"Brother, there are opportunities all over the world now. With our new army, can we not make contributions in the future? Wherever you plan to fight, I will go there." Sharif can see it clearly. He will not be hypocritical and refuse to rely on the power of his third brother.

Others can make this contribution, and he can make it too. As long as he is not incompetent, there is nothing to be humble about.

Derek did not have any special thoughts about Sharif's straightforwardness. It is natural to take care of his brother within his ability.

The world is so big that no one can monopolize it. The fate of being a dictator has been demonstrated by others.

"Stay with me for a while, and I will definitely let you go when there is a chance." Derek promised.

"Thank you, brother, I'm full, you continue, I'll go outside for a patrol."

The goal was achieved, and Sharif hurried away. He knew that many people hoped that the Duke would have many children and blessings, so that the future of the principality would be guaranteed.

Derek did not keep him. Sharif's current duty is to be responsible for guarding. It is reasonable to invite him to dinner, but leaving for a long time will have a bad impact.

Tiona waited for Sharif to leave before putting down the tableware.

"Shariff is really interesting, but a little rude, just like you."

She would not reject this rudeness, but the education she received since childhood made her feel unfamiliar.

"The education of small nobles is different from that of big nobles, and the education of men and women is also different. Qin's education cannot be too refined, it is easy to cultivate waste." Derek reminded him implicitly.

The little guy has been spoiled since birth, so he is naturally spoiled.

Reincarnation is a skill, and there are few people in this world with a noble status like him.

However, a good background is not a reason to lie down and be a waste.

"I understand, my brother has also received knight training since he was a child." Tiona herself understands that although she feels distressed, she will never do the behavior of keeping the next generation in captivity.

After the couple finished their meal, they took a leisurely walk for a while, and Derek went to deal with some government affairs alone.

For Sharif's new army, he naturally considered everything.

At any time, seniority is actually very important.

It seems that meritorious service on the battlefield is the only choice for many people at the bottom to enter the transition channel.

But if you study it carefully, you will find that, except in special periods, the people around the leader are the fastest to rise.

It is better to cook well than to kill a general and capture a flag. Reality is so magical.

Putting Sharif by your side is a gilding behavior in itself, and it is a gilding behavior that everyone is convinced of.

The level of the infantry regiment is already the lowest level of permanent independent units. It is really inconspicuous on the battlefield.

After the gilding is completed, whether the infantry regiment is integrated or expanded, Sharif can move up, and this starting point is very high.

Although Sharif is a little smart, he still hasn't seen through this layer.

Some old foxes have definitely smelled the smell.

Tiona also said that she would introduce him to someone, and I'm afraid someone will come to her soon.

So Derek never worried about this.

As the stall grew bigger, Derek became more and more comfortable. The entire Northern Principality was built by himself, and his control was naturally incomparable to those kings.


Since the establishment of the Northern Principality, many simple old nobles of the Locke Kingdom have been very low-key.

A new emperor appoints new ministers. At this time, being high-profile is courting death.

For people like Virut who have already boarded the ship, it is naturally easy to change their families.

Some people who are not deeply involved should also actively send their children to join the principality system to show their attitude and deepen the connection, and tie themselves to the chariot of the Northern Principality.

However, there are exceptions.

For example, Count Perez, even if his granddaughter is a duchess, the whole family must be low-key.

There is no other reason, just because of the huge power of his own family.

Such a big family, any ruler would be worried.

So being high-profile is courting death. The old count can still continue the family, and the relationship with the duchess can also maintain some affection.

But these affections will be consumed sooner or later, and it is not a long-term way for a family.

However, being low-key does not mean doing nothing. It is taboo to get involved in the army, but marriage is not so sensitive.

A series of changes in the principality recently made the old fox smell a different smell.

He couldn't fully understand Derek's series of operations, but the essence of everything is the same.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand the future development of the army, just grasp the core of people.

No matter how the army changes, the people in power will not change.

Obviously, Sharif has shown signs of emerging.

In any way, Sharif is a high-quality potential stock. As long as he doesn't commit suicide and rebel, almost no one can do anything to him.

So the old earl came to see his granddaughter in a carriage, leaning on a cane.

Tiona heard the servant's report and hurried out to greet him, but the old earl seemed to be swaying, but his speed was not slow, and he was already at the door.

Tiona hadn't seen the old earl for a few months, and was shocked when they met again.

"Grandpa, why are you leaning on a cane?"

Tiona hurried forward to support the old earl, but found that the other party had a lot of strength in his hands.

After all, he was from a noble family, so she immediately understood.

"Grandpa, this is not necessary."

The old earl glanced at her and said unhappily: "It's because your father is not good enough. Those bastards don't worry me, but now I have to worry about hard work when I am old."

The level of the old fox is naturally not comparable to that of the little sparrow.

Tiona was helpless when she heard this. Neither her father nor her grandfather could be taught by her.

Since the old earl wanted to act, she could only cooperate.

She personally helped the old earl to sit down, and the maid handed him bitter coffee, which was the old earl's preference.

If it were the Duke, he would ask for three times the price of sugar cubes.

Putting down the crutches, the old earl's hands stopped shaking and his legs were still.

After taking a sip of coffee, he smacked his lips a few times: "The taste is a bit strange, where is it produced?"

"Ganad," Tiona said bluntly without keeping it secret: "Captain Lawrence sent someone to collect it. He knew that I liked these little things and sent them here specially."

The life in this duke's mansion is better than that of the earl's family.

Look, he even drinks coffee from abroad.

The old earl couldn't hold back his anger when he thought of his useless sons, so he said, "Bring me a can later."

"Grandpa likes it, I'll have someone send you some regularly." Tiona said with a smile.

A mere cup of coffee is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Duchess, even if it is something that many people will never drink in their lifetime.

Seeing Tiona like this, the old earl was in a trance, and the girl in the past was indeed gone.

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