite, not a real strong army.

Farid secretly evaluated that such an army would require several times more people to defeat it.

"The royal family's foundation is not bad."

Farid remembered what he saw in his heart, and then met with the commander of the Rogge Corps.

The two had never dealt with each other before, but they knew each other.

The Guards Corps had a special status and rarely communicated with such powerful nobles.

"Captain Farid, I won't waste any more time. Duke Leopold's army is at the door. We don't have much time left." Rogge went straight to the point: "I've read the recent battle reports. Duke Leopold's men acted too accurately and directly attacked a group of nobles who supported us. We need to curb this behavior."

Farid was shocked. Is he doubting himself or testing?

Of course he knew the reason why the army of the Northern Principality attacked accurately. The intelligence was provided by himself. How could it be inaccurate?

But facing Rogge, he couldn't admit it.

"There must be traitors among the local nobles and even the army." Farid said firmly, but secretly thought that the biggest traitor was me.

"Duke Leopold has a very close relationship with the Mergen Monastery, and the caravans from the North have been traveling between the Monta Province for many years, and many nobles have connections with them.

Although I and some officers have tried hard to prevent and control the military, we cannot rule out the possibility that some people have sided with the other side.

This is my dereliction of duty. I have been secretly investigating and even arrested several suspects.

The biggest problem at the moment is the lack of manpower, and all the defense lines have many loopholes.

After you come, you can share part of the defense and greatly reduce the rampant behavior of the other side."

Farid did not hide or conceal, and simply pointed out the possible problems.

Rogge did not expect that the other party had already started to act in advance.

However, the Monta Province does have a lot of connections with the North, and it is difficult to completely eliminate this situation.

"Captain Farid, this is not your fault. You have done a good job. Keep fighting the traitors. I will introduce your contribution in detail in the written statement to His Majesty." Rogge had a good impression of Farid. He was a general who dared to do things and could do things. No wonder Monta Province could maintain a stable defense line. It was indeed possible with Farid.

"The traitor is actually a small matter. With our arrival, it can greatly relieve your pressure.

The top priority now is to deal with Duke Leopold's attack. First, defend Monta Province, and then wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

Captain Farid, we need to discuss it carefully."


Half a day later, Farid left the Guards' barracks with the latest defense map.

Captain Rogge was impatient. He quickly arranged a new defense line, expanding it while resisting the pressure from the north.

To be honest, there was no problem with his response. With Farid filling in the gaps, the defense line did not have too many loopholes.

But what he didn't expect was that before his army had time to hand over the defense line, the one-to-one copy of the defense map was delivered to Simon.

"The Guards Corps is definitely more than 30,000 people."

After reading the defense map, Simon knew that the number of the Guards Corps was more than he thought.

It seems that King Arthur has not been idle in the past two years and has been secretly expanding his army.

At present, the three southern countries are in chaos, with barbarians stirring up trouble in front and royal civil strife in the back. It is wise for King Arthur to prepare in advance.

It is difficult for the outside world to know the intelligence about the Guards Corps.

Simon studied it several times and determined that the number of the Guards Corps is about 40,000 to 45,000.

This is not a bunch of militia, but a regular army that has been strictly trained.

This Logue Corps Commander must have thought of playing a trick on him and secretly hiding a hand.

It's a pity that he didn't know that Farid turned around and sold him out.

"Tell General Farid that I want to create an opportunity."

Soon, Farid knew Simon's idea, and of course he had no objection.

The Guards Corps is being dispatched.

Of course, it is impossible for tens of thousands of troops to be crowded together. This is not a decisive battle. It is more dangerous to be crowded together and it will not work.

Rogge occupied the important nodes of the first line according to the model of the thousand-man team.

Now several military camps are set up in the second line to support the first line at any time.

Moreover, there are overlapping defense zones between the thousand-man teams, which can not only cooperate with each other, but also quickly assemble.

Whether it is to deal with the opponent's attack or seize the opportunity to counterattack, they can react.

At the same time, Simon met with Burdette.

The Northland Knights play an important deterrent role on the front line of the Holy Cross Kingdom.

On the Yanle Mountain front, the heavy infantry is ready to fight, and the morale of the barbarian army is high, and they are not afraid of sudden attacks from the barbarian kingdom.

Facing the Locke Kingdom, Simon can only mobilize limited troops, and the tactical army is only the Monastery Knights.

Fortunately, after the last fierce battle, the Monastery Knights recovered quickly.

A large number of reserve knights joined the army, and a group of officers who have experienced bloody battles served as the backbone. With the blessing of the data panel, the Monastery Knights are stronger than before.

Most importantly, the long-distance training conducted in batches allowed every monastery knight to meet the Duke in person.

With the blessing of the holy relics, the morale of the monastery knights was high.

Burdette came this time to help Simon, and he had no complaints.

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