Derrick finished speaking and left with a smile.

He stayed for a few more days just to see Lawrence.

After drifting on the sea for a long time, it is inevitable that some complaints will arise.

Preventing problems from happening in the first place will prevent unbearable things from happening in the future.

He was not afraid that Lawrence would go back to retaliate against the leaker, that would be courting death.

You killed the spy planted by the leader in a flash, what do you want to do?

And are you sure there is only one spy?

There are so many eyes watching, openly and secretly.

Only with awe can you live longer.

Lawrence was indeed scared, and cold sweat flowed down.

Few people knew about this matter, and they were all his confidants.

But now it seems that everyone is loyal to the Duke first, and then to themselves.

When you are in a high position, it is easy to lose yourself, forget the position bonus under your buttocks, and regard it as your own ability.

Just like Derek thought, he would never dare to investigate this matter.

In the future, do things honestly and have a clear conscience.

Being able to serve as a fleet commander means that you have a promising future. Why take risks?

Derrick rode lightly and soon arrived at the province of Monta.

His first stop was not anywhere else, but the Mergen Monastery.

When he came again, his identity was completely different.

He was able to control the Mergen Monastery before, let alone now?

Dean Massimo and the others greeted him directly ten miles down the mountain, and were extremely humble.

It turns out that the charm of God is not as threatening as the sword.

God's scepter is not as good as the Duke's cane.

"Dean Massimo, Dean Rosanara, thank you for your efforts. I will remember your contributions to the capture of the province of Monta this time." Derek dismounted to express his gratitude.

In the past, this was a matter of course.

Now, just a simple action moved Massimo and the others so much.

"These are what we should do. You are the incarnation of God on earth and the saint of the mortal world. It is our honor to be able to contribute a little bit of our strength to your great cause."

Derrick only believed 10% of the words.

Dean Massimo worked so hard, the proportion of faith was too low.

But there was no need to expose it, as long as the result was good.

"God is God, I am me, and I remember your contribution." Derek said as he walked: "I think the young people you recommended last time are all good, and they can be entrusted with important tasks."

Just mentioning this made the two deans happy.

After all, this is their son... nephew, and they are happy to see that the younger generation has a promising future.

Dean Massimo took the reins from the servant very servilely, and smiled flatteringly to cater: "Duke, your vision is as good as always. I think more young people will be willing to work for you. I will increase my efforts immediately to lobby those young nobles."

With the reward, Dean Massimo is full of motivation.

Derek temporarily settled in the Mergen Monastery. The location here is very close to the front line, and there is close protection from the monastery knights, which is very suitable.

Simon has been busy reorganizing the army of the Monta Province recently, and a large number of anti-troops have been disrupted.

There were quite a few surrendered soldiers. The stubborn diehards were taken to mine, but the others could be slowly reformed.

Fortunately, King Arthur did not expect that the province of Monta would be lost so easily, and even the Guards Corps was defeated.

So he still had time.

Hearing that the Duke had arrived, he immediately arranged the things on hand and rushed to the monastery.

Derek was exercising and had just warmed up.


Simon had not yet stood firm when he saw a training sword flying over.

"Come just in time, practice with me."

Derek said nothing and beat him up first.

Simon was not flattering or letting him go, that was really a real defeat.

After being beaten, he felt comfortable all over.

With a large army in hand, it is difficult to be as relaxed as before.

There are too many things to take into account. Simon really wants to say something pretentious, I really miss the days when I had no money.

But his embarrassed look made the twin nuns serving next to him laugh softly.

But Simon didn't dare to look around. The last time the Duke came to the monastery, he was still the personal guard.

Derek sat down, poured a glass of water for Simon and handed it to him.

"How is it? It feels good to be on your own, right?"

"Hey!" Simon smiled bitterly: "Don't laugh at me, the pressure is really great. I feel like walking on thin ice every day, afraid of losing the battle and being ambushed."

If you don't experience it yourself, you can't imagine the feeling of God's gathering in this position.

But if you ask him to give up, he won't be willing to do it.

A man is born to do something. If he retreats when the opportunity comes, won't he be laughed at?

And the first battle after being on his own proved that he is not a fool, so he naturally wants to prove himself more.

"Knowing how to be afraid means that you are not confused. The day you are fearless, you will not be far from losing the battle." Derek reminded.

Simon was thoughtful. He felt that His Excellency the Duke was the kind of saint who was born with knowledge. Every time he said something, it made sense.

The two chatted for a long time. Derek came to Monta Province on purpose, not to take back the power from Simon.

The business was getting bigger and bigger, and he couldn't take care of it alone. He needed more people to take responsibility.

It's just that Monta Province is very special, and Melgen Abbey cannot be ignored. After all, it is his die-hard supporter, so he has to come even if it's just for show.

In addition, he wants to see how Simon is doing up close. If he loses his mind, he needs to take over personally.

In addition, he also needs to meet some local nobles to stabilize people's hearts.

Of course, Simon also recommended some people to Derek.

Derek began a long reception, including surrenderers like Farid, local powerful nobles, and some wavering people who were forced to surrender.

Monta Province is not like other provinces, and many things must be done in person.

In addition, the collaborators caught by Farid before were all sent to the gallows.

In fact, these nobles are the die-hards of the royal family.

Farid imprisoned them not for King Arthur's trial, but for Duke Leopold's trial.

During this period, some people came to plead for mercy, but they were all rejected by Derek.

This trip to Monta Province, we must show both kindness and ruthlessness, otherwise we will be seen through, and more people will take chances in the future.

Rogge, who was imprisoned, also knew what happened to the nobles who were arrested before. He regretted that he did not send someone to investigate, otherwise Farid's conspiracy would have been discovered.

Now that these loyal people of the royal family were executed, he felt even more desolate.

Until the jailer came in.

"Rogge, come out."

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