"I'm not dead yet."

Earl Connoll emphasized again, but this time his voice was a little helpless.

Why does a tiger father give birth to a bunch of dogs?

Collison still stared wide-eyed, not understanding what his old father meant.

"What do you think Duke Leopold will do to me now that I have rebelled?" Earl Connoll reminded.

What a stupid son. He is a little baron, but he still relied on his own reputation. Why do you think Bahrain can ignore his father?

If he really betrayed him, he would still be the earl.

What you can inherit is much stronger than any baron.

Collison is not too stupid after all, but Earl Connoll is too demanding. Compared with ordinary people, he is also an elite.

"I understand, then when will we surrender to Duke Leopold?"

He couldn't help but imagine that when he surrendered to the Northern Principality, Bahrain's expression would be very interesting, right?

When he realizes that the things he is proud of are not worth mentioning to him, this disobedient brother should know how to respect his brother.

Earl Connoll could guess what his stupid son was thinking just by looking at his expression.

"Idiot, do you think this is playing house? Making such a simple decision will only lead to a miserable death.

And...Bahrain came back to lobby us. Do you want to see him become a viscount? "

Collison's smile disappeared instantly. This was indeed a fact. If Balin made great achievements, wouldn't he be promoted to a knighthood again?

After all, the earl is his father. If Balin becomes a viscount, how can he suppress him?

Thinking of this, Collison was very troubled.

He wanted to overpower his younger brother, but he also didn't want to take advantage of him.

Earl Connoll's forehead was throbbing with veins. He was worried that after his death, these stupid sons would be able to keep the family business.

"Colison, remember my words. From now on, you will serve Duke Leopold honestly and don't think about other messy things."

"Huh??? Don't you want to surrender to him?"

Collison almost had a question mark on his forehead.

Earl Conor waved his hand feebly and said: "Go out to pick up your brother and be more enthusiastic. I don't want to hear some bad rumors."

Collison knew that he must have made a mistake. He didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore and got up and went out.

As for his old father's orders, he did not dare to disobey them.

It's okay to show off your temper behind closed doors. Do you really think that the old guy won't get angry just because he's the eldest son?

You have to know that he has several younger brothers, but they are not fuel-efficient lamps. He does not want to give his younger brothers a chance.

No matter how reluctant he was, Collison would change his clothes and wait for Bahrain at the gate of the castle.

During this period, vassals from the Connoll family arrived one after another.

The young master of Bahrain is back, is this nothing?

What matters is the identity of the other person.

Even though the two countries are still at war, the Northern Principality is full of momentum and Duke Leopold is famous.

Putting aside whether you can accept it emotionally, the fact is that the other party's army can arrive at your doorstep at any time.

Even those who are loyal supporters of King Bruno must consider practical issues.

As the saying goes, the king is too far and the duke is too close.

His Majesty's sword is sharp, but the Duke's horse's hoof hits his spine even more painfully.

People are all realistic and cannot help but take a look at the situation.

This scene made Collison feel even more disgusted.

His future vassals all ran over to greet his younger brother, thinking that the heir to the Conor family was about to change?

The cautious Sir Collison has written everything down in his notebook for these guys.

Knight Kane is riding on a tall horse, looking serious and majestic.

Looking from a distance, the pennant was fluttering behind him, and the knight was majestic and majestic. He was such a powerful knight.

In the past, Collison would have admired this kind of knight very much.

But today, when he thought of Knight Kane paving the way for his younger brother, he felt very sick.

"Why Kane? Could it be that the two of them are related?"

The more Collison thought about it, the more something was wrong, and he wrote Kane down in the first line of his notebook.

The magnanimity of nobles is not much greater than that of ordinary people.

But when he saw Bahrain, Collison still had a false smile on his face, making it impossible to see any problem.

Needless to say, Earl Connoll's education is still useful, and the skills of these nobles are all at the proficiency level.

But compared to Bahrain's smile, it's always a little less sincere.

Balin got out of the carriage with a full body, and the few accompanying knights borrowed by His Excellency the Duke went there and immediately became the focus.

He held his head high confidently and walked to his brother with a standard step that he had specially practiced.

"Brother, I'm back."

"Welcome home, my dear...brother."

Brothers and sisters, they hugged each other tightly and patted each other hard on the back.

"Ahem," Balin couldn't help coughing twice, and quickly said in the ear of his eldest brother Collison: "I'm not coming back to make money with you this time, don't worry."

Collison's eyes widened and he wanted to say something, but Balin had already pulled away.

"The heavy knight's armor from Augusta, I specially asked the master craftsman to order it as a top-notch product, and give it to you... my dearest brother."

Bahrain has already given out gifts, which are truly rare goods, hard currency, and valuable goods.

Regardless of the fact that Augusta's weapons, armors and even handmade products are very famous and spread all over the world.

But those are just ordinary goods. You can’t buy this kind of exquisite goods even if you have money.

If it weren’t for his position, Balin wouldn’t be able to get this kind of good goods.

Even giving it away, he felt very painful.

Not only did Collison feel pain, but he also felt pain in his heart.

“This should all be mine!!!”

In front of everyone, he tried to maintain a smile.

Listening to the admiration of the people around him, he felt a wave of heartache.

“Come home with me, father is waiting for you.”

Holding hands, they looked like brothers and sisters.

Derrick didn’t know what was happening far away in Earl Connor’s castle.

But he could probably guess that he wanted Balin to go home, which was what he meant.

That’s right, Balin’s ability is average, and he can find a group of people who are better than him among his subordinates. Earl Connor’s evaluation is correct.

But given his identity, he is sensible enough, and he can only rely on himself.

Derek still gave him enough trust and power. It is also important to know how to use people well. There is no absolute waste.

But after the arrangement, he didn’t care much.

Derek was hunting at this time, yes... literally.


Gunshots rang out, and birds fell from the sky.

Derek put away his gun and waited for the knight to bring back the prey.

Little Tru accompanied him and smiled: "Duke, how about this gun?"

"Very good, it's a good thing."

Derek gave a positive evaluation, which was also true.

Wooden stock, breech-loading ammunition, seamless tube, hammer-fired, copper bullets.

The high cost cannot offset the superiority of the gun.

Compared with the previous life, it is also a modern rifle.

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